PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Abraham Alexandrovitz
Advisor's Email
No of theses 16
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Spitsa Vitaly 2009 PhD Abstracts Robust Approach to Power System Voltage Stability
Koulbekov Pavel 2005 MSc Abstracts Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines
Spitsa Vitaly 2002 MSc Abstracts Power System Harmonics
Kramer Boaz 2001 MSc Investigation of Dynamic Behavior of a DC Brushless Motor
Khatib Ali 2000 MSc Dynamic Behaviour Investigation of Unsymmetrical Conditions Of A.c. Motors
Efroni Igal 1997 MSc Dynamics of a System Synchronous Generator Induction Motor
Burdhima Kristak 1996 MSc Switched Reluctance Motor
Zimin Michael 1995 MSc Analysis of Incorporation of a Battery Storage Plant in Power System
Weinstock Dan 1995 MSc Analysis of Matrix Converter Properties
Akons Ilan 1994 MSc Brushless Dc Motor
Benmair Izakino 1993 MSc Switching Overvoltages in Large Electrical Motors
Romano Itzhak 1992 MSc Field Oriented Control of An Induction Motor
Zaideman Moshe 1992 MSc Transient Rehavior Analysis of a Synchronous Generator Durin
Bohadana Mordechai 1991 MSc Computer Investigation of the Synchronous Motor Dynamic
Felder Manuel 1989 MSc Vector Control of An Asynchronous Motor
Fintz Avraham 1989 MSc Emergency Power to Essential Loads in Rutenberg Power Statio