PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Baruch Fischer
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No of theses 29
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Weill Refael 2011 PhD Abstracts Statistical Light-Mode Dynamics of Pulse Laser Including Multiple Pulsation, Critical Phenomena, and Condensation
Katz Michael 2010 PhD Abstracts Pulse Stability and Fluctuations in Passively Mode-Locked Lasers with Noise
Rosen Amir 2008 PhD Abstracts Dynamics of Multiple Light Pulses and Modes in Lasers in the Presence of Noise
Vodonos Boris 2005 PhD Abstracts Experimental Study of the Noise Effect on Pulse Formation in Mode Locked Lasers Following a Statistical Mechanics Approach
Gordon Ariel 2004 PhD Abstracts Statistical Mechanics Approach and Order-Disorder Phenomena in Nonlinear Many-Mode Optical Systems
Daisy Ron 1997 PhD Dynamical Phenomena and a Statistical-Mechanics Approach For Modes in Fiber Optics Non-Linear Systems
Horowitz Moshe 1994 PhD Photorefractivity, Fixing Aspects and Uses in Nonlinear Effects and in Fibers
Werner Ofer 1992 PhD Optical Inaormation Writing and Processing by Wave Mixing
Segev Mordechay 1990 PhD Dhotoresractive Wave Mixing and Applications in Waveguides
Weiss Shimon 1989 PhD Dynamics of Photorefractive Oscillaators and Cavities
Sourani Yael 2018 MSc Abstracts The Dynamics of Wavelength Switching and Tuning by Mode Locking of Fiber Lasers
Zhurahov Michael 2018 MSc Abstracts Thermalization, Bistability and Classical Laser Light Codensation in Erbium-Doped Fiber Cavities
Laredo Gilad 2016 MSc Abstracts DFB Fiber-End Laser with Near Surface Coupling and Sensing
Oren Gilad 2014 MSc Abstracts Experimental Study of Condensation and Phase-Transition Phenomena in Actively Mode-Locked lasers
Schwartz Alon 2013 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Arbitrary Noise Forms on Phase Transitions in Passively Mode-Locked Lasers
Grinberg Pavel 2011 MSc Abstracts Effects of Noise in Actively Mode-Locked Multi-Pulse Fiber Lasers
Atkins Shimie 2002 MSc Abstracts Temporal Talbot and Related Dispersion Effects with Applications in Light Pulse Propagation in Fibers and Fiber Lasers
Ben-Bassat Assaf 2002 MSc Cascaded Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Dynamic Optical Filters by Gain Gratings in Fibers
Shapira Ofer 2002 MSc Localization Properties of Light Propagating in an Array of Randomly Spaced Gratings in a Single Mode Fiber
Vodonos Boris 2001 MSc Temporal Talbot Effect in Optical Fibers and Its Use for Mode-Locking of Fiber Lasers with High Dispersion
Rosen Amir 2000 MSc Localization Effects of Light and Their Experimental Verification
Pedahel Aviad 1997 MSc Interference-Induced Transparency in Saturable Absorbers And Fixing by Light of Waveguide Structures in Ferroelectric Crystals
Mitnick Yuri 1995 MSc Dynamics of Gratings Formation in Optical Fibers
Naftali Ron 1995 MSc Multi-Mode Erbium Doped Fiber: Laser Realization Fiber Properties and Complex Resonators
Daisy Ron 1993 MSc Optical Bistability and Coupling Effects at An Interfce of
Strasman Nery 1993 MSc Light Coupling to Complex Cavities and to Fibers Using
Snowbell Michael 1993 MSc Dynamic Multi-Two Wave Mixing Image Range Compression
Ofhir Yoav 1991 MSc Selt Scatlering of Light Beams and Tormation of Short Pulse
Horowitz Moshe 1991 MSc Filtering Behavior of Photorefractive Wave Mixing