PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Shie Mannor
Advisor's Email
No of theses 33
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Shani Lior 2023 PhD Abstracts Reinforcement Learning by Policy Optimization
Di Castro Shashua Shirli 2023 PhD Abstracts Replay Buffers and Uncertainties in Reinforcement Learning
Derman Esther 2023 PhD Abstracts Sequential Decision-Making Under Exogenous Uncertainty
Merlis Nadav 2022 PhD Abstracts Sequential Decision-Making with Complex Feedback
Tessler Chen 2022 PhD Abstracts Structure and Priors in Reinforcement Learning
Tennenholtz Guy 2022 PhD Abstracts Reinforcement Learning for Extended Intelligence using Causal-Aware Language-based Agents
Efroni Yonathan 2021 PhD Abstracts Lookahead Policies: Dynamic Programming, Online Planning and Reinforcement Learning
Baram Nir 2021 PhD Abstracts From Imitation to Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning
Richman Oran 2019 PhD Abstracts Uncertainty Management in Learning Problems
Zahavy Tom Ben Zion 2019 PhD Abstracts Reinforcement Learning and Deep Representations
Meirom Eli 2018 PhD Abstracts Structure, Dynamics and Learning on Networks
Mankowitz Jaymin 2018 PhD Abstracts Learning Options in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Hallak Assaf 2018 PhD Abstracts Off-Policy Evaluation in a Reinforcement Learning Setting
Dalal Gal 2018 PhD Abstracts Decision Making under Uncertainty: Power System Applications and Finite-Time Analyses
Gal-on Maayan 2016 PhD Abstracts On Detection and Adaptation to Changes in a Learning Problem
Avner Orly 2016 PhD Abstracts Machine Learning Inspired by Multi-User Communication Networks
Vainsencher Daniel 2015 PhD Abstracts Generalization and Unruly Data
Tamar Aviv 2015 PhD Abstracts Risk-Sensitive and Efficient Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Dyagilev Kirill 2014 PhD Abstracts Modeling, Prediction and Design of Dynamic Behavior in Networks
Avineri Gal 2024 MSc Abstracts Offline Meta-RL: Practical Algorithmic Improvements
Cohen Lior 2021 MSc Abstracts Reinforcement Learning Based Flow Control for Real-Time Video over Cellular Channels
Cohen Snir 2018 MSc Abstracts Restricted Optimism
Haimovitch Yoav 2013 MSc Abstracts Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Sentiment Analysis
Pony Roi 2023 MSc Over-the-Air Adversarial Flickering Attacks against Video Recognition Networks
Ben-David Avrech 2022 MSc Abstracts Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Reinforcement Learning
Sason Eliyahu 2020 MSc Abstracts Structured Label Classification using Deep Learning
Cassel Asaf Benjamin 2018 MSc Abstracts A General Approach to Multi-Armed Bandits Under Risk Criteria
Tennenholtz Guy 2018 MSc Abstracts Sequential Vaccination of Epidemics in Networks
Levine Nir 2017 MSc Abstracts Rotting Bandits
Maoz Nadav 2016 MSc Abstracts The Coctail Party Effect for prior Knowledge Free, Event Discovery in Concurrent, Heterogeneous, Time Series Data
Baransi Akram 2015 MSc Abstracts Best Empirical Sampled Average – BESA – an Algorithm for the Multi-Armed Bandits
Almog Barak 2014 MSc Abstracts A Least Squares Temporal Difference Cross Entropy Approach to Intelligent Air Combat
Mebel Ofir 2012 MSc Abstracts Markov Decision Processes with Correlated Uncertainty