PhD and MSc Theses
PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988
Student's Name |
Graduation Year |
Degree |
Abstracts |
Research Name |
Levy Shahar |
2024 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Cellular and Network Mechanisms of Motor Control |
Lotan Zohar |
2023 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Dynamic Representation of Task Variables by Layer 2-3 Neurons in the Primary Motor Cortex |
Asleh Jad |
2022 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Mesoscopic Interrogation of Mouse Motor Networks in Health and Disease: from Network Dynamics to Movement |
Kumar Amit |
2022 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Role of Active Dendritic Properties on Synaptic Integration and Plasticity in Piriform Cortex Neurons |
Dubin Uri |
2018 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis in Cortical Networks |
Khateb Mohamed |
2018 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Information Processing in the Cortical Sensory-Motor Loop |
Lavzin Maria |
2018 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Network and Single Cell Mechanisms Underlying Sensory-Motor Behavior |
Sandler Maya |
2016 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Synaptic Processing in Fine Tuft Dendrites of Layer 5 Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons of the Rat |
Pachter Inbar |
2016 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Network Dynamics during Seizure Initiation in an Acute Cortical Epilepsy Model: In-Vivo Two-Photon Calcium Imaging Study |
Ariav Gal |
2012 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Cellular Mechanisms allowing Integration of Synaptic Inputs within Time Scales of Single to Hundreds of Milliseconds in CA1 Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons |
Garion Liora |
2012 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Texture-Dependent Neuronal Assemblies in Layer 2-3 of the Rat Barrel Cortex in-vivo |
Rapoport Sophia |
2012 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Active Dendritic Properties of Layer 4 Spiny Stellate Neurons in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex |
Itzhaki Ilanit |
2011 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
The Development of Excitability and Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Cardiomyocytes |
Polsky Alon |
2010 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Synaptic Integration in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: Coordinated Experimental and Modeling Studies |
Cohen Rimon Avigail |
2023 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Geometry-Based Dynamic Connectivity Analysis of Biological Neural Networks |
Raviv Dagan |
2022 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Investigating Motor Learning-Induced Cortical Activity in Arc::dVenus Transgenic Mice |
Sohaib Mohammad |
2022 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Plasticity Mechanisms in the Dendrites of Pyramidal Neurons in the Piriform Cortex |
Andreyanov Michael |
2021 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Design of an Ultrapotent Genetically Encoded Blocker of the Potassium Channel Kv4.2 for Gating Neural Plasticity |
Dori Bat-Elle |
2020 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Dendritic Excitability Changes of Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons Following Motor Learning in Primary Motor Cortex |
Lamfrom Yael |
2018 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Establishing an Experimental Platform to Study Representation and Plasticity in Primary Sensory Cortex Following Motor Task Learning |
Schiff Oded |
2015 |
MSc |
Dendritic Properties of Piriform Cortex Neurons and their Modification after Higher Order Learning |
Rubin Yoav |
2010 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Two Photon Imaging with High Temporal Resolution of Correlated Neural Activity |
Gordon Urit |
2007 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Different Plasticity Mechanisms in Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons: Role of NMDA Spike |