PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor MR Shay Ben David
No of theses 13
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Dichterman Eli 1996 PhD Learning with Restricted Focus of Attention
Gringauze Anna 1998 MSc The Complexity of Propositional Proofs
Eiron Nadav 1996 MSc Variants of Mistake Bound Learning Algorithms
Sheinerman Juliana 1996 MSc Consequence Relations for Default Reasoning Without the 'and' Rule
Frances Mordechai 1994 MSc Measuers of Complexity of Classes of Sets and Their
Jacovi Michal 1994 MSc Learmnning in the Limit and Non-Uniform
Brezner Oren 1994 MSc Expectation Semantucs for Modal Logic
Fraiman Ronit 1993 MSc Complexity of Learning by Distances
Dvir Michal 1992 MSc Incompleteness and the Theory of Computer Science
Dichterman Eli 1991 MSc Derandomizing Online Algorithms
Yona Gidon 1990 MSc Verification of Protocols Fur Sharfd Registers Systems by G
Rafaeli Raz 1989 MSc Global Time in Distributed Systems
Gafni Yael 1989 MSc Semantics for a "Knowing at Most" Operator