PhD and MSc Theses
PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988
Student's Name |
Graduation Year |
Degree |
Abstracts |
Research Name |
Weiss Yaniv |
2022 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Collider Probes of the Standard Model via Effective Field Theory and On-Shell Methods |
Galon Iftah |
2014 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider |
Surujon Ze'ev |
2008 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Phenomenology beyond the Standard Model |
Katz Andrey |
2008 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Aspects of Field Theory in Extra-Dimensions, Supersymmetry Breaking and Deconstruction |
Northey Julian Liam |
2024 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
On-Shell Effective Theories for Electro-Weak Precision |
Weiss Yaniv |
2017 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Supersymmetry Signatures at the LHC |
Telem Ofri |
2016 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Beyond the Standard Model: Naturalness and Flavor |
Nepomnyashy Vera |
2015 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Aspects of Flavored Gauge Mediation |
Ierushalmi Niv |
2015 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Physics beyond The Standard Model and Flavor |
Szabo Peter Zoltan |
2011 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
New Physics and Flavor |
Galon Iftah |
2009 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Understanding New Physics at the LHC |
Surujon Ze'ev |
2005 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Phenomenology of Models with Extra Dimensions |
Segev Yehonathan |
2005 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Flavor in Product-Group Grand Unified Theories |
Naipak Victoria |
2004 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Lepton Number Violation in Supersymmetric Models |