PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Benjamin Bental
Advisor's Email
No of theses 42
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Teitler Regev Sharon 2009 PhD Abstracts Risks and Their Impact on Tourism
Abramov Arthur 2007 PhD Abstracts The Printing Press and its Implications
Kohavi Yitzhak 2006 PhD Abstracts Quality and Reputation in Dynamic Oligopoly: An Empirical Study of US Automobile Industry
Sharabany Shoshana 1992 PhD Optimal Search for Investment Opportunities and Growth
Jabali Serhan Sabaa 2021 MSc Abstracts Married Women Labor Supply, and Differences between Ethnic Groups in Israel
Bar Levev Gilad 2018 MSc Abstracts Why Do Academics Apply for research Grants?
Farbman Lior 2018 MSc Abstracts Tranactions Costs and the Bureaucratization of the British Civil Service in the 19th Century
Zidan Saher 2017 MSc Abstracts The Effectiveness of Monitoring and the Instutional Design of Labor Markets
Dubinsky Yelena 2016 MSc Abstracts Outsource or Integrate: A Case Study of Public Services Provision
Danot Shai 2016 MSc Abstracts Economic Considerations for Reducing Wage Inequality and for Employee Co-Ownership
Elkin Kosta 2014 MSc Abstracts Labor Relations and the Role of Courts
Kogus Ayelet 2012 MSc Abstracts British Labor Legislation in the 19th Century: An Economic Interpretation
Berlin Elena 2010 MSc Abstracts Language Disenfranchisement and the Cost of Translation: The Case of the Expanding European Union
Gat Dina 2007 MSc Abstracts The Neoclassical Growth Model and the Israeli Economy During 1987-2004
Shemesh Miri 2007 MSc Abstracts Pattern of International Patent Registration
Kolet Vladislav 2007 MSc Abstracts Sectoral and Aggregate Output Variability
Shmukler Zvagelsky Inessa 2007 MSc Abstracts Parameter Estimation of R&D Processes with Uncertain Implementation
Abba-Bendor Hanny 2006 MSc Abstracts The National Health Insurance Law and The Israeli Health System
Sherer Ronit 2006 MSc Abstracts Train Services and Housing Prices in Netanya and in Rehovot
Mansour Hani 2004 MSc Abstracts An Empirical Characterization of R and D Processes in a Model of Sequential Search
Mashiah Rinat 2004 MSc Abstracts Identifying High Risk Borrowers in Markets with Asymmetric Information
Kalinhaff Dalia 2003 MSc Abstracts Privatization in the Kibbutzim Movement
Leshem Lilya 2003 MSc Abstracts Stranded Costs in Electricity Markets
Kasimova Eden Svetlana 2002 MSc Prices and Inventories
Bonaparte Yosef 2002 MSc Abstracts Investment in Education in the Jewish and the Arab Sectors in Israel
Golerkansky Yana 2002 MSc The Banking System and Economic Crisis: Israel and Russia
Kohavi Yitzhak 2002 MSc Abstracts Stock Market Reaction to US Automotive Recalls
Abramov Arthur 2002 MSc Abstracts Issues in the Economics of Florence in the Middle Ages
Breidburg Inna 2002 MSc Abstracts Reforms in Public Transportation
Frenkel Sivan 2001 MSc Parametric Estimation of R and D Processes Using a Sequential Search Model
Katsman Arkady 1998 MSc Endogenous Number of Firms in a Search Theoretic Growth Model
Biran Dina 1998 MSc Projections of World Oil Price in Comparison to Reality
Shrara Nasser 1998 MSc The Characterization of the Gap Between the Declared Income and the Income in the Final Assessment
Eyal Sara 1997 MSc Return on Investment in Agricultural R and D
Teitler Regev Sharon 1995 MSc The Determinants of Tourism to Israel
Ben-David Moshe 1995 MSc Wage Contracts and Business Cycle
Kosyakovsky Boris 1994 MSc Credit Raticning in Cvfrlappinggenerations Models
Lurian Roni 1994 MSc Israeli Marchant Marine Officers
Rotlevi Irith 1993 MSc Shapley Value and Capaicty Costin Electricity
Furman Shmuel 1991 MSc The Problem of Identifying Highrisk Borrowers
Talmor Ilan 1990 MSc Individual Utility from Urban Characteristics
Feingold Gila 1989 MSc Development of Israels Textile Exports with Referenle to Fre