PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Arieh Sidess
Advisor's Email
No of theses 13
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Tamir Erez 2021 PhD Abstracts Viscoelastic Properties Prediction of Fluoropolymers through Multiscale Modeling
Sirhan Mai 2023 PhD Abstracts Investigating Deep Learning Methods for Asphalt Pavement Performance Prediction
Nigem Carlos 2024 MSc Abstracts A Fatigue Damage Model for Asphaltic Mixtures
Marwat Yamin 2023 MSc Abstracts A Model to Evaluate the Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Mixtures
Dolev Noa 2021 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Soil Response to Static and Cylic Loading Using Soil Pressure Sensors and Strain Sensors
Piotrekovsky Lior 2020 MSc Abstracts The Influence of Air Voids on the Characteristics of an Asphalt Mixture under Cyclic Loading
Goldman Ehud Hanoch 2020 MSc Abstracts Implementation of Damage Mechanics to Characterize the Mechanical Behavior of Asphalt Concrete under Creep
Sirhan Mai 2019 MSc Abstracts Effect of Compaction Method on the Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixtures
Matani Shihab 2019 MSc Abstracts The Influence of Density and Moisture Content on the Resilient Modulus of Clayey Subgrdes
Nigem Piere 2017 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Granular Pavement Materials Behavior under Cyclic Loading
Primo Hadas 2011 MSc Abstracts Use of ANSS as a Stabilizer for Fine Grained Swelling Soils
Weinstein Noam 2009 MSc Abstracts Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of Dense and S-Asphalt Mixture
Stivi Nofar 2018 MSc Abstracts Constitutive Model For Describing the Mechanical Behavior Of a Glassy Polymer