PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yohay Carmel
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No of theses 25
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Hadar Ben Asher Liat 2021 PhD Abstracts Visualization Models as Predictive, Data-Based Tools for Assessing Future Ecological Landscapes and Supporting Management Decisions
Segre Hila 2020 PhD Abstracts Modeling Alternatives for Planning and Management of Ecological Corridors in Agricultural Environments
Shabtay Ateret 2018 PhD Abstracts Enclosed Marine Areas and Infrastructures Along the Israeli Mediterranean Coast: Burden or Benefit to the Marine Environment?
Troupin David 2015 PhD Abstracts Incorporating Dynamic Scenarios of Anthropogenic and Natural Land Cover Change Processes into Systematic Conservation Planning
Rohatyn Shani 2022 PhD Abstracts Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Large-Scale Forestation Action in Drylands as a Climate-Change Mitigation Strategy
Gao Junjing 2020 PhD Abstracts A Global Meta-Analysis of Grazing Effects on Plant Richness
Gueta Tomer 2019 PhD Abstracts Developing Tools and Methodology for Data-Intensive Biodiversity Research
Kent Refael 2011 PhD Abstracts Relationships between Environmental Parameters and Species Composition Patterns and their Implications for Biodiversity Surrogates – a Multiple Scale Study
Blank Lior 2010 PhD Abstracts Multiscale Analysis of Species Distribution Pattern
Makler-Pick Vardit 2010 PhD Abstracts A Lake Ecosystem Model as a Research Tool for Exploring Fish Impacts on Food Web Dynamics with Emphasis on Intraguild Predation
Bar Massada Avi 2008 PhD Abstracts Mapping and Modeling the Dynamics of Mediterranean Vegetation under Various Management Activities
Segal Bosmat 2007 MSc Abstracts Ecological Aspects of the Iris bismarckiana Population in the Iris Reserve for Development of Reservation Management
Bar Massada Avi 2005 MSc Abstracts Multi-Temporal Assessment of Above-Ground Forest Biomass Using Allometric Equations and Aerial Photographs
Stoller-Cavari Liron 2004 MSc Abstracts Mapping Environmental Diversity as a Surrogate for Biodiversity at the Local Scale: Mount Carmel as a Case Study
Altmann Talia 2003 MSc Abstracts A Model for Estimating the Potential of "Energy Towers" in A GIS Environment
Segal Ella 2017 MSc Abstracts Spatial and Socioeconomic Charateristics of Goat Herding in Mount Carmel
Zafon Zohar 2017 MSc Abstracts Can assessment of visual qualities assist in appraising ecological quality of a given area? A case study in Ramat HaNadiv Park
Fischler Ezer 2006 MSc Abstracts Development of a Procedure to Identify Urbanization Effects on the Ecosystems Using Fragmentation Measures
Zach Solomon Aviv 2017 MSc Abstracts Modeling the relations between species similarity and competitive exclusion in ecological communities
Noi Gili 2015 MSc Abstracts Development of a Quantitative Approach for Environmental Impact Assessment of a Desalination Plant: Shavei Zion Case Study
Vdov Olga 2014 MSc Abstracts The Linkage between Environmental Heterogeneity and Biodiversity in Algal Assemblages on the Rocky Shore
Nezer Oded 2012 MSc Abstracts Habitat Distribution Model for the Asiatic Wildass (Equus Hemionus) and the Factors Influencing his Distribution in Israel
Jahshan Faris 2011 MSc Abstracts Mapping Fire Risk Using Multiple Simulations of Fire Behavior
Liberzon Jonathan 2011 MSc Seasonal Dynamics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Lake Kinneret: An Investigation of Fluorescent Component Changes in Relation to Microbial and Phytoplankton
Federman Roy 2011 MSc Abstracts Potential Distribution and Monitoring of the Invasive Species "The Little Fire Ant" (Wasmannia Auropunctata)