PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Daniel Berry
No of theses 13
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Goldin Lea 1994 PhD An Environment for Aiding Requirements Analysts in Requirements Elicitation for Large Software Systems
Schwarz Avner 1992 PhD Representing and Solving the Automated Bvilding Design (Abd)
Maarek Yoelle 1989 PhD Vsing Structural Information for Managing Very Large
Jehuda Jair 1998 PhD A Top Layer Design Approach to Complex Real-Time Software
Hornreich Harry 1998 MSc A Case Study of Software Reengineering
Shpilberg Fanny Faina 1997 MSc Wd-Pic, a Wysiwyg Direct-Manipulation Pic
Srouji Johny 1991 MSc Adaptaticn of the Unix Ditroff for Formatting Arabic Text
Yanai Shimon 1990 MSc Environment for Translating "Metafont"to"Postscrcpt"
Erez Ruthi 1990 MSc An Interactive Iaterpretes Withgraphic Display of Program
Allon Gil 1989 MSc Towauosabi Divectional Operating System
Wolfman Tony 1989 MSc ""Flo" a Language for Typesetting Flowcharts
Habusha Uri 1989 MSc Vi Iv a Ri-Directional Version of the Vi Full-Screen Edito
Becker Zeev 1988 MSc An Adaptation of the Unix Ditroff for Rormatting Tri-Directi