PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor Avram Hershko
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No of theses 22
Department Medicine
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Kaisari Sharon 2019 PhD Abstracts Mechanisms of Formation and Disassembly of the Mitotic Checkpoint Complex
Teichner Adar 2012 PhD Abstracts Characterization of Different Inhibitors of APC/C in the Mitotic Checkpoint
Miniowitz Shem-Tov Shirly 2012 PhD Abstracts Molecular Mechanisms of Release from the Mitotic Checkpoint
Moshe Yakir 2010 PhD Abstracts Regulation of the APC/C Ubiquitin Ligase by the Protein Emi1
Bornstein Gil 2007 PhD Abstracts Conjugation of Cul1 by the Ubiquitin-like Protein NEDD8 and the Mode of its Action on SCFskp2 Ubiquitin Ligase
Sitry-Shevah Danielle 2007 PhD Abstracts Mechanisms of Degradation of p27 and their Control in the Cell Cycle
Yudkovsky Yana 2003 PhD Abstracts The Mechanisms of the Regulation of Cyclosome Activity in Somatic Human Cells
Golan Amnon 2002 PhD Abstracts Molecular Processes Responsible for Cyclosome Activation at Mitosis
Shteinberg Michal 2000 PhD The Regulation of the Activation and Activity of the Cyclosome in the Cell Cycle
Beck-Sviri Sharon 1999 PhD Interactions of Cyclosome with Cyclins A, B and E2C
Sudakin Valery 1998 PhD The Role of Cyclosome in the Regulation of Cyclin Degradation
Lahav Shirly 1997 PhD The Role of Phosphatase in Cyclin B Degradation
Dahan Aviva 1995 PhD Cell Cycle Control of Cyclin Degradation
Hadary Tamar 1993 PhD Isolation and Characterization of Ub Binding Protein
Moskovitz Jackob 1993 PhD Ubiquitin Protein Consugate Degrading Enzymes in Erythrocyt
Heller Hanna 1993 PhD Mode of Action of a Novel Enzyme that Ligates Ubiquitin to Protein
Stam (Armon) Tamar 1992 PhD The Role of Atp in the Degradation of Proteins
Ganot Devora 1991 PhD Formtion and Mode of Action of a Complex That Degrades
Reiss Yoval 1989 PhD Selectivity and Mode of Action of Ubiquitin-Protein
Hershco-Shani Inbal 2006 MSc Abstracts Destabilization of Tetrahelical Transcripts of the Fragile X Syndrome (CGG)n Expanded Sequence by Members of the hnRNP Family and by Cationic Porphyrins
Cohen Yehudit 1996 MSc Characterization of a Novel Ubiquitin-C-Terminal Hydrolase From Extracts of Clam Oocytes
Beck-Sviri Sharon 1994 MSc Role of – Nh2 of Proteins in Conjugation with Ubiguitin