PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Yehiel Rosenfeld
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No of theses 33
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Wang Gil 2020 PhD Abstracts Modular Floating Structures (MFS) – Proof of Concept for Offshore Urban Development
Levi Yedidiya 2018 PhD Abstracts Optimization Model for Urban Arrays on Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS)
Rozenfeld Ophir 2008 PhD Abstracts Lean Scheduling for Safety: Development of a Time Dependent Risk Level Model
Kahane Boaz 2005 PhD Abstracts Robot Integrated Construction with Iterative "Sense and Act" Real-Time Processing
Shohet Igal-Meir 1994 PhD An Intelligent System for Mapping and Planning of Building Tasks by the Interior Finishing Robot
Sorkin Anna 2007 MSc Abstracts Floating Modular Array of Olympic Installations and Related Functions
Wiernik Daniel 1992 MSc Abstracts Structural and Morphological Developmet of Geodesic
Shahin Fadi 2018 MSc Abstracts Mitigating Safety and Health Hazards in Construction Flooring Activities
Assis Doron 2018 MSc Abstracts Survey and Analysis of Financing Methods for Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Projects
Hefets Zvi 2018 MSc Abstracts Resilience of Structures Against Earthquake – Quantitative Analysis of Costs and Benefites
Hajaj Roy 2016 MSc Abstracts Economic-Engineering Comparative Analysis of Using Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS) as a Method for Expanding Coastal Cities
Kedem Dor 2014 MSc Abstracts Precursory Identification of Safety Hazared in Industrialized Construction Methods in Concrete
Latner Erez 2012 MSc Abstracts Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Selection of General Contractors for Construction Projects
Waagenaar Asaf 2011 MSc Abstracts Civil Engineering Infrastructure Projects: Tailoring Procurement Methods to Project Characteristics
Maayan Atir 2010 MSc Abstracts Implementation Effect of a Risk Evaluation Model on Construction Site Safety
Iuclea Shabtay 2009 MSc Abstracts Initial Root Causes Analysis of Cost Overruns in Construction
Grisi Alon 2008 MSc Abstracts Comparison of Labor Input in Industrialized versus Conventional Methods for Selected Works in Residential Construction
Khair Hani 2008 MSc Abstracts Development of an Advanced Maneuvering System for Tower Cranes
Arbuzov Andrey 2007 MSc Abstracts Development of a Synergetic Model for Integrated Quality and Safety Management in Construction
Ben Oz Chanan 2004 MSc Abstracts Identification and Analysis of Root Causes for Construction Defects
Jabarin Nizar 2003 MSc Abstracts Estimation of Non-Quality Costs in Construction in Israel
Moiseev Nadejda 2001 MSc An Economic Approach to Evaluate Quality Improvement of Existing Buildings
Levinger Oded 2000 MSc Contractual Arrangements in Public Construction Projects – Early Identification and Prevention of Potential Conflicts
Asta Eyal 2000 MSc Examining the Implementation of Quality Programs Iso-9000 In Israeli Construction Firms
Gilboa Eran 1999 MSc Methodology for Characterizing Deterioration Patterns of Building Components
Finkelstein Amir 1997 MSc Upgrading of Existing Buildings – Techno-Econonic Analysis
Feller Doron 1996 MSc Quality Management in Construction: Initial Lessons.
Cohen Lionella 1992 MSc Technology Improvement as a Method to Smorten Construction
Grinberg Avishay 1992 MSc Comperative Review of Residential Construction Methods
Khazon Shay 1992 MSc Development of a Semi-Automatlcnavigation System for Cranes
Zajicek Uri 1992 MSc Development of Building Application in Robotics Technology
Bercovich Sivan 1989 MSc Automation of Tower Cranes – Technological and Economical
B 1989 MSc Developing a Light Foldable Structure for Quick Sheltering