PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 35
Department Education in Science and Technology
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Trotskovsky Elena 2013 PhD Abstracts Engineering Thinking: Disciplinary Insights and Pedagogical Applications
Koral-Kordova Sigal 2010 PhD Abstracts The T Shape Dilemma (Depth against Width) in Education of Industrial Engineering and Management and its Reflection in the Students Team Project
Mari'e Roayat 2010 PhD Abstracts Pedagogical Factors as Bridging Means between Theory and Practice in Teaching Science and Technology Subjects
Merdler Moti 2006 PhD Abstracts Characteristics of Creativity and System Thinking in Practical Engineering Students' Final Project Work
Maor Sarah 2005 PhD Abstracts Mathematical Aspects in Architectural Design in Training Practical Engineers
Azriel Chalom 2003 PhD Abstracts Teacher Training for Science and Technology: The Issue of Balancing in Integrating between the Disciplines
Doppelt Yaron 2003 PhD Abstracts Characteristics of Science-Technology Learning Environment: Teachers' and Pupils' Perceptions
Sabag Nissim 2002 PhD Abstracts Characteristics of Projects Based Learning in Electronics
Frank Mordechai 1999 PhD Engineering Systems Thinking – Characteristics and Learning Processes
Kollan Michal 1999 PhD Occupational Aspects of Curriculum Design for High-Tech Manpower
Levin Isaac 1995 PhD Instruction Profile of Teachers in Electricity and Electronics Technicians Programs and Its Fitness to Profiles Anchored in Traditions of Teachers Education
Halamish Yair 1992 PhD Electronics Teaching
Eliahou Matsiiah 1988 PhD Learning Characteristics in Electronics at the Selondary
Arba David 2012 MSc Abstracts Values and Ethical Considerations among High School Students: Comparison between Students Majoring in Technological and Scientific Subjects and Students Majoring in…
Trotskovsky Elena 2009 MSc Abstracts Engineering Thinking according to Experts and Students: Theory, Implementation and Pedagogy
Mara'e Haj Nareman 2008 MSc Abstracts Learning Complex Technological Subjects in Hypermedia-Based Environment
Roshu Yochanan 2005 MSc Abstracts Simulation and Lab Practice in Learning Electronics Systems in Junior High School
Fishbein Shay 2004 MSc Abstracts Evaluation of Interdisciplinary Learning in Science and Technology
Jaliff Revital 2003 MSc Abstracts Capability of Assimilating System Concepts and Characteristics among Junior High School Students – Case Study
Kolberg Eli 2001 MSc Case Study: "Real Time Systems and Robotics" as a High School Subject-Aspects of Integrating Technology in School Curriculum
Levin-Peled Rachel 2001 MSc Aspects of Imparting Information-Handling Skills, by Science and Technology Teachers via Computerized Assignments
Nitecki Orit 2000 MSc Factors Influencing Choice of Trend in Israeli High-School ((Case Study)
Shemi Arnon 1999 MSc Assembler Mistakes 8 Misconceptions of Technical College Students in a Micro Computer Course
Rafalovitz David 1999 MSc Formative Evaluation of the Assimilation Process of a Science and Technology Course in Junior High School Teachers
Sabag Nissim 1998 MSc The Effect of Integrating Examples from Electronics on Learning Achievements in Mathematics
Frank Mordechai 1997 MSc Evaluating Utcomes of An Engineering Curriculum ((Communication Engineers at the Technion) .
Doppelt Yaron 1998 MSc Learning and Creative Thinking in Science and Technology Projects
Schechter Zvi 1997 MSc Teaching Technology Based on Projects Method
Azriel Chalom 1994 MSc Hl-School Pupils'reasons for Studying Electronics Vs Physics
Albert David 1993 MSc Characteristics of a Curriculumfor Practical Engineering
Rosner Shmaryhu 1991 MSc Didactic Characteristics in Modular Learning of Computer
Himelbrand Shlomo 1991 MSc Testing Reading Comprehension in Technical English
Decalo Moshe 1988 MSc Misconceptions of Pupils in Switching Theory