PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 25
Department Computer Science
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Talyansky Roman 2015 PhD Abstracts Sample Complexity of Training Markov Chains
Hollander Yona 1996 PhD Search Algorithms for Cache Memory
Dagan Ido 1993 PhD Multilingual Comparison: Automatic Resolution of Ambiguitie
Shachnai Hadas 1991 PhD Keeping Linear Self Organizing Lists Under Counter Schemes
Benedek Gyuri 1989 PhD Learnability of Concept Classes by Sampling
Chrizman Cherkassky Nitsan 2016 MSc Abstracts How to Construct Multilingual Domain Ontologies
Jacobs Kayla 2014 MSc Abstracts Hebrew Acronym: Identification; Expansion and Disambiguation
Gretz Avishai 2013 MSc Abstracts Syntactic Annotation of Hebrew CHILDES Corpora
Fadida Hanna 2013 MSc Abstracts Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames for Hebrew
Hurwitz Daniel 2012 MSc Morphological and Lexical Decomposition as a Basis for Identifying Multiword Expressions
Kerem Nir 2010 MSc Abstracts Effects of Typicality on the Interpretation of Reciprocal Expressions
Itamar Einav 2008 MSc Abstracts Using Movie Subtitles for Creating Statistical Alignment Models
Mansour Saeb 2008 MSc Abstracts Combining Character and Morpheme Based Models for Part-of- Speech Tagging of Semitic Languages
Slavkin Michael 2005 MSc Abstracts Detecting Data Structures from Traces
Katriel Irit 2002 MSc Implicit Data Structures based on Local Reorganizations
Gorovoy Alexander 2001 MSc Applying Data Compression Algorithms to Software Engineering
Segal Erel 2000 MSc Hebrew Morphological Analyzer for Hebrew Undotted Texts
Levinson Dmitry 2000 MSc Corpus-Based Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation
Farizon Boris 1996 MSc Dynamic Data Management in Parallel Ray Tracing
Efrat Alon 1993 MSc Dynamically Maintainhg the Ceter of a
Sharon Miriam 1991 MSc Learning Automata
Hurvitz Oren 1989 MSc Janus Automata as a Model for the Intelligent Scan Problem
Hausman Ehud 1989 MSc Erd Raseb Natural Qvery Langvage
Lavie Alon 1989 MSc Two Level Morphology for Hebrew
Wortman Joshua Chaim 2010 MSc Abstracts Film Classification Using Subtitles and Automatically Generated Language Factors