PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Shlomit Pinter
No of theses 14
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Wolfstahl Yaron 1989 PhD Algorithms for Graph Embedding and Covering
Fischer Daniel 1988 MSc Maintenance of Unreliable Distributed Systems
Tuchfeld Arie 1996 MSc A Working Environment for End-User Multimedia Communication.
Yoaz Adi 1996 MSc Hardware- Based Data Prefetching Approach for Superscalar Processors
Levin Jacob 1995 MSc A Parallelizing Compiler for Fortran 777 Programs
Caspi Rami 1994 MSc Monitor Program to Control a Distributed Multiprocessor
Mizrachi Liron 1993 MSc Parallelization Using Idions
Hardon Roni 1992 MSc Optimizing Code-Grain-Size for Data Flow Machines
Zamsky Arkady 1992 MSc Early Stopping Efficient Algiri Thms for Agreement Problems
Cohen Gideon 1989 MSc Resource Allocation Considering Differnt Sgsten Constrains
El-Zur Uri 1989 MSc Mapper of Parallel Algorithm on Parallel Architectures
Weintraub Reuven 1988 MSc Prosthetic Gait Control with Learning Capabilities
Ben-Simon Jacob 1988 MSc Cover Problems in Reguler Graphs and Network Applications