PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Rakefet Ackerman
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No of theses 25
Department Data and Decision Sciences
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Lauterman Tirza 2020 PhD Initial Judgement of Solvability in Problem Solving: Non-Verbal and Verbal Problems
Shraga Roee 2020 PhD Abstracts (Artificial) Mind over Matter: Integrating Humans and Algorithms in Solving Matching Problems
Eliav Emuna 2019 PhD Abstracts Can Funny Women Get Ahead? Managing the Warmth-Competence Paradox Through Humor
Sidi Yael 2017 PhD Abstracts On the Role of Medium, Computer Screen vs. Paper, as a Cue for Processing Depth
Nave Rachel 2013 PhD Abstracts Faculty Development Program and Online Forums: Self-Learning and Self-Assessment of Medical- Educators
Asulin Lidor 2024 MSc Abstracts Confidence Prediction using Mouse-Tracking Data
Gooz Noam 2023 MSc Is My Idea Original? Heuristic Cues for Originality Judgements
Riskin Yarden 2023 MSc Abstracts Metacognitive Processes Underlying Utilization of Help
Kinory Asa 2022 MSc Abstracts The Role of Metacognitive Processes in Effectively using Adaptive User Interfaces
Abbas Marwan 2022 MSc Overcoming Biasing Heuristic Cues in Problem Solving
Gat Shahar 2022 MSc Abstracts "Its About Time": Metacognitive Processes Underlying Subjective Duration Estimation of Problem Solving
Nizri Tal Ori 2021 MSc Abstracts Search Behaviors: The Evolvement of Stopping Criteria and Confidence Judgments with Accumulation of Experience
Shefer Gilat Ofri 2020 MSc Abstracts The Association between Sense of Agency and Metacognitive Accuracy in Problem Solving
Shuster Baillie Sarah 2020 MSc Abstracts The Moderating Effects of Fixed and Growth Mindsets on Meta-Reasoning Processes
Soria Adi 2018 MSc Abstracts Peer Performance as Harmful Information for Meta- Reasoning
Berko Liniado Liron 2018 MSc The Role of Visual Cues in Meta-Reasoning Judgments Regarding Nonverbal Problems
Torgovitsky Ilan 2018 MSc Abstracts Metacognitive Perspective on Strategic Allocation of Time Across Items
Livneh Iris 2017 MSc Abstracts Strategic Help-Seeking and "Don't Know" Responses in Question Answering
Soibelman Daniela 2016 MSc Abstracts Are my Ideas Original? The Cues Underlying Originality Judgments
Beller Yael 2015 MSc Abstracts Solvable or not Solvable? Heuristic Cues in Judgment of Solvability
Nassar Farida 2014 MSc Abstracts Incorporating Metacognition into Usability Testing
Lauterman Tirza 2013 MSc The Hidden Cues behind the Screen – Media Effect on Improving Metacomprehension Accuracy
Shpigelman Maya 2012 MSc Abstracts Illustrations Effect on the Judgments of Comprehension Regarding Problem Solutions
Ophir Yael 2012 MSc Abstracts Good Enough Thinker Who Can Overcome a Misleading Intuition?
Zalmanov Hagar 2012 MSc Abstracts Media Effect on Problem Solving Under Time Constraints