PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 10
Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Feinberg Joshua 1993 PhD Non Perturbative Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
Smolkin Michael 2004 MSc Abstracts Scale Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory
Aizenshtark Nitsan 2003 MSc Abstracts Quasiexactly Solvable Potentials
Salman Zaher 1998 MSc Series Expansion Analysis for Multicritical Points
Lublinsky Michael 1998 MSc Low Energy Hadron Properties in Qcd
Eyal Galit 1995 MSc Double Scaling Limit in O(N) Vector Field Theories
Segev Bilha 1992 MSc Appoximation Methods in Quantum Field Theores
Bar-Moshe David 1989 MSc Approximation Methods in Quantum Field Theories
Oz Yaron 1989 MSc Quantum Fields with Chiral Anomaly as Constrained Systems
Feinberg Joshua 1989 MSc Quantization of Constrained Dynamical Systems: the Brink