PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Ben-Zion Chor
Advisor's Email
No of theses 15
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Snir Sagi 2004 PhD Abstracts Computational Issues in Phylogenetic Reconstruction: Analytic Maximum Likelihood Solutions, and Convex Recoloring
Ben-Dor Amir 1998 PhD Constructing Radiation Hybrid Maps of the Human Genome
Beimel Amos 1996 PhD Secure Schemes for Secret Sharing and Key Distribution
Even Guy 1995 PhD Design of VLSI Circuits Using Retiming
Kushilevitz Eyal 1991 PhD Privacy in Distributed Systems
Gilboa Niv 2001 PhD Abstracts Topics in Private Information Retrieval
Mador Ziv 1997 MSc The Probed Partial Digest Problem – Algorithms and Number Of Solutions
Zosin Leonid 1994 MSc Privacy of Symmetric Functions
Ben-Dor Amir 1994 MSc On the Complexity of Computing the Permanent
Michaeli-Aaroni Merav 1992 MSc A Generalization of Group Testing
Nelson Lee-Bath 1992 MSc Characterization of Distributed Interactive Tasks
Beimel Amos 1992 MSc Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes
Rachman Ophir 1992 MSc Wait Free Randomized Consensus
Shani Netta 1990 MSc On the Privocy Gdp in Dense Symmetric Functions
Moscovici Lior 1990 MSc Implementing Distributed Tasks in Presence of Failures