PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 22
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Daniel Yael 2012 PhD Abstracts Performance-Based Retrofitting of Structures under Dynamic Loadings Using Passive Control
Lavan Oren 2006 PhD Abstracts Seismic Behavior and Control of Irregular Structures: Energy Approach
Gal Erez 2002 PhD Abstracts Triangular Shell Element for Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Gluck Nicolae 1997 PhD Active and Passive Control of Panel Walls in Tall Buildings For Earthquake Effects
Nseir Ihsan 2009 MSc Abstracts Analysis/Redesign Methodology for Seismic Retrofit of Framed Structures Using Friction Dampers
Vilnay Margalite 2008 MSc Abstracts Using Shape Memory Alloys for Seismic Upgrading of Structures
Qadi Khaldoun 2005 MSc Abstracts Seismic Non-Linear Response of Single Degree of Freedom Systems Approximate Methods
Alwely Fisal 2005 MSc Abstracts Seismic Behavior of Ductile Wall-Frame Structural Systems
Nsieri Emad 2004 MSc Abstracts Seismic Behavior of Ductile Structural Walls: Shear Forces
Khoury Waseem 2004 MSc Abstracts Seismic Response of Perimeter Steel Frames Structures: Asymmetric and Setback Buildings
Burshtein Leonid 2004 MSc Abstracts Optimal Strength Distribution for Seismic Design of Frames Satisfying Ductility Demands
Krys Alexandr 2002 MSc Inelastic Behavior of Elevator-Counterweight-Rails Systems under Earthquakes
Gelberg Nir 2001 MSc The Effects of Joint Flexibility on the Design of Space Grid Structures
Manassa Ramez 2001 MSc The Equivalent Bar Method for Evaluation of Forces Distribution at the Edges of Heavy Steel Connection
Blank Svetlana 1998 MSc The Capacity Method in Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Amd Damage Evaluation
Agranati Galit 1997 MSc Seismic Retrofitting of R/c Highway Bridges by Seismic Isolation
Marynchik Eduard 1996 MSc Lateral Seismic Response of Structure-Elevator Systems
Liu Shenghu 1995 MSc Approximation Concepts in Layout Optimization
From Ruth 1995 MSc Intial Configuration of Cable Nets and Tensegric Shells
Sokolinski Vladimir 1993 MSc Shear Buckling Optimization of Rectangular Plates
Ganz Amnon 1991 MSc Buckling Analysis of Orthotropic Plates of Uarying Thicknes
Acheampong Kofi 1990 MSc Liner Optimal Design of Trusses and Some Nonlinear Analysis