PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Yizhar Or
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No of theses 24
Department Mechanical Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Salem Lior 2021 PhD Abstracts Soft Robots Actuated by Controlled Flow in an Embedded Channel Networks
Wiezel Oren 2020 PhD Abstracts Optimal Control, Optimization and Asymptotic Analysis of Simple Microswimmer Models
Gamus Benny 2020 PhD Abstracts Locomotion and Dynamics of Soft Robotic Actuators and Crawling Robots
Gutman Emiliya 2016 PhD Abstracts Dynamics and Motion Control of Miniature Swimmers
Pukshansky Michael 2021 MSc Abstracts Minimialistic Fluid-Driven Actuation of Multi-Stable Soft Robots
Ben Zvi Gilad 2023 MSc Abstracts Dynamics and Stability of Purchell's Micro Swimmer Model with Flexible Joints and/or Controlled Torque at the Joints
Rizyaev Leonid 2023 MSc Abstracts Locomotion Dynamics of an Underactuated Three-Link Robotic Vehicle
Geron Yamit 2023 MSc Abstracts Dynamics and Minimalistic Control of a Flexible Structure Containing Bi-Stable Elements
Tovi Elon 2022 MSc Abstracts Dynamics and Stability of a Planar Three-Link Swimmer with Passive Visco-Elastic Joint using "Ideal Fluid" Model
Chapnik Zvi 2022 MSc Abstracts Spatial Dynamics of Flexible Nano-Swimmers under a Rotating Magnetic Field
Ross Amit 2021 MSc Abstracts Obstacle-Aided Locomotion of a Robot Manipulator: Modeling, Path Planning,Simulation, and Experiments
Halvani Oriel 2020 MSc Abstracts Nonholonomic Dynamics of the Twistcar Vehicle: Asymptotic Analysis and Hybrid Dynamics of Frictional Skidding
Keren Roee 2018 MSc Abstracts Theoretical Investigation of the Dynamics of Spring- Clutch Mechanisms for Reducing Energy Expenditure in Human Walking
Yona Tal 2018 MSc Abstracts Theoretical Analysis of Wheeled Three-Link Snake Robot: Singularities of Nonholonomic Constraints and Stick-Slip Hybrid Dynamics
Kellner Dan Moshe 2018 MSc Abstracts Analysis of the Hybrid Dynamics of a Planar Rigid Body with Two Frictional Contacts Near an Equilibrium State
Virozub Evgania 2017 MSc Abstracts Dynamics and gait optimization of multi-link swimming robot using "perfect fluid" model
Harduf Yuval 2017 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Stability Transitions in a Superparamagnetic Microswimmer
Aranyi Paz 2017 MSc Abstracts Optimization of a Hybrid Robot's Weight Lifting Ability
Chakon Ofir 2016 MSc Abstracts Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Twistcar Movement Dynamics
Gross Asaf 2015 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Dynamic Jumping Motion of a Robotic Leg
Moravia Mordechai 2015 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Foot Slippage Effects on a Simple Model of Dynamic Legged Locomotion
Lasker Lior 2015 MSc Abstracts Analysis and Path Planning of a Planar Parallel Manipulator with Joint Clearances
Cohen Adi 2014 MSc Abstracts Modeling the Dynamics and Control of Rehabilitative Exoskelton with Robotic Crutches
Gamus Benny 2013 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Walking with Contact Transitions