PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Johann Makowsky
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No of theses 18
Department Computer Science
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Kotek Tomer 2012 PhD Abstracts Definability of Combinatorial Functions
Averbouch Ilia 2011 PhD Abstracts Completeness and Universality Properties of Graph Invariants and Graph Polynomials
Ravve Elena 1999 PhD Decomposition of Databases with Translation Schemes
Rotics Udi 1999 PhD Efficient Algorithms for Generally Intractable Graph Problems Restricted to Specific Classes of Graphs
Rakita Vsevolod 2023 PhD Abstracts On Generating and Harary Polynomials of Graphs
Labai Nadia 2015 MSc Abstracts Definability and Hankel Matrices
Magid Yonit 2007 MSc Abstracts BSS Model of Computation over the Reals and Choice Operator
Glikson Alexander 2004 MSc Abstracts Verification of Generally Intractable Graph Properties on Graphs Generated by Graph Grammars
Ravve Elena 1995 MSc Model Cheking for Various Notions of Product
Sharell Abraham 1993 MSc On the Average Gomplexity of Sat for Fiat Distributions
Barguri Yaniv 1992 MSc The Hierarchy of Transitive Closure
Hasson Ruben 1992 MSc A Comparison of Data Models Forcomplex Objects
Calo Ariel 1990 MSc The Expressive Power of the Transitive Closure
Rupp Moshe Zvi 1992 MSc Program Testing by Acceptability Estimation
Weissberg Yifat 1990 MSc Iterative Learning Finite Automata-Application by Nevral Net
Rakita Vsevolod 2020 MSc Abstracts On Weakly Distinguishing Graph Polynomials
Magid Avi 2008 MSc Abstracts Structural Properties of Formulas for which SAT Problem is Easy