PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yoram Shiftan
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No of theses 52
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Barlach Yotam 2011 PhD Abstracts The Existence of Hedonic(Emotional) Preference in Choosing Public Transit Modes
Elias Wafa 2008 PhD Abstracts The Effect of Activity Patterns on Road Accidents: Case Studies of Bypassed Towns
Kogus Ayelet 2023 PhD Abstracts Modeling the Expected Long-Term Impact of the COVID19 Crisis on Commute and Telecommute
Ben Zvi Etzioni Shelly 2022 PhD Abstracts Modeling Shared Automated Vehicles Users' Acceptance using Stated Preference and Serious Games
Ben-Hakoun Elyakim 2020 PhD Abstracts Marine Environmental Emission Reduction Policy, Economic and Emission Impact
Sharav Nir 2018 PhD Abstracts Optimal Urban Transit Investment Model and its Application
Tenenboim Reichenber Einat 2018 PhD Abstracts Integrating Subjective Travel Time Estimates in Travel Behavior Modeling of Destination and Toll Route Choice
Shaby Tomer 2017 PhD Abstracts A Hybrid Choice Model of Travel Behavior under Emergency and War Situations
Nahmias-Biran Bat-Hen 2016 PhD Abstracts Incorporating Equity Considerations in Transport Project Evaluation: Developing New Measures
Toledo-Crespin Galit 2011 PhD Abstracts Analysis and Modeling of Driving Behavior Using In-Vehicle Data Recorders
Ishaq Robert 2011 PhD Abstracts Development of a Flexible Model Structure for Discrete Choice Models
Kaplan Sigal 2010 PhD Abstracts Development and Estimation of a Semi-Compensatory Model with a Flexible Error Structure: Application to Residential Choice
Ben-Elia Eran 2008 PhD Abstracts Behavioral Insights in Route-Choice Models with Real Time Information
Bowirrat Rasha 2023 MSc Abstracts Explaining Walking in Cities-a Big Data Approach
Berger Pinchas 2007 MSc Abstracts Travel Demand and the Value of Time – Theoratical and Empirical Issues
Kahana Daniel 2002 MSc Abstracts Alternative Transport Oriented Urban Development: Applying the Discrete Choice Model
Barlach Yotam 2001 MSc The Effect of Employment Site Characteristics on Commuting Mode Choice
Parvar Ayellet 2000 MSc Comparison Between Selective Congestion Toll and Fuel Tax As Alternative Means to Reduce Traffic Congestion Case Study: Haifa Metropolian Area
Ben-Elia Eran 2000 MSc Transportation Impact Statement (Tis): a New Tool for Transportation and Land Use Planning
Nyagaka Jonathan Muchi 2024 MSc Abstracts The Factors Affecting Ridesharing in Israel
Xiao Yue 2022 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Driving Styles on Automated Vehicles Acceptance
Rubinshtein Yulia 2021 MSc Abstracts Ride-Sharing Potential in Israel
Jabareen Mostafa 2020 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Fare in Attracting Rural Commuters to Train
Barth Tamar 2020 MSc Abstracts Public Transport Mode Preference Among Residents of the Israeli Periphery
Frieling Benjamin 2019 MSc Abstracts Impact of Suburban Haifa Mass Transit Lines on Residential Property Values
Abasi Amal 2018 MSc Abstracts Patterns of Drinking Energy Drinks and their Effect on Driving Performance Among Arab Youth in Israel
Bergman Bar 2018 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Travel-Based Multitasking on Travelers' Utility, Value of Time and Transport Mode Choice
Loyola Borja Miguel Angel 2017 MSc Abstracts The Value of Reliability in Public Transport and its Perception in Different Communities
Altshuler Tal 2017 MSc Abstracts Ride Sharing and Dynamic Networks Analysis
Haboucha Joanne Chana 2016 MSc Abstracts User Preferences Regarding Autonomous Vehicles: Implications on Private Vehicle Ownership
Vanunu Maimon Lior 2015 MSc Abstracts An Examination of Factors Affecting the Population of Workers Move from Private Vehicles to Public Transportation
Zur Omer 2015 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Models on Decision Making: The Case of Transportation Planning
Glickman Inbal 2015 MSc Abstracts Integrating Activity-Based Travel Demand Models with Land Use and Other Long Term Life-Style Decision
Ben-Haim Reut 2015 MSc Scenarios of the Use of ICT and ITS and their Impact on Activity Patterns and Travel Behavior of People
Kohane Asaf 2014 MSc Assessing Changeable Travel Demand and its Integration into the Transportation Model
Ben Zvi Etzioni Shelly 2014 MSc Abstracts Self-Enforcement of Driving Speed
Golik Dan 2013 MSc Abstracts Relationship between Vertical Alignments and Road Accidents on Two Lane Highways
Bak Nitzan 2013 MSc Abstracts Is Free Park and Ride Shuttle an Alternative to the Private car?
Nahmias-Biran Bat-Hen 2011 MSc Abstracts Equity Aspects in Transportation Projects: Case Study of Transit Fare Change in Haifa
Keinan Tamar 2010 MSc Abstracts The Effect of Employer Car Taxation Policy on Car Ownership and Vehicle Kilometer Travel
Reisfeld Eran 2008 MSc Abstracts Delay Analysis at Signalized Intersections and Development of Warrants for Interchanges on Rural Highways
Zananiri Issa 2007 MSc Abstracts Empirical Study on the Effects of Information and Communication Technology on Travel Behavior
Weiss Anat 2005 MSc Abstracts Modeling the Generation of Shopping Trips and their Integration in the Travel Pattern
Safdi Hebah 2004 MSc Abstracts The Effect of H.O.V. & Parking Business in the Central Business District (C.B.D.) Case Study: Paolous the VI – Nazareth
Ishaq Robert 2002 MSc Abstracts Characteristics of Travel to Shopping Malls: Determinants of Trip Destination and Mode Choice
Kaplan Sigal 2002 MSc Scenario Building for Sustainable Transportation in the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area Using the Delphi Method
Cotrus Adrian 2002 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Trip Generation Characteristics in Israel for the Years 1984, 1996/7 and Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Trip Generation Demand Models
Atalla Ihab 2002 MSc Abstracts Comparison of Methods to Evaluate the Demand for New Transport Public Systems
Bendit Edward 2001 MSc Analysis of the Relationship between Monitored Air Pollution Levels and Transportation Variables
Hershkovitch Pazit 2001 MSc Residential Choice Model as a Function of Work Location and the Individual Characteristics
Burd Rachel 2000 MSc The Effect of Parking Policy on Travel Behavior to Business Districts
Mezer Ofir 2000 MSc Considerations for Roadside Safety Improvements