PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Shaouly Bar Shalom
No of theses 5
Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Cohen Jonathan 2020 PhD Abstracts Probing New Physics in Higgs and Leptonic Systems at the LHC
Geller Michael 2016 PhD Abstracts Higgs Physics, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Extended Quark Sector at the LHC
Roitgrund Aviad 2016 PhD Abstracts The Left-Right Symmetric Model as an Extension of the Standard Model: Implications for the LHC
Cohen Jonathan 2016 MSc Abstracts Contact Interactions in Higgs-Vector Boson Associated Production at the ILC
Baum Itzhak 2007 MSc Abstracts Top Quark Rare Decays in a Two Higgs Doublet Model for the Top