PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Emil Polturak (Deceased)
Advisor's Home-Site
No of theses 26
Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Danzig Almog 2020 PhD Abstracts The Effective Surface Shear Modulus of Solid Gallium near Surface Melting
Scaly Ori 2018 PhD Abstracts Investigation of Internal Friction Mechanisms in hcp 4He Solid using a Torsional Oscillator
Eyal Anna 2012 PhD Abstracts Macroscopic Mobility of Solid 4He above 1k
Golubchik Daniel 2011 PhD Abstracts Magneto-Optical Measurements of Spontaneous Creation of Flux during a Rapid Phase Transition in Superconductors
Pelleg Oshri 2007 PhD Abstracts Investigation of Excitations in BCC 4He Solid Using Neutron Scattering
Shay Menachem 2007 PhD Abstracts Raman Scattering from Superfluid and Solid Helium
Sorkin Viacheslav 2006 PhD Abstracts Computer Simulations of Excitations of a Quantum Solid and of The Melting Transition at High Pressure
Maniv Ariel 2005 PhD Abstracts Measurements of Spontaneous Magnetic Flux Generated during a Rapid Thermal Quench of a Superconductor
Shkedy Lior 2004 PhD Abstracts Magneto-Transport Investigation of Anisotropic Properties in the ab plane of YBCO Films and Junctions
Markovich Tuvy 2002 PhD Abstracts Inelastic Neutron Scattering from bcc 4He
Carmi Raz 2000 PhD Measurements of Spontaneous Magnetic Flux in Superconductors
Berent Inon 1998 PhD Influence of Crystal Defects on Plastic Flow In Solid Helium
Shuster Israel 1995 PhD Magnetic Relaxation of 3He-4He Mixture Crystals
Cohen David 1994 PhD Properties and Development of High Temperature Josephson Junctions
Danzig Almog 2016 MSc Abstracts Observation of quantum (phonon) friction in hcp solid 4He
Livne Ethan 2015 MSc Abstracts Listening to Friction in a Quantum Solid
Embon Lior 2010 MSc Abstracts Crystal Growth and Search for Supersolidity in BCC Solid He4
Bavli Pavel 2009 MSc Abstracts Melting in HCP Lattices
Sorkin Viacheslav 2003 MSc Abstracts Point Defects, Lattice Structure and Melting
Levy Shahar 2003 MSc Abstracts Development of a Nuclear Quadrupole Based Technique for Measuring Charge Homogeneity, and its Application for YBCO
Kanigel Amit 1999 MSc The Role of Defects in the Melting Transition
Markovich Tuvy 1998 MSc Dynamics of Liquid Bubbles in 3he-4he Mixture Crystals
David Ofer 1995 MSc Noise Properties of Optimized High Tc Josephson Junctions
Cohen Dan 1992 MSc Investigation of the Proximity Efect in High Tc Super
Finkelstein Yuval 1991 MSc Surface Waves and Normal Density Measurements in He Ii,
Cohen David 1989 MSc Symthsis and Investigation of the Thin Films of High Temper