PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 22
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Klar Assaf 2003 PhD Abstracts Model Studies of Seismic Behavior of Piles in Sands
Matmon Dorit 2000 PhD Penetration of Petroleum Hydrocarbons into Clay Layers in the Unsaturated Zone
Puzrin Alexander 1997 PhD The Behaviour of Soft Clay under Irregular Cyclic Loading
Talesnick Mark 1990 PhD A Fundamental Study on the Rehaviour of a Marine Clay During
Coriat Yosef 2021 MSc Abstracts Estimation of Parameters for Pile Design in Israel on the Basis of Results of Pile Loading Tests
Nachum Shay 2018 MSc Abstracts The Relationship Between Three Dimensional Stresses and Strains During One Dimensional Loading, Unloading and Swelling of Unsaturated Clay
Bar Alexander 2007 MSc Abstracts Prediction of Pile Behavior Using a Rehological Model
Avishur Menahem 2005 MSc Abstracts Physical Models for Soil-Pile Interaction under Seismic Loading
Mehr Arilon 2004 MSc Abstracts Saturated Sand Behavior during Earthquakes
Nawatha Hana 2004 MSc Abstracts A Study of the Behavior and Strength of Undisturbed Sand Samples in Drained Triaxial Tests
Schwartz Keren 2002 MSc Abstracts The Behaviour of Undisturbed, Saturated Sand during Undrained Shear
Bloch Eloise Ann 2001 MSc Determination of Mechanical Properties for Anisotropic Rocks by Comparing Different Testing Methods
Birk Haya 2001 MSc Characteristics and Site Effects during Earthquakes in Israel
Cohen Shlomi 2001 MSc Model for Studying the Compression and Uplift Capacity of Driven Piles in Sand
Abelev Andrey 1997 MSc The Stress-Strain-Strength Behaviour of Clayey Sand Under General Loading Conditions
Komornik Uri 1997 MSc Measurement of Soil Suction Using Different Methods
Shvartsman Asia 1995 MSc Residual Strength of Cohesive Soils in Israel
Abraham Neta 1994 MSc The Principle of Effective Stress Applied to Swelling Clay
Haimovitz Gili 1994 MSc Stability of Soil Slopes Stabilized with Rocueries
Franco Ovadia 1993 MSc Cyclic and Static Behauiour of a Preconsolidated Marine
Levy Arieh 1991 MSc A Study of the Stability of Nailed Vertieal Exeavations
Weisberg Efraim 1989 MSc One Dimensional Development of Swelling and Wetting of