PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Aviv Tamar
Advisor's Email
No of theses 10
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Jurgenson Tom 2023 PhD Abstracts Learning Algorithms for Neural Motion Planning
Avineri Gal 2024 MSc Abstracts Offline Meta-RL: Practical Algorithmic Improvements
Choshen Era 2023 MSc Abstracts Contrastive Bayes-Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning
Endrawis Shadi 2022 MSc Abstracts Efficient Self-Supervised Data Collection for Offline Robot Learning
Bar-Zur Roi 2021 MSc Abstracts Finding Optimal Strategies in Blockchain Protocols with Reinforcement Learning
Avner Or 2023 MSc Abstracts Learning Control by Iterative Inversion
Yehezkel Ido 2022 MSc Abstracts Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Routing in Computer Networks
Rabinovitz Carmel 2022 MSc Abstracts Learning Unsupervised Domain-Invariant Image Representations for Manipulation with Contrastive Domain Randomization
Dorfman Ron 2021 MSc Abstracts Offline Meta Reinforcment Learning of Efficient Exploration
Daniel Tal 2020 MSc Abstracts Deep Variational Semi-Supervised Novelty Detection