PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Michael Stiassnie
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No of theses 10
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Hendin Gali 2013 PhD Abstracts Tsunami and Acoustic-Gravity Waves in Water of Constant Depth
Kunitsa Dmitry 2000 PhD Forecasting the Regime of Currents on the Israeli Continental Shelf
Hadad Avichay 1993 PhD Fractal Aspects of Tubulent Concentrtion Fluctuations
Bar Doron 1992 MSc Diffraction from Fractal Sea Surface
Eyov Erez 2013 MSc Abstracts Progressive Acoustic-Gravity Waves on Top of an Elastic Seabed
Tobias Joshua 2011 MSc Abstracts A Simplified Approach to Tsunami Calculations
Zeisel Amit 2007 MSc Abstracts Wind Waves Generation
Kunitsa Dmitry 1997 MSc Application of An Advanced Forecasting Model to the Study of the Wave Climate at the Israel Coast
Drimer Nitai 1991 MSc Floating Breakwaters in Water of Finite Depth