PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Rachelle Alterman
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No of theses 44
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Pellach Cygal 2023 PhD Abstracts Flexibility in Statutory Urban Plans: An International Comparative Analysis of Plan Amendments in Law and Practice
Perez De La Sala Safira Celeste 2023 PhD Abstracts Property Rights and Planning Law in the Climate Change Era: Comparative Responses to Sea-Level Rise in Florida and the Netherlands
Garfunkel Dorit 2021 PhD Abstracts New Challenges in High-Rise Condominium Governance: Cross-National Analysis of Legislation and Practices
Drori Micha 2018 PhD Abstracts Property Rights in the Rural-Agricultural Sector in Israel from a Cross-National Comparative Perspective
Oren Michelle 2017 PhD Abstracts The Constitutional Right to housing: a public Policy Approach
Frankel-Cohen Iris 2016 PhD Abstracts Gated Communities – between Regulation and Exclusion A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Orni Nira 2014 PhD Abstracts The Time Factor in Land Expropriation A Comparative Analysis of Israel and Victoria (Australia)
Mualam Nir 2012 PhD Abstracts Conflicts over Preservation of the Built Heritage A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of the Decisions of Planning Tribunals
Hananel Ravit 2006 PhD Abstracts Decision-Making in Israel's Land Council: Analysis of the Ideological Changes in Israel's Public Land Policy
Erlich-Roginsky Hava 2014 PhD Abstracts Agreements between Local Government and Private Developers: A Cross National Perspective
Carmon Dafna 2008 PhD Abstracts The Public's Right to be Heard in Planning Procedures: The Case of Israel from a Cross-National Perspective
Stav Tamy 2004 PhD Abstracts The Language of Planning: Conveying and Obscuring Messages in Plans
Corren Nurit 1997 PhD Design Control Instruments: Their Legal Bases and Consequences for Architectural Practice
Vranesky Ariela 1995 PhD Abstracts Conflict Management in Urban and Regional Planning: the Applicability of Alternative Dispute Resolution Approaches with Specific Reference to National Highway Planning
Sofer Michal 1995 PhD Abstracts The Time Dimension in Statutory Planning in Israel
Ziv Michael 2022 MSc Abstracts From Communal to Private Housing: Critical Analysis of Government Policy Towards the Kibbutzim-Communal Villages in Israel
Pellach Cygal 2016 MSc Abstracts Conflicts over Preservation of the Built Heritage in the State of Victoria, Australia: Analysis of the Decisions of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
Wallerstein Sebastian 2011 MSc Abstracts Is there Gentrification-Led Displacement of Palestinian Israeli Citizens from Jaffa?
Birnbaum Galia 2010 MSc Abstracts Multi-Layer Development in Israel: Property and Planning Aspects
Carmely Ehud 2009 MSc Abstracts Environmental NGO's in Israel and Their Influence on the Planning System over Time
Tsafrir Tal 2008 MSc Abstracts Developer Obligations to Reimburse Local Planning Boards for Compensation Claims by Landowners Due to Plan Amendments
Druckman Doron 2008 MSc Abstracts Identifying the "Potential" for Public Objections to Land Use Plans as a Tool to Aid Architects and Planning Commissions
Brand Shira 2007 MSc Abstracts Changes in the Number and Attributes of Compensation Claims for Decline in Land Values Caused by Planning
Ohayon Karmit 2007 MSc Abstracts Majority-Minority Relations in Municipal Administration in Israel from a Cross-National Comparative Perspective – The Case of Yizrael Valley Regional Council
Solomon-Maman Vered 2006 MSc Abstracts Historic Preservation According to the Israeli Planning and Building Law: International Comperative Analysis
Alkides Constantinos 2005 MSc Abstracts Central-Local Government Relations in Land-Use Planning: A Cross-National Comparison of Planners' Views
Hevrony Hedva 2004 MSc Abstracts Land Readjustment as a Tool for Obtaining Land and for Financing Public Services
Gabriely Einat 2002 MSc Amendment 43 to the Israeli Planning and Building Law Evaluation of the Partial Decentralization of Authority to the Local Level
Litvak Cohen Hadas 2001 MSc The Regulation of Dwelling Sizes as a Means of Social Exclusion: Applications and Legality
Hann Iris 2001 MSc Property Rights and the Ability to Preserve Open Spaces in Israel
Sassoon-Buras Ronit 2000 MSc The Potential of the Investigator Procedure as a Means to Mitigate Conflicts in Planning
Beery Aviv 1999 MSc Evaluation of the Land Readjustment Process as a Means for Managing Planning Conflicts in Arab Settlements in Israel
Erlich-Roginsky Hava 1998 MSc Levels of Discretion in Plans According to the Israel Planning and Building Law: Flexibility, Form and Content
Gazit Waizman Sara 1998 MSc Design Supplements to Statutory Plans
Margalit Lirit 1997 MSc Shifting the Supply of Public Services to Developers
Tsubary Aviva 1997 MSc Abstracts Development Agreements Between Developers and Planning Authorities
Prengler Ariela 1995 MSc Abstracts Planning and Building Process )Provision( Law 1990- Achievements and Results
Orni Nira 1993 MSc Abstracts Land Expropriation for Urban Development: a Cross National
Avischai Smadar 1993 MSc Abstracts Illegal Construction in the Arab Sectorin Israel Case Study
Enden Erela 1992 MSc Abstracts Israel's National Land Policy Analysis of Interest Group Po
Hochner Dorit 1992 MSc Abstracts Evaluation of the Planning and Implementation Process of Statutory Local Plans in Three Case Studies
Gertel-Groome Shulamith 1991 MSc Abstracts Ethics for Planners Amidst Political Conflict
Rozenshtein Miriam 1990 MSc Abstracts Israels Agricultural Land Preservation Policy through
Gil Irit 1990 MSc Abstracts The Land Betterment Tax: the Law in Israel and Its Implemen