PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Hagit Attiya
Advisor's Email
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No of theses 23
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Raviv Maya 2018 PhD Abstracts Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Concurrent Search Trees
Hans Sandeep 2015 PhD Abstracts A Programming Language Approach to Transactional Memory Consistency
Hillel Eshcar 2011 PhD Abstracts Concurrent Data Structures: Methodologies and Inherent Limitations
Censor Hillel Keren 2010 PhD Abstracts Probabilistic Methods in Distributed Computing
Nossenson Ronit 2005 PhD Abstracts Stochastic Models for Web Servers
Hay David 2007 PhD Abstracts Competitive Evaluation of Switch Architectures
Fouren Arie 2001 PhD Abstracts Adaptive Wait-Free Algorithms for Asynchronous Shared- Memory Systems
Rachman Ophir 1996 PhD Decision Problems for Implementing Distributed Snapshots
Friedman Roy 1994 PhD Consistency Conditions for Distributed Shared Memories
Schiller Noa 2023 MSc Abstracts Efficient and Resilient Algorithms for Asynchronous Mixed Models and Decentralized Optimization
Yavneh Gili 2018 MSc Abstracts Remote Memory References at Block Granularity
Paz Ami 2013 MSc Abstracts Counting-Based Impossibility Proofs for Distributed Tasks
Kogan Alex 2008 MSc Abstracts Efficient and Robust Local Mutual Exclusion in Mobile Ad- Hoc Networks
Avidor Zvi 2004 MSc Abstracts n-Set Consensus when Inputs are Restricted
Zach Idan 2004 MSc Abstracts Fully Adaptive Shared Memory Algorithms
Kaplan Yaniv 2004 MSc Abstracts Lower Bounds for Adaptive Collect and Related Objects
Bortnikov Vita 2001 MSc Adaptive Algorithms for Mutual Exclusion
Dagan Eyal 1998 MSc Universal Operations: Unary Versus Binary
Tamir Tamar 1995 MSc Local Labeling and Resource Allocation Using Preprocessing
Rappoport Rinat 1995 MSc The Level of Handshake Required for Establishing Connection
Djerassi-Shintel Tal 1994 MSc Lower Bounds for Decision Problems in Semi-Sjnchronous
Aizenbud Netta 1993 MSc Self-Stabilization of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms
Aharonson Eran 1992 MSc The Structure of Counting Networks