PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Leonid Pismen
Advisor's Email
No of theses 9
Department Chemical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Leshansky Alexander 2002 PhD Abstracts Nonlinear Interaction in Thermocapillary or Inertial Motion of Suspensions
Musslimani Ziad 2000 PhD Composite Solitons and Pattern Formation in Nonlinear Optics
Balinsky Yelena 1999 PhD Chemical Instability Induced by a Differential Flow in Realistic Flow Systems
Nuz Alexander 1998 PhD Non-Potential Effects in Pattern Formation
Monine Michael 2003 PhD Abstracts Pattern Formation on Catalytic Surfaces
Haim Dror 1994 PhD Planning of a Photochemical Reactor Based on Taylor-Gortler Flow
Kheifetz Yuri 2004 MSc Abstracts Nonlinear Interaction between Stagnation-Point-Flow Flame and Flame-Grown Solid Film
Kazhdan Dmitry 1995 MSc Numerical Analysis of Eguations of Marangoni Convection
Haim Dror 1991 MSc Periodic and Chaotic Phenonena in Electrochemical Reactions