PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Izhak Sheinman
Advisor's Email
No of theses 16
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Imanuel Ofer 1996 PhD Stress Analysis in the Left Ventricle of the Heart
Bogomolny Michael 2006 PhD Abstracts Optimal Design of Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loading Using a Reanalysis Approach
Jabareen Mahmood 2005 PhD Abstracts Static and Dynamic Stability of Imperfect Conical Shell
Ben-Yosef Yiska 2002 PhD Abstracts Imperfection Sensitivity of Conical Shells
Firer Marina 1994 PhD Dynamic Stability of Laminated Non-Circular Cylindrical Shells
Adan Matti 1991 PhD Buckling of Composite Laminates with Multiple Delaminations
Amir Oded 2007 MSc Abstracts Nonlinear Analysis and Reanalysis of Structures Using Combined Approximations
Hanum Eran 2006 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Characterization of Structures to Man Induced Vibrations
Bitton Yitzahk 2004 MSc Abstracts Elasto-Plastic Dynamic Behavior of Plane Frames by Finite Number of Degrees
Sagov Dan 2000 MSc The Effect of Shear Deformation on the Buckling of Delaminated Laminates
Berenstein Yair 1996 MSc Analysis of Laminated Plane Frames and Beams by the Exact Element Method.
Leonov Josef 1994 MSc Localization and Prediction of Nonelastic Behaviour
Chen David 1994 MSc Upoating of Mass and Stiffness Matrices Using Test Data
Avrahami Shlomo 1991 MSc Effect of Boundary Condition on Buckling Behevior of Panels
Sofer Michael 1989 MSc The Erffect of Delamination on the Non-Linear Rehavior of