PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Haim Papo
Advisor's Email
No of theses 12
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Kashany Israel 2002 PhD Abstracts Geodetic Control Networks in the Era of Permanent GPS Stations
Even-Tzur Gilad 1997 PhD Optimal Design of a GPS Based Geodetic Network For Monitoring Deformations
Stelzer David 1991 PhD Spaces of Dynamic Networks
Steinberg Gershon 1990 PhD Dynamic Geodetic Vertical Control of Israel
Telem Gil 2002 MSc Datum Definition in a Noisy Environment by Non-Cartesian Models
Agmon Eran 2002 MSc Algorithm for the Analysis of Deformations Monitoring Networks
Salus Tamir 2001 MSc Ellipsoidal Vertical Geodetic Control Based on Gps
Lavi )Leibovich( Guy 2001 MSc GPS-Supported Close-Range Photogrammetry
Dalyot Sagi 2000 MSc The Footprint Network as a Solution to the Representation Problem in Monitoring Deformations
Sarid Yechzkel 2000 MSc Modeling Geoid Undulations in Israel
Even-Tzur Gilad 1991 MSc Monitoring Deformations in the Carmel Mountain Region by Gps
Ananga Nyarba 1989 MSc Study of Characteristic Motionsof Vertical Control Points in