PhD and MSc Theses
PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988
Student's Name |
Graduation Year |
Degree |
Abstracts |
Research Name |
Rechnitz Sharon |
2022 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Arch Shaped Mechanical Carbon Nanotube Resonators |
Zeevi Gilad |
2021 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Electrostatic Interactions and Charge Transfer between Carbon Nanotube and its Environment |
Tabachnik Tal |
2018 |
PhD |
Bi-Stable Nano Electromechanical Systems Based on Carbon Nanotubes |
Shlafman Michael |
2017 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Suspended Carbon Nano-Tubes Based Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems |
Hajaj Eitan M. |
2013 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Electrical Properties of Single Layar Graphene |
Pascal Yael |
2013 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Hysteresis in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors |
Pine Polina |
2012 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Atomistic Simulation of Nano-Electro Mechanical Systems Based on Carbon Nanotubes |
Paz Yuval |
2020 |
MSc |
Atomic Interaction between One and Two Dimensional Nano-Scale Devices |
Dozortsev Alexander |
2019 |
MSc |
Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid hBN Field Effects Transistors |
Goldshtein Israel |
2018 |
MSc |
Contact and Intrinsic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes |
Rogachevsky Ze'ev |
2017 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
VLSI Based Carbon Nanotubes |
Zeevi Gilad |
2016 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Molecule Nano-Crystals Assisted Optical Visualization of Carbon Nanotubes |
Shifman Evgeny |
2014 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Hysteresis and Sensing in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors |
Even Zur Ziv |
2014 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Non-Volatile Memories Based on Silicon Nanowires |
Calahorra Yonatan |
2010 |
MSc |
Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nanowires |
Maayani Shai |
2010 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Electro-Mechanical Oscillator which Controls Nanometric Junction |
Shirak Oren |
2008 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors |
Even-Zur Orit |
2012 |
MSc |
Growth and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Assemblies |
Levy Eden |
2022 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Electrical and Mechanical Coupling between Low Dimensions Materials |
Rabkin Tsvi |
2011 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Influence of Dielectric/Nanotube Interface on Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors Charge Sensing |
Mordechai Emanuel |
2010 |
MSc |
Fabrication of Mechanical and Electrical Graphene-Based Devices |
Oved Elad |
2010 |
MSc |
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Graphene of Charged Substrates |
Gassman Aaron |
2009 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Investigation of the Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanofibers with Embedded Carbon Nanotubes |
Izraeli Tzipora Yael |
2016 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Non-Volatile Memory based on MOS Capacitors and Metallic Nanoparticles |
Yom-Tov Nir |
2010 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Accurate Electrical Measurements of Doped Diamond Layers |
Nussinson Dan |
2009 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Field Effect Transistors Based on Carbon Nano-Tubes |