PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Assaf Schuster
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No of theses 78
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Gliner Vadim 2024 PhD Abstracts 12-Lead ECG Classification using Deep Learning Methods
Yehuda Gal 2023 PhD Abstracts Connections between Machine Learning and Theory of Computer Science
Sivan Hadar 2023 PhD Abstracts Efficient First and Second Order Methods for Function Monitoring and Optimization
Hakimi Ido 2022 PhD Abstracts Distributed Deep Neural Networks
Funaro Liran 2020 PhD Abstracts Market Driven Multi-Resource Allocation
Kolchinskyy Ilya 2019 PhD Abstracts Lazy Evaluation Methods for Complex Event Processing
Lazerson Arnon 2018 PhD Abstracts Efficient Monitoring of Distributed Data Streams
Gabel Moshe 2017 PhD Abstracts Communication-Efficient Algorithms for Distributed Stream Mining
Verner Uri 2016 PhD Abstracts Processing Real-time Data Streams on GPU-based Systems
Amit Nadav 2014 PhD Abstracts Alleviating Virtualization Bottlenecks
Agmon Ben-Yehuda Orna 2013 PhD Abstracts Efficient, Non-Cooperative Sharing of Computing Resources
Yadgar Gala 2012 PhD Abstracts Multilevel Cache Management Based on Application Hints
Sagy Guy 2012 PhD Abstracts Geometric Methods for Analyzing and Monitoring Large Distributed Data
Friedman Arie 2011 PhD Abstracts Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Silberstein Mark 2010 PhD Abstracts A Distributed System for Genetic Linkage Analysis
Yadgar Avraham 2010 PhD Abstracts New Approaches to Model Checking and to 3-Valued Abstraction and Refinement
Shagin Konstantin 2009 PhD Abstracts Execution of Monolithic Java Programs on Large Non-Dedicated Collections of Commodity Workstations
Sharfman Izchak 2009 PhD Abstracts A Geometric Approach to Detecting Global Properties over Distributed Data
Kravtsov Valentin 2009 PhD Abstracts Service-Based Resource Brokering for Grid-Based Applications
Gontmakher Alex 2007 PhD Abstracts An Architecture and Programming Model for Extremely Fine Grain Parallelization
Heyman Tamir 2004 PhD Abstracts Distributed Symbolic Model Checking
Wolff Ran 2004 PhD Abstracts Data Mining in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Itzkovitz Ayal 1999 PhD Distributed Shared Memory: Bridging the Granularity Gap
Liss Liran 2006 PhD Abstracts Realizing the Performance of Contemporary Parallel and Distributed Systems: Theoretical and Systems Perspectives
Palatin Noam 2007 MSc Abstracts Monitoring Grid Batch Scheduling System by Data Mining Algorithms
Levy Idan 2024 MSc Abstracts A Deep Learning Platform for Diagnosing ECG Tests
Shamshoum Yara 2023 MSc Abstracts Solving Graph Problems using Differentiable Neural Computers
Gad Raphael 2023 MSc Abstracts Only Real Friends Matter – A clusters Based Deep Learning Paradigm for High Dimension Multivariate Forecasting
Yankovitch Maor 2022 MSc Abstracts Hypersonic: A Hybrid Parallelization Approach for Scalable Complex Event Processing
Eliad Saar 2022 MSc Abstracts Scalable Distributed Deep Learning with Model Parallelism
Amir Adar 2022 MSc Abstracts DLACEP: A Deep-Learning Based Framework for Approximate Complex Event Processing
Shapira Guy 2022 MSc Abstracts Unsupervised Frequent Pattern Mining for CEP
Chapnik Koral 2022 MSc Abstracts DALRING: Data-Aware Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing Systems
Kosman Eitan 2022 MSc Abstracts Complex Pattern Mining
Cohen Refael 2022 MSc Abstracts SMEGA2: Distributed Deep Learning using a Single Momentum Buffer
Sidi Gal 2022 MSc Abstracts DELETE: Using Deep Learning to Minimize Latency in CEP Systems
Elbaz Dolev Michael 2021 MSc Abstracts Complex Pattern Forecasting on Multivaruate Time-Series
Nabwani Najeeb 2021 MSc Abstracts Learning by Sampling: A Deep Learning Approach to the Plannted Clique Problem with Unlimited Sampling
Elul Yonatan 2020 MSc Abstracts Applied Artificial Intelligence for Medicine – A Deep Learning Framework for Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Agmon Shunit 2020 MSc Abstracts Preventing Collusion in Cloud Computing Auctions
Shor Roman 2018 MSc Abstracts Efficiently Combining Confidentiality and Availability in Distributed Storage Systems
Pismenny Boris 2017 MSc Abstracts Market Driven Queueing
Bernstein Ran 2017 MSc Abstracts Laban Movement Analysis and LDA Distributed Monitoring
Liram Matan 2017 MSc Abstracts Evaluating Zigzag Code in a Distributed Storage System
Koretzki Ran 2017 MSc Abstracts Improving SSD-based Caches Lifetime with Write-Once Memory Codes
Gabel Moshe 2013 MSc Abstracts Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Large Datacenters
Posener Eyal 2013 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Memory Allocation in Cloud Computers Using Progressive Second Price Auction
Bar Pavel 2012 MSc Abstracts Resource Management in Grid Environments
Abboud Amir 2012 MSc Abstracts Monitoring General Functions in Distributed Systems with Minimal Communication
Ben-David David 2012 MSc Abstracts Violation Resolution in Distributed Stream Networks
Brickner Boaz 2011 MSc Abstracts Methods for Recognition by Graphical Style and Style Synthesis Using Local Analysis
Livne Avishay 2010 MSc Abstracts Monitoring Distributed Data Streams
Karmon Kfir 2009 MSc Abstracts Enforcing a Global Resource Quota in a grid Environment
Zamir Tal 2008 MSc Abstracts Speculative Lock Acquisition for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems
Yoshpa Bennyamin 2008 MSc Abstracts Economic Aspects of QoS in Grid Computing
Shklover Gregory 2007 MSc Abstracts Explicitly-Parallel Code Compilation Methods for Shared- Context Architecture
Katzengold Oren 2006 MSc Abstracts Effective Use of Trace Caches
Krivitski Denis 2006 MSc Abstracts A Local Facility Location Algorithm for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Yadgar Avraham 2004 MSc Abstracts Solving All-SAT Problem for Reachability Analysis
Bar-Or Amir 2004 MSc Abstracts Hierarchical Decision Tree Induction for Highly Dimensional Data in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Iosevich Vadim 2004 MSc Abstracts Distributed Shared Memory: To Relax or not to Relax?
Gilburd Baruch 2004 MSc Abstracts A Privacy Model and Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Data Mining in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Talmor Yoram 2004 MSc Abstracts Higher Performance DSM by Peaking Network Utilization
Pozniansky Eliyahu 2003 MSc Abstracts Efficient On-the-Fly Data Race Detection in Multithreaded C++ Programs
Kohn Emil 2002 MSc Abstracts A Transparent DSM System
Gleizer Vadim 2002 MSc Abstracts Optimizing Sharing Patterns and Locality via Thread Migration
Kalinovsky Vladislav 2002 MSc Abstracts Symphony: Managing Virtual Servers
Zeev Ben Mordejai Oren 2001 MSc Efficient Integration of On-the-fly Data Race Detection in Distributed Shared Memory and Symmetric Multiprocessor Environments
Niv Nitzan 2000 MSc Dynamic Adaptation of the Sharing Granularity in Dsm Systems
Reisman Amit 1998 MSc Animation Using Parallel Progressive Ray-Tracing
Goldin Maxim 1996 MSc Weak Consistency Distributed Shared Memory System Design
Dubrovsky Alexander 1996 MSc Load Balancing in Distributed Shared Memory System
Ben-Aroya Ishai 1994 MSc Bounds and Algorithms for Deflection Routing
Shemesh Galit 1994 MSc Upper & Lower Bounds in Reconfigurable Networks
Halevi Shai 1993 MSc Greedy Hot-Potato Routing
Nachum Shay 2019 MSc Abstracts Detection in the Dark-Exploiting XSS Vulnerability in C&C Panels to Detect Malwares
Barkai Saar 2020 MSc Abstracts Distributed Deep Neural Networks
Polyakov Sergey 2003 MSc Abstracts Researching the Java Memory Model