PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Mark Lloyd Talesnick
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No of theses 25
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Omer Itamar 2024 PhD Abstracts In-Soil Measurement of the Full States of Stress and Strain
Nachum Shay 2022 PhD Abstracts Moisture, Strain, Stress and Strength in a Swelling Clay during and Following Laterally Confined Saturation
Mehr Arilon 2016 PhD Abstracts Pore Water Pressure Generation in Saturated Sand during Earthquakes
Serfaty Daniel 2024 MSc Abstracts Evaluation of the Coefficient of Earth Pressure at-Rest (K0) of Different Sands based on Direct Measurement
Rabin Malka Daya 2022 MSc Abstracts Considering Soil Arching using Continuum Mechanics Approach versus Results of Laboratory Models in Granular Soils
Dolev Noa 2021 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Soil Response to Static and Cylic Loading Using Soil Pressure Sensors and Strain Sensors
Coriat Yosef 2021 MSc Abstracts Estimation of Parameters for Pile Design in Israel on the Basis of Results of Pile Loading Tests
Allaldin Murad 2019 MSc Abstracts Effect of Wall Friction on Earth Pressures and Deformations in Geotechnical Modeling
Matani Shihab 2019 MSc Abstracts The Influence of Density and Moisture Content on the Resilient Modulus of Clayey Subgrdes
Omer Itamar 2019 MSc Abstracts Development of a Methodology for the Use of a Push-In Pressure Cell in Sand, through Investigation of the Penetration Mechanism of a Pile
Nachum Shay 2018 MSc Abstracts The Relationship Between Three Dimensional Stresses and Strains During One Dimensional Loading, Unloading and Swelling of Unsaturated Clay
Dabush Razi 2018 MSc Abstracts Development of a Hybrid Soil Pressure Transducer to Reduce the Effect of Arching
Mazuz Ofer 2016 MSc Abstracts Measurement and analysis of lateral pressure of concrete on vertical formwork using geotechnical tools
Avraham-Katriel Rachel 2014 MSc Abstracts Measurement of Pressures Acting on and around a Driven Model of a Pile in Sand
Tel-Avivi Nissim 2012 MSc Abstracts Evaluation of Parameters for the Reliable Analysis of Rockfall Trajectories
Primo Hadas 2011 MSc Abstracts Use of ANSS as a Stabilizer for Fine Grained Swelling Soils
Bar-Ya'akov Nadav 2008 MSc Abstracts Pressure Distribution on a Buried Structure under Static Pressure at Ground Level
Horany Hanna 2006 MSc Abstracts An Experimental Study to Predict Static Contact Pressure on a Buried Structure under Static Loads at the Ground Surface
Shehadeh Sharbel 2005 MSc Abstracts Determination of Mechanical Parameters of an Anisotropic Chalk as a Function of Degree of Saturation
Khoury Aammar 2005 MSc Abstracts Computation of Sheet Pile Walls Based on the Subgrade Reaction Method
Nawatha Hana 2004 MSc Abstracts A Study of the Behavior and Strength of Undisturbed Sand Samples in Drained Triaxial Tests
Schwartz Keren 2002 MSc Abstracts The Behaviour of Undisturbed, Saturated Sand during Undrained Shear
Abelev Andrey 1997 MSc The Stress-Strain-Strength Behaviour of Clayey Sand Under General Loading Conditions
Brafman Marcelo 1996 MSc Determination of Elastic Parameters of Transversely Isotropic Rocks
Shvartsman Asia 1995 MSc Residual Strength of Cohesive Soils in Israel