PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm
Advisor's Email
No of theses 19
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Trossman Haifler Yaala 2023 PhD Abstracts Urban Wellbeing in Dense Cities, the Influence of Spatial Parameters & Densification Strategies Virtual Reality Experiments
Greenberg Eliyahu 2022 PhD Abstracts The Effect of Topography on Pedestrian Movement in Urban Environments: Developing an Analytical Model
Melamed Rachel 2019 PhD Abstracts The Balance Between Physical Closure and Openness in Office Workspaces and the Connection to Interaction Between Workers and Their Need for Privacy
Eldar Ranit 2016 PhD Abstracts Towards an Ergonomic Design Assessment Tool: Visualizing Postural Comfort
Natapov Asya 2016 PhD Abstracts Cities as Visuospatial Networks: Linking Visibility of Urban Activities and Pedestrian Movement
Shach-Pinsly Dalit 2007 PhD Abstracts The Development of a Model for Analyzing Visual Openness and Visual Exposure in Residendential Clusters
Ben-Nun Ronny 2022 MSc Abstracts The Physical Space as a Support in Virtual Learning and Teaching Environments
Steenekamp Yulia 2022 MSc Abstracts Willingness to Accept Densification and Urban Renewal Procedures as a Function of a Socio-Economic Status: an Experiment in Virtual Reality
Talmor Blaistain Anat 2022 MSc Abstracts Developing an Interactive Method for the Generation and Evaluation of Urban Environments
Sherman Naomi 2019 MSc Abstracts Creativity and the Phenomenon of Play as Shaped by the Designed Environment
Nezer Orit 2018 MSc Abstracts Adaptive Reuse: The Effect of the Virtual Environment on the Work Process of Students in the Studio
Baz Iris 2018 MSc Abstracts The Influence of Spatial Legibility on Evacuation Wayfinding Strategies in Public Buildings in Emergency Situations
Dickler Yael 2014 MSc Abstracts The Phenomenon of Adaptive Reuse Preservation of Buildings in Israel
Shach-Pinsly Dalit 2003 MSc Abstracts Coastal Urban Density and Visual Permeability – Analysis and Evaluation
Sagie Eyal 2003 MSc Abstracts Considerations in the Design of the Physical Environment for Teamwork in Knowledge based Companies
Shechter Chen 2019 MSc Abstracts The Importance of Landmark Visibility on the Formation of a Mental Map during Pedestrian Navigation
Golub Despina-Diana 2016 MSc Abstracts Quantitative Model for Three-Dimensional Analysis of Urban Environments Indicating on Qualitative Aspects
Shashkov Alona 2013 MSc Abstracts Developing a Quantitative Three-Dimensional Visual Analysis Model for the Urban Environment
Lindenfeld Irit 2020 MSc Abstracts Is Overall Visibility Sufficient in Indoor Wayfinding? The Role of Global and Local Landmarks