PhD Theses – Biotechnology

Department Biotechnology
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Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Peleg Turgeman Ifat 2024 Ayelet Fishman, Shaul Lin, Abstracts Development of PEG-Fibrinogen Hydrogel-Based Micro-Carrier System with Controlled Release Ability of Amoxicillin Clavulanate
Yusupova Marianna 2024 Yaron Fuchs Abstracts Genetic Manipulation of Skin Stem Cells for Tissue Regeneration and Tumor Therapy
Hershkovits Ayelet Sarah 2023 Ayelet Fishman Abstracts Development of a Novel Enzymatic-Based Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease
Fridman Avraham Baruch 2023 Marcelle Machluf Abstracts Development of NanoGhosts as Targeted Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
Meir Ohad 2023 Amram Mor Abstracts Hydrophobicity Effects on Mechanisms and Potential Applications of Membrane-Active Lipopeptides
Freiman Khaikin Alina 2023 Nimrod Rozen Abstracts Engineering an Injectable Vasculogenic Bone Graft for the Treatment of Avascular Necrosis of Bone
Alyan Mohammed 2022 Avi Schroeder Abstracts Local Drug Delivery with Liposomes to Treat Diseases of the Lungs and Oral Cavity
Bar Hedva 2021 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts A New Approach for Tailoring the Properties of Shellac Films
Goldfracht Idit 2020 Lior Gepstein Abstracts Development of an Engineered Human Heart Tissue Model from Human iPSCs-Derived Cardiomyocytes
Hamami Raziel 2020 Dror Seliktar Abstracts The use of Skeletal Muscle-Derived Pericytes in Tissue Engineering of Skeletal Muscle Graft based on 3D Pluronic-Fibrinogen (FF-127) Hydrogel Environment
Krinsky Nitzan 2019 Avi Schroeder Abstracts Studying Protein-Producing Particles for Onsite Drug Delivery
Shtenberg Yarden 2019 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Mucoadhesive Polymer Systems for Controlled and Local Drug Delivery
Behr Jean-Marc 2019 Eyal Zussman, Subbu Venkatraman, Abstracts Engineering Compliant, Small Diameter Vascular Prosthesis for Bypass Grafting
Ben Jehuda Ronen 2018 Ofer Binah, Joseph Itskovitz, Abstracts Electrophysiological Abnormalities and CRISPR Gene Editing of PRKAG2 and DMD Patients' Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes
Goldman Evgeniya 2018 Avi Schroeder Abstracts Targeting Metastatic Cancer with Nanotechnology
Ben-Shaul Shahar 2018 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts In Vivo Integration Dynamics of Engineered Vascularized Constructs
Perry Luba 2017 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts Effect of Cell Composition on Integration of Transplanted Vascularized Engineered Muscle Tissue
Cao Ye 2017 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Injectable and Biomimetic Poly (ethylene glycol) Hydrogel Systems for in Situ Therapeutic Cell Delivery
Efraim Yael 2016 Marcelle Machluf Abstracts Developing and Characterizing an Injectable Platform Based on Porcine Cardiac Extracellular Matrix (pcECM) for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction
Edelman Ravit 2016 Yoav Livney, Yehuda Assaraf, Abstracts Hyaluronic Acid-Based Quadrugnostic Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy
Goldshmid Revital 2015 Dror Seliktar Abstracts A 3D-Fibrinogen Based Microgel Suspension Culture System for hMSC Bioprocessing in Bioreactors
Chaimov Deborah 2015 Marcelle Machluf Abstracts Novel Bio-Polymeric ECM Platform for Diabetes Therapy
Yom-Tov Ortal 2015 Havazelet Bianco-Peled, Dror Seliktar, Abstracts The Use of Emulsions Encapsulated within Poly Ethylene Glycol Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications
Dror Adi 2015 Ayelet Fishman Abstracts Protein Engineering of Lipase T6 from Geobacillus Stearothermophilus for Improved Performance in Biodiesel Production
Balter Adi 2015 Ester H. Segal Abstracts Nano-Structured Porous Silicon Scaffolds for Controlled Delivery of Antineoplastic Drugs
Berkovitch Yulia 2015 Dror Seliktar Abstracts Precisely Controlled Platform for the In Vitro and In Vivo Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves
Shtenberg Giorgi 2015 Ester H. Segal Abstracts Development of Optical Biosensors for Monitoring Proteins Activity
Marom Anat 2014 Shy Shoham Abstracts Optical Probing of Three-Dimensional Engineered Neural-Networks
Zwi-Dantsis Limor 2014 Lior Gepstein Abstracts Generation and Characterization of Functional Cardiomyocytes from Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells – Possible Applications for The Treatment of Heart Diseases
Haber Tom 2014 Marcelle Machluf Abstracts Ultrasound as a Gene Delivery Technology for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy
Goldfeder Mor 2014 Ayelet Fishman, Noam Adir, Abstracts Rational Design and Structure-Based Investigations of a Tyrosinase from Bacillus megaterium
Fine Amir 2014 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts Localized Stimulation of Growth Factors in Human Stem Cells as a Model for Early Embryonic Differentiation
Atia-Glikin Dana 2014 Timor Baasov Abstracts Structure-Activity-Toxicity Relationship Study of Novel Semi-Synthetic Aminoglycosides: Towards Development of New Drug for the Treatment of…
Josef Elinor 2013 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Controlled Release of Hydrophobic Drugs from Nanocarriers Embedded in Alginate Hydrogels
Ankri-Eliahu Galit 2013 Amir Landesberg, Ofer Binah, Abstracts Characterization of the Effects of Changes in Cardiac Matrix Properties on Heart Function and Development of a Novel Technique for Cardiac Fiber Isolation
Shpigelman Avi 2012 Yoav Livney Abstracts Nano-Delivery by Beta-Lactoglobulin, and Protection of EGCG from Green Tea, for Preventive Medicine
Shoshani Sivan 2012 Ehud Keinan, Shmuel Wolf, Abstracts Novel Applications of Molecular Computing Devices
Koffler Jacob 2011 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering: Integration of Engineered Vascularized Graft
Hainrichson Mariana 2010 Timor Baasov Abstracts Design and Biochemical Characterization of Novel Aminoglycosides as Potential Drugs: Overcoming the Bacterial Resistance and Toxicity
Dikovsky Daniel 2010 Dror Seliktar, Havazelet Bianco-Peled, Abstracts Poly(ethylene glycol)-based biosynthetic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Francis Keren 2010 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts Pancreas Tissue Engineering: The Role of Endothelial Cells Signaling in Pancreatic Development and Organogenesis
Izhak Liat 2009 Nathan Karin Abstracts The Interplay between CCL2 and CCR2 in the Pathogenesis of Prostate Cancer
Shamai Keren 2009 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Heterogeneous Polymer Brushes and Their Interactions with Proteins
Yaniv Orit 2008 Timor Baasov Abstracts Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Aminoglycosides: Regulation Studies of APH(3')-llb Enzyme and MexXY Efflux Pump
Radzishevsky Inna 2008 Amram Mor Abstracts Oligo Acyl-Q (OAQ): Novel Antimicrobial Pseudo-Peptides Based on Fatty Acids and Positively Charged Amino Acids
Azulay-Debby Hilla 2008 Doron Melamed, Marcelle Machluf, Abstracts CpG DNA Activates Developing B-lymphocytes in the Bone Marrow to Break Tolerance and to Secrete Autoantibodies
Yirme Galia 2007 Joseph Itskovitz Abstracts Controlled Bio-Processes for Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Bitton Ronit 2007 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Biomimetic Phenolic-Based Soft Tissue Adhesive
Carp Nov Marie Jeanne 2006 Shimon Gepstein Abstracts Genomics and Proteomics of Post Harvest Leaf Senescence
Kimhi Ohad 2006 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Molecular Imprinting of Proteins
Cohanim Amir-Ben 2006 Yechezkel Kashi, Edward Trifonov, Abstracts The Structural Roles of the Sequence Periodicities in the DNA
Chen-Konak Limor 2004 Nitzan Resnick, Ofer Binah, Abstracts Remodeling of the Cardiovascular System by Biomechanical Forces – Interaction of Vascular Endothelial Cells and Stressed Cardiac Myocytes and its Effect on Angiogenesis
Gerecht-Nir Sharon 2004 Joseph Itskovitz, Smadar Cohen, Abstracts Growth and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells within Three-Dimensional Cultures
Haim-Langford Daphne 2004 Yoram Palti Abstracts Modulation of the Electric Activity of Islets of Langerhans by Anesthetic Agents
Meretzki Shai 2003 Shoshana Merchav Abstracts Stationary Packed Bed Bioreactor for Propagation of Human Haemopoietic Stem Cells
Netzer Nir 2003 Nathan Karin Abstracts The Role of Scavenger Receptor Class B (SR-BI) in the Development of T Cell Mediated Autoimmune Diseases
Schubert Shai Yehosua 2002 Nitzan Resnick, Ishak Neeman (Deceased), Abstracts Plant Derived Antioxidants – Isolation, Characterization and their Effect on NFkB Activation in Vascular Endothelial Cells
Levites Yona 2002 Moussa Youdim Abstracts Molecular Events in Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration; Mechanism of Neuroprotective Action of Major Green Tea Polyphenol, (-)-Epigallocatechin-3- Gallate