PhD and MSc Theses
PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988
Advisor |
PROFESSOR EMERITUS Gideon Inbar (Deceased) |
No of theses |
40 |
Department |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Department Web Site | |
Student's Name |
Graduation Year |
Degree |
Abstracts |
Research Name |
Moulin Mark |
2000 |
PhD |
Development of Closed-Loop Robust Controller for FNS Assisted Walking of Paraplegics |
Hatwell Michael |
1989 |
PhD |
Development of Closed Loop Controllers for Fns Assisted |
Yosef Victor |
2013 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Control of Bimanual Periodic Movements: Adaptation for Enhanced Performance |
Tock Yoav |
2004 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Information Theoretic Analysis of the Muscle Spindle System |
Yom-Tov Elad |
2002 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Estimation of Transient Phenomena in Movement Related Potentials |
Karniel Amir |
2000 |
PhD |
Learning Motor Control of Redundant Systems |
Lange Daniel |
1998 |
PhD |
Modeling and Estimation of Transient, Trial-Varying Evoked Brain Potentials |
Levin Esther |
1988 |
PhD |
Artificial Neural Netuorks Performance Characterigation |
Dat Daniel |
1996 |
MSc |
Measurement of Dynamic Arterial Diameter Changes by Electrical Impedance Method |
Aaron Athena |
1995 |
MSc |
Elobon Joint Movement Control: An Experimentaland Theoretical Study |
Halperin Orit |
1994 |
MSc |
Control Signal Adaptation of the Forearm Muscle Under Loads |
Nave Gideon |
2011 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Real Time Change Detection of Steady-State Evoked Potentials |
Sumszyk Mikael |
2010 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Multichannel Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis for Brain-Computer Interface and Functional Tomography Applications |
Shoor Ehud |
2010 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Detection and Analysis of Movement-Related Potentials for Brain-Computer Interface Applications |
Rahinski Vitali |
2007 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Analysis of Bimanual Hand Control Model |
Ben-Itzhak Shay |
2007 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Arm Reaching Movements – Using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle to Obtain Minimum Acceleration Trajectories |
De-Castro Sharon |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
The Minimum Transition Hypothesis |
Rudyk Eduard |
2003 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
On Role of Recurrent Inhibition in Low-Level Motor Control |
Makienko Igor |
2002 |
MSc |
Estimation of Singal Movement-Related Brain Potential Components with Changing Loads |
Serby Hilit |
2002 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Development of a Brain-Computer Interface based on Event- Related Potentials |
Shainer Gilad |
2001 |
MSc |
Model Development and Controller Design for Artificial Pancreas |
Grossman Aaron |
2001 |
MSc |
Variations in Electro-Encephalogram During Voluntary Finger Movement under Varying Loads |
Itzkovitz Shalev |
2001 |
MSc |
Classification of MRP Signals Using Support Vector Machines |
Karniel Amir |
1996 |
MSc |
Model of Human Motor Control Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Toivi Daniel |
1996 |
MSc |
Parametric and Non Parametric Methods for the Investigation Of the Spindle Transfer Function from Surface Emg Of the Upper Arm Muscle |
Wjnbergen Chaim |
1995 |
MSc |
A Functional Architecture Based Neural Network Model For the Primary Visual Cortex V1 |
Weissman Shaul |
1995 |
MSc |
Identification of Elbow Joint Time Varying Parameters |
Cohen Yosef |
1995 |
MSc |
Artificial Neural Networks for Adaptive Control |
Riemer Ivona |
1994 |
MSc |
A Model for Heart-Rate Variability and Its Bispectral |
Lange Daniel |
1994 |
MSc |
Processing of Movement Related Cortical Signals |
Sacher Ari |
1991 |
MSc |
Tracking of the Muscle Recruitment Characteristic During |
Chertkou Mark |
1991 |
MSc |
Cortical Electrical Analysis Puring Uoluntary Motor Activity |
Mazaltov Jerome |
1990 |
MSc |
Parametric Estimation of the Ecg Wave for Identification of |
Gakambos Tiberiu |
1990 |
MSc |
Model of the Cardiovascular System for Pacemaker Controler |
Altshuler Eran |
1990 |
MSc |
Adaptive Mechanical Impedance Control of the Human Forearm |
Gewirtzman Raanan |
1989 |
MSc |
Artificial Neural Networks for Signal Procissing |
Barak Chen |
1989 |
MSc |
Estimation of Stroke Volume by Intracardiac Impedance |
Edelstain David |
1989 |
MSc |
Time Warping Methods in Monitoring of Ecg |
Etzion Naomi |
1989 |
MSc |
Measurment of the Mechanical Impedance of the Human Forearm |
Kaidar Ruthy |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
EEG Based Brain-Computer Interface for Movement Control |