PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 37
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Goldberg Sarah 2020 PhD Abstracts And They Took to the Streets: The 2011 Social Protests in Tel Aviv and New York
Kainer-Persov Nava 2017 PhD Abstracts Housing Regeneration Strategies Evaluation from a Social Equity Point of View
Molin Elvira 2010 PhD Abstracts Development of the Culture Strategies in Cities and their Implications for Local Population
Amoyal Einat 2012 PhD Abstracts Social Capital in the Contexts of Urban Planning and Immigrant Integration
Ziflinger Yulia 2005 PhD Abstracts Promoting Social Justice through Urban Regeneration
Gabaren Yousef 2002 PhD Abstracts Culturally Sustainable Housing. Case Study: The City of Gaza
Couriel Romy 2021 MSc Abstracts Urban Resilience: Typology of Practices for Enhancing it in Israeli Municipalities
Negbi Aviv 2017 MSc Abstracts Housing Cooperatives in Israel: Challenges and Opportunities
Naor Chen 2016 MSc Abstracts Studentification in Peripherals Communities in Israel: Socio-Spatial Relationships between College Students and Local Residents
Tsafrir Nurit 2011 MSc Abstracts Kfar Shalem – A Unique Story of Demolition and Redevelopment
Levitski Lilia 2009 MSc Abstracts Identification of the Factors Influencing Attachment to a Neighborhood and Examining the Relative Importance of the Public Garden amongst Native Soviet Women who Reside
Lanir-Shatsberg Tamar 2008 MSc Abstracts Affordable Housing: Analyzing the Experience in Selected Countries and Lessons for Israel
Hadad )Sella( Chen 2007 MSc Abstracts Runoff as a Resource for Urban Landscape Development
Kaimari Muhammad 2005 MSc Abstracts Place Attachment in Modern and Traditional Arab Neighborhoods in Jerusalem
Bleiman Merav 2004 MSc Abstracts Community Organization for Service Provision and its Implications for City Planning; A Case Study: The Immigrant Community in Haifa
Levi-Be'eri Shlomit 2004 MSc Abstracts Water Saving in the Israeli Urban Sector – A Comprehensive Feasibility Study
Ofek Eyal 2003 MSc Abstracts Urban Renewal by Means of Demolition and Redevelopment
Haj Yehia Hana 2003 MSc Abstracts Housing Proximity between Jews and Arabs. The Point of View of Arabs in Nazareth Illit
Bar-Lev Yafit 2003 MSc Abstracts Considertions of Seekers of New Housing in Modi'in
Uzan Talila 2003 MSc Abstracts Integration of New Residents into the Moshavim as Part of Their Community Expansion Program
Meretz Orit 2002 MSc Abstracts Housing Updating in Multi-Family Buildings in Israel: Analysis and Evaluation
Doalee Abu-Sharkia Samaher 2001 MSc Social Services for Arab Youth in Nazareth: Supply, Use and Preferences
Katz Sharon 2000 MSc Enhancement of Rainwater Infiltration by Design of the Urban House Lot
Shuvi Hanita 1999 MSc The Role of Immigrants in Renewal Urban Neighborhoods: Two Case Studies in Haifa
Druker Hadas 1998 MSc Homogeneous Or Heterogeneous Housing: Attitudes and Behaviour Among "Modern Religious" Jews in the City of Ra'anana
Eres Tamar 1996 MSc Abstracts Revitalization in the Central City the Case of Florentin Neighborhood in Tel-Aviv-Jaffa
Zahavi Razia 1996 MSc Abstracts Home Telematics: Preliminary Evaluation of Social Influences
Erlich Liora 1996 MSc Abstracts The Effect of Family Ties on Residential Distribution in Arab Settlements in Israel
Miron-Phstiner Sigalit 1996 MSc Abstracts Water Sensitive Urban Planning Towards Planning Guidelines.
Amir Smadar 1993 MSc Abstracts Neighborhood Revitaligation in Hadar Hacarmel Haifa:
Ofer Yosi 1993 MSc Abstracts New Residential Construction in Neighbrhood Revitalization
Yunger Miri 1992 MSc Abstracts Socio-Economic Implications of the Distribktion of Water
Farnik Tamar 1991 MSc Quality of Life in the New Settlements in the Galile
Eyal Tamar 1990 MSc Design Evaluation of An Old Agettome: a Case Study
Hacohen Orly 1990 MSc Abstracts Evaluation of Project Renewal Program for Self-Help Externa
Shalev Shai 2011 MSc Abstracts Stormwater Management in an Urban Neighborhood Following Water Sensitive Planning principles: Comparison of Alternatives in Givat Zemer on Mount Carmel