PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Ezekiel Dar-El (Deceased)
No of theses 23
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Plotnik Alexandra 1999 PhD Computerized Assembly Process Planning
Masin Michael 1998 PhD Performance Analysis and Design of Self Regulating Productuin Control Systems
Bukchin Yosef 1995 PhD Group Oriented Hierarchical Design of Mixed Model Assembly Systems
Mayersdorf Doron 1995 PhD Research and Development Quality and Productivity : Measurement and Improvement Process
Shtub Hadas 2005 MSc Abstracts Learning and Forgetting with Varying Breaks between Single Repetitions
Shachor Sara 2003 MSc Abstracts Learning and Forgetting in the Computer Industry
Lavi Max 2000 MSc Reengineering of the Manpower Planning Process in "Avborne"
Molcho Yitzchak 1998 MSc Business Process Reengineering in a Metal Products Manufacturing Factory
Ginzburg Samuel 1997 MSc Skill Retention and Relearning
Zeev Noam 1996 MSc Design of a Conwip Based Gt Production System Using Simulated Annealing.
Soffer Pnina 1994 MSc Multi Product Machine Setup Reduction
Oshrat Dan 1995 MSc The Effectiveness of An Implementation of T.q.m. in An Air Force Unit
Voulichman Yaakov-Ron 1993 MSc Quality Aspects in Learning Curves
Hershler Ayal 1993 MSc T.q.m.functioning to Achieve the Firm's Goals
Masin Michael 1992 MSc Predicting the Performance of Conwip-Rased Production Lines
Mayersdorf Doron 1992 MSc Raising Red Productivity
Cohen Yuval 1992 MSc Optimization of the Makespan in Prodvction Lines Under
Laloum Myriam 1991 MSc Optimizing Positioning of Mechanical Parts
Brenner Michal 1990 MSc Prediction of Learning in Short Cycle Tasks
Feuer Zvi 1990 MSc Design & Development of a Finite Capacity Short Term
Fried Tal 1988 MSc Schednling Methods for the Assembly of Printed Circuit Board
Dov Moshe 1988 MSc The Allocation of Mixed Models to Assembly Lines
Ayas Sabag Karen 1988 MSc Predicting Learning Process in Long Cycle Tasks