PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 53
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Ben Esti Hadas 2016 PhD Abstracts Statistical Methods for Speech Processing in Low Resource Environments
Kuybeda Oleg 2009 PhD Abstracts Anomaly Preserving Redundancy Reduction in High Dimensional Signals
Cohen Israel 1998 PhD Shift-Invariant Adaptive Wavelet Decompositions And Applications
Stettiner Yoram 1995 PhD Long-Term Model for Voiced Speech with Application To Co-Channel Speech Separation
Kresch Renato 1995 PhD Morphological Image Representation for Coding Applications
Ben-David Gal 1995 PhD Vector and Scalar Quantization Under Channel-Errors
Avidar David 2018 MSc Abstracts Local-to-Global 3D Point Cloud Registration using a Viewpoint Dictionary
Berkovich Hila 2014 MSc Abstracts Model-Based Adaptive Non-Local Means Image Denoising
Katsir Itai 2012 MSc Abstracts Speech Bandwidth Extension Based on Speech Content and Speaker Information
Cohen Rami 2012 MSc Abstracts Feedback-less Distributed Video Coding and its Application in Compressing Endoscopy Videos
Madar Eyal 2011 MSc Abstracts Combined Local-Global Background Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images
Porat Dror 2010 MSc Abstracts Context-Based Multiple Description Wavelet Image Coding
Gleichman Sivan 2010 MSc Abstracts Blind Compressed Sensing
Priziment Evgeniy 2010 MSc Abstracts Modeling and Rate Control in Reversed Complexity Video Coding Systems
Shoham Tamar 2010 MSc Abstracts Quality-Preserving Footprint-Reduction of Concatenative Text-To-Speech Synthesizers
Tiomkin Stanislav 2009 MSc Abstracts A Segment-Wise Hybrid Approach for Improved Quality Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Nuriel Tamir 2009 MSc Abstracts Region-of-Interest Based Adaptation of Video for Mobile Devices
Ben-Yaacov Hilla 2008 MSc Abstracts 3D Object Description and Classification by Implicit Polynomials
Hait Naama 2007 MSc Abstracts Model-Based Transrating of Coded Video
Ophir Boaz 2006 MSc Abstracts Cross-Talk Cancellation in Scanned Images
Vichik Alla 2006 MSc Abstracts Self-dual Morphological Operators Based on Tree Representations of Images
Landa Zoya 2006 MSc Abstracts 2D Object Description and Classification Based on Contour Matching by Implicit Polynomials
Ofir Hadas 2006 MSc Abstracts Packet Loss Concealment for Audio Streaming
Moskovitz Michael 2005 MSc Abstracts Improvement of a Parametric Model for Audio Signal Compression at Low Bit Rates
Shechtman Viacheslav 2005 MSc Abstracts Very Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding Based on Temporal Decomposition
Sagi Ariel 2004 MSc Abstracts Data Embedding in Speech Signals
Lavrentiev Michael 2004 MSc Abstracts Transrating of Coded Video Signals via Optimized Requantization
Mizrachi Shay 2001 MSc Robust Detection of Watermarks in Audio Signals
Shrot Udi 2001 MSc Abstracts Efficient Coding of Image Sequences of Planar Scenes
Spira Alon 2000 MSc Image Palletization and Compression for Color-Limited Displays
Mayrentz Ronen 2000 MSc Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding Using Joint Segmentation And Vector Quantization
Franco Reuven 2000 MSc Rate, Distortion, and Complexity Tradeoffs in Fractal Image Coding
Fellah Orit 2000 MSc Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding Based on a Long-Term Model
Markman Dmitry 2000 MSc Hyperspectral Image Coding Using 3d Transforms
Bron Arkady 2000 MSc Wavelet-Based Denoising of Speech
Helzer Amir 2000 MSc Robust Fitting of Implicit Polynomials with Application To Contour Coding
Zhao Ying 1999 MSc Segmentation-Based Shape-Adaptive Image Coding
Lev Ido 1996 MSc Universal Signal Enhancement by Coding.
Reshef Ofer 1995 MSc Affine Motion Estimation and Compensation in Image Sequences with Quadtree Segmentation for Coding Applications
Cohen Gilad 1995 MSc Speech Analysis and Synthesis Using a Glottal-Excited Ar Filter Model
Kashwe Assaf 1995 MSc Volce Conversion Methods for Automatic Translation Systems
Krupnik Hagai 1995 MSc Fractal Representation of Images Via the Discrete Wavelet Transform
Karelic Yair 1995 MSc Compression of High-Quality Audio Signals Using a Time-Varying Filterbank and a Zero-Tree Coder
Baharav Izhak Zachi 1994 MSc Hierarchical Approach for Fractal Representation of Signals
Amitay Amichay 1993 MSc Compensation of Giobal Motion in Image Sequnces of 3d Scene
Sivan Zohar 1993 MSc Motion Detection and Texture Analysis for Image
Dory Yehuda 1991 MSc Registration of Seguentiol Inages of Ir Sensing
Weiner Ehud 1991 MSc Interpolation of Skipped Image Frames for Image Sequence
Sapiro Goillermo 1991 MSc Image Coding by Morphological Techniques
Eisips Zvi 1991 MSc Estimation of Global Change Parameters in Image Sequences
Zehngut Eliezer 1989 MSc Iterative Image Restoration
Alfy Itzik 1988 MSc Examination of Approaches for Improving the Performance of Residual Speech Coders
Satt Aharon 1988 MSc Design of Uniform Dft Filter Banks Optimized for Sub-Band