PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Robert Beserman
Advisor's Email
No of theses 17
Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Magidson Valentin 2002 PhD Abstracts Fano-Type Interference in the Raman Spectrum of Photo- Excited Silicon
Levy Moshe 2001 PhD Abstracts Intersubband Transitions in Semiconductor Bragg Confining Structures
Eshed Wasserman Anat 1999 PhD Micro-Raman Characterization of Sige Layers Grown on Patterned Substrates
Eyal Alon 1998 PhD Ti Metallization of Sigec Epitaxial Layers Grown on Si (001)
Bendayan Michael 1997 PhD Influence of Doping on the Raman Scattering of Quantum Wells Structures
Gilor Joseph 1997 PhD The Physics of Strained AlInGaAs on GaAs Heterostructures for Laser Application
Freiman Willie 1997 PhD Titanium Metallization of Si/Ge Alloys and Superlattices
Sela Ilan 1990 PhD Characterization of Crystal Alloys and Superlattices Using
Abdulhalim Ibrahim 1988 PhD Cw Lager Induced Structural Changes in the Amorphous State
Levy Moshe 1997 MSc Characterization of Cdte Substrates and Cdznte Epitaxial Thin Films
Eyal Alon 1993 MSc Influenoe of Ga Concentration on the Ordering Process of
Rim Ari Rafael 1992 MSc Oxidation Process in Pure Gaas and in Si Doped Gaas
Bendayan Michael 1992 MSc Crystallization Process of Amorphous Ge and Si Thin Layers
Katz Sharon 1992 MSc Lattice Dynamigs of Znse/znte Strained-Layer Superlattices
Freiman Willie 1992 MSc Stability of So0ge Strained Supe Rlattices in Ion Implanta
Yeger Amir 1990 MSc Interdiffusion and Dxidation Process in Gaas/gaa
Levinsohn Natalie 1989 MSc The Effect of Doping on the Onidation Process of Gallium