PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Kira Radinsky
Advisor's Email
No of theses 16
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Rosin Guy Daniel 2022 PhD Abstracts Incorporating Time into Word Representations
Singer Uriel 2022 PhD Abstracts Temporal Graph Embedding with Fairness
Golany Tomer 2021 PhD Abstracts Deep Generative Models for ECG Classification
Nordon Galia 2021 PhD Abstracts Leveraging Multiple Drug Modalities for Drug Repurposing
Makhervaks Dave 2024 MSc Abstracts Clinical Contradiction Detection
Benjamin Roy 2023 MSc Abstracts Graph Neural Networks Pretraining through Inherent Supervision for Molecular Property Prediction
Kaminsky Natan 2023 MSc Abstracts Lead Optimization For Drug Discovery with Limited Data
Kalifa Dan 2021 MSc Leveraging World Events to Predict E-Commerce Consumer Demand under Anomaly
Peretz Gal 2021 MSc What If: Generating Code to Answer Simulation Questions
Barshatski Guy 2021 MSc Abstracts Deep Generative Models for Molecular Optimization
Ringel Dor 2020 MSc Abstracts Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Text Classification
Elad Guy 2020 MSc Abstracts Generating Personalized Product Descriptions from User Reviews
Harel Shahar 2019 MSc Abstracts Prototype-Based Chemical Design using Diversity-Driven Generative Models
Magen Aviram 2019 MSc Abstracts Find A Cure: Learning to Rank Articles for Molecular Queries
Shoshan Eylon 2019 MSc Abstracts Latent Entities Extraction: How to Extract Entities that Do Not Appear in the Text?
Iskander Shadi 2024 MSc Abstracts Mitigating Social Bias in Language Models: Fairness Strategies in Labeled and Unlabeled Demographics Settings