PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Michael Elad
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No of theses 43
Department Computer Science
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Kawar Bahjat 2023 PhD Abstracts Diffusion Models in Image Restoration
Vaksman Gregory 2023 PhD Abstracts Modren Learning Technics for Image and Video Denoising via Patch Matching
Golts Alona 2022 PhD Abstracts Deep Energy: Task Driven Training of Deep Neural Networks
Simon Dror 2021 PhD Abstracts Generative Models: Affecting Current Practice with Traditional Methods
Dar Yehuda 2019 PhD Abstracts New Methods for Signal Compression and Their Relations to Restoration Problems
Yankelevsky Yael 2019 PhD Abstracts Sparsity-Based Processing of Graph Structured Data
Sulam Jeremias 2018 PhD Abstracts From Local to Global Sparse Modeling
Papyan Vardan 2017 PhD Abstracts Global Versus Local Modeling of Signals
Ophir Boaz 2016 PhD Abstracts Multi Scale Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation of Images
Turek Javier S. 2015 PhD Abstracts Topics in Sparse Representation Modeling and Applications
Adler Amir 2014 PhD Abstracts Applications of Sparse and Redundant Representations to Subspace Clustering and Signal Modeling
Giryes Raja 2014 PhD Abstracts Sparsity Models for Signals: Theory and Applications
Shtok Joseph 2012 PhD Adaptive Reconstruction Algorithms in Computed Tomography
Rubinstein Ron 2012 PhD Abstracts Analysis and Synthesis Sparse Modeling Methods in Image Processing
Protter Matan 2011 PhD Abstracts Processing Images Sequences without Motion Estimation
Aharon Michal 2006 PhD Abstracts Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation of Signals
Aberdam Aviad 2022 PhD Abstracts Mathematics and Algorithms for Deep Learning
Cohen Regev 2020 PhD Abstracts Variational Inverse Problems with Application to Medical Ultrasound: From Sparsity through Deep Learning to Regularization by Denoising
Romano Yaniv 2018 PhD Abstracts Topics in Visual Data Reconstruction
Ram Idan 2015 PhD Abstracts Wavelets for Graphs and their Deployment to Image Processing
Peleg Tomer 2015 PhD Abstracts Extending Sparsity-Based Models for Signal and Image Processing
Shoham Neta 2010 MSc Abstracts Exploiting Sparse Representation for Discriminative Tasks
Adraithibaut Theo Joseph 2024 MSc Abstracts Deep Optimal Transport: A Practical Algorithm for Photorealistic Image Restoration
Mauda Assaf 2022 MSc Abstracts Poisson Denoising of Images using Deep Neural Networks Inspired by Classical Dictionary based Algorithms
Khatib Rajaei 2021 MSc Abstracts Learned Greedy Method (LGM): A Novel Neural Architecture for Sparse Coding and Beyond
Mataev Gary 2020 MSc Abstracts Deep Image Prior Powered by RED
Brifman Alon 2019 MSc Abstracts Novel Image and Video Super-Resolution Relying on Denoising Algorithms
Ren Yi 2017 MSc Abstracts Example-Based Image Synthesis via Randomized Patch-Matching
Rond Arie 2016 MSc Abstracts Handling poisson Inverse Problems by the Plug-and-Play Priors Scheme
Giryes Raja 2009 MSc Abstracts Automatic Parameter Tuning for Inverse Problems
Datsenko Dmitry 2007 MSc Abstracts Example-based Regularization in Inverse Problems
Aharon Michal 2004 MSc Abstracts Representation Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Images Using Dimensionality Reduction
Shapiro Stav 2019 MSc Abstracts Improving Patch Similarity Measure Using Order Preserving Criterion and Learned Context Features
Zisselman Vainshtein Ev 2019 MSc Abstracts A Local Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm for the Convolutional Sparse Coding Model
Boublil David 2018 MSc Abstracts Deep Learning for Inverse Problems in Image Restoration
Vaksman Gregory 2016 MSc Abstracts Solving inverse problems in signal and image processing using reordering of the signal samples
Golts Alona 2016 MSc Abstracts Linearized Kernel Dictionary Learning
Segev Dana 2012 MSc Abstracts Visual Audio Denoising
Bryt Ori 2010 MSc Abstracts Face Image Compression Using Sparse and Redundunt Representations and the K-SVD Algorithm
Brueller Raviv 2008 MSc Abstracts Image Denoising via Optimal Projection and Shrinkage Operations
Raboy Svetlana 2007 MSc Abstracts On The Recovery of Missing Samples Via Sparsity Conditions
Matalon Boaz 2006 MSc Abstracts Bayesian Methodology for Denoising Using Sparse Representations
Kidron Einat 2006 MSc Abstracts Audio-Visual Cross-Modal Analysis