PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
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No of theses 18
Department Education in Science and Technology
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Lan Dalit 2024 PhD Abstracts The Relevancy of Geographic Literacy to Daily Life and its Development in the Framework of a Citizen Science Project at School
Zimmerman Ifat 2023 PhD Abstracts Science News Websites as Mediators between Science and the Public
Bar El Yael 2020 PhD Abstracts "Filling the Void" – Scientists as Science Communicators
Sharon Aviv Jonathan 2019 PhD Abstracts An Outsiders' View and an Insiders' View: Expressions of Science Literacy on Online Q&A Platforms
Swirski Hani 2018 PhD Abstracts Why Can't I Fly? Common Interests in Science Questions as a Resource to Promote Student Voice in Science Education
Shauli Sofia 2018 PhD Abstracts Engagement with Science Among Parents of Hearing Impaired Children: Characteristics and Affordances
Golumbic Yaela 2018 PhD Abstracts Public Participation in Air Quality Research: Theory and Practice
Rakedzon Tzipora 2017 PhD Abstracts Teaching and Assessing STEM Graduate Students' Academic and Popular Science Writing
Laslo Esther 2015 PhD Abstracts Bioethics on the Israeli Media: A Case Study of Public Engagement in Science
Peleg Ran 2014 PhD Abstracts Science Plays in Elementary Science Education
Hagay Galit 2012 PhD Abstracts Listening to the Students Voice: Incorporating Students Interests into the Formal Biology Curriculum
Zoubi Olfat 2022 PhD Abstracts Developing Electronic Tools in Arabic and Hebrew for Enhancing Prenatal Genetic Counseling (E-Counseling)
Gafni Amsalem Chen 2022 PhD Abstracts Developing and Testing the Effectiveness of E-Counselling Tools for Genetic Counselling in the Fields of Family Planning and Reproduction
Wolfson Orli 2022 MSc Abstracts Media Representations of Scientific Uncertainty During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Israel
Zoubi Kawther 2020 MSc Abstracts The Quality of Scientific Information Available to Internet Users in Three Languages
Asakly Doris 2017 MSc Abstracts Expressions of Scientific Literacy in the Social Media: The Case of Fluoridation of Drinking Water in Facebook Discussions in Hebrew
Bar El Yael 2015 MSc Abstracts Characteristics of Science News Coverage in Israel
Kallir Meyrav Maya 2014 MSc Skills and Perceptions of Students Participating in a Science Communication Course