PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 12
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Mytnik Leonid 1996 PhD Superprocesses in Random Environments and Related Topics —
Gadrich Tamar 1994 PhD Parameter Estimation for Arma Processes with Symmetric Stable Innovations
Krishnan Sunder Ram 2017 PhD Abstracts Some Problems in Random Topology
Bobrowski Omer 2012 PhD Abstracts Algebraic Topology of Random Fields and Complexes
Zeevi Assaf 1996 MSc Mixture Based Functional Estimation
Ivanitskaya Lidiya 1994 MSc Superprocesses with Interactions
Mytnik Leonid 1993 MSc Interacting Branching Diffusions
Zagha Mordehay 1991 MSc Interacting Particle Systems
Nahum Mihael 1990 MSc Convergence of Additive Functionals of Gaussian Processes
Rosmarin Yonatan 2016 MSc Abstracts Perturbation Theory for Volume of Tubes
Naitzat Gregory 2015 MSc Abstracts A Central Limit Theorem for the Euler Integral of Gaussian Random Fields
Subag Eliran 2013 MSc Rotation and Scale Space Random Fields and Mixing Times for Random Shuffles