PhD Theses – Education in Science and Technology

Department Education in Science and Technology
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Lan Dalit 2024 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Sagi Dalyot, Abstracts The Relevancy of Geographic Literacy to Daily Life and its Development in the Framework of a Citizen Science Project at School
Dayan Efrat 2024 Dina Tsybulsky Abstracts Digital Curation as a Pedagogical Approach for Science Education
Meri Raya Sofia 2024 Tzipi Horowitz Kraus Abstracts The Role of Executive Functions in Reading in Typical and Atypical Development
Garah Lulu 2024 Shulamit )Shu Kapon Abstracts Arab High-School Students Engaged in Open Physics Inquiry: An In-Depth Examination of Discourse, Mentorship, and Learning Processes
Zur Shani 2024 Tali Tal Abstracts Teachers as Designers and Facilitators of Inquiry-Based Learning: Teachers' Views, Challenges and Identities
Peretz Roee 2024 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Engineering and Science Students' and Teachers' Systems Thinking and Conceptual Modeling Skills
Ben-David Jonathan 2024 Ido Roll Abstracts Implementing and Evaluating Evidence-Based Learning Principles in Educational Games
Arvatz Avivit 2024 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Fostering and Assessing Teachers' and Students' Self- Regulated Learning through Reflective Prompts
Schrire Odelia Orit 2024 Dina Tsybulsky, Christine Ipsen, Abstracts Agents of Change in Action: The Development of the Professional Identity of Biology Coordinators who Participate in VPLC when Dealing with Stress and Crisis Situa..
Taran Nikolay 2024 Tzipi Horowitz Kraus Abstracts The Significance of Visual Attention and Executive Functions in Dyslexia: Wide-Ranging Implications
Wallach Miriam Nechama 2023 Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim, Ram Band, Abstracts Encouraging Explorative Participation in Linear Algebra through Discourse-Rich Instruction- the Importance of Object-Level and Meta-Level Learning
Fraj Salih 2023 Shulamit )Shu Kapon Abstracts Teachers as Research Mentors: Participating in a New Figured World
Levin Bacari Laura 2023 Abstracts Fostering Analytical Thinking and Applied Mathematical Skills of Middle-School Students through 3D Design and Printing of Artifacts
Zimmerman Ifat 2023 Tali Tal, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Abstracts Science News Websites as Mediators between Science and the Public
Lis Hacohen Ronit 2023 Orit Hazzan, Abstracts A Model for the Assessment of Social Responsibility Perceptions: The Case of Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students
Nativ Ronen Efrat 2023 Tali Tal Abstracts The Nature of Educational Activities for Youth in a Research University and their Impact on the Participants
Ben-Dor Naama 2023 Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim Abstracts Dialogic Mathematics Peer Learning: A holistic Discursive Approach
Keller Nelly 2023 Zehavit Kohen, Boris Koichu, Abstracts Mathematics Teachers as Self-Regulated Learners and Mentors in Online Problem-Solving Forums
Perez Villalobos Huberth Andres 2023 Igor Verner Abstracts Fostering Integrative Thinking of Engineering and High- School Students through Experiential Learning in Robotic Environment
Schvartzer Ma'ayan 2023 Shulamit )Shu Kapon Abstracts Open Inquiry in Physics at High School: Characteristics of Mentorship and Students' Learning
Mike Jacob 2022 Orit Hazzan Abstracts The Birth of a New Discipline: Data Science Education
Mualem Margalit 2022 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Leading a High School Team to a Scientific- Engineering Competition: Leading Teachers' Professional Development and School Organizational Culture
Greenholts Moshe 2022 Igor Verner Abstracts A Reverse Engineering and Making Approach for Meaningful Learning of Engineering Design
Yachin Tal 2022 Miriam Barak Abstracts The Design and Evaluation of a Methodology for Situated Educational Escape Games: The Case of Healthy Nutrition
Catz Beto 2022 Aharon Gero Abstracts Characteristics of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning of Electronic Circuits
Rocker Yoel Shahaf 2022 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Self-Efficacy, Soft Skills and STEM Career Choice: The Case of the FIRST Program
Akiri Effrat 2021 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Professional Growth of Novice and Experienced STEM Teachers
Weingarden Merav 2021 Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim Abstracts The Realization Tree Assessment (RTA) Tool as a Visual Mediator for Communicating about Teaching Mathematics for Explorative Participation
Baor Rinat 2021 Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim Abstracts Implementing Explorative Instructional Practices in the Context of a Professional Development for Elementary Math Teachers
Eisenberger Ayelet 2020 Orit Hazzan, Naim Shehadeh, Abstracts The Social-Ecological-Educational Theory: The Case of Childern with Chronic Diseases in the Educational System
Bar El Yael 2020 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts "Filling the Void" – Scientists as Science Communicators
Ryder Darian 2020 Miriam Reiner Abstracts The Effect of Auditory and Visual Emotional Stimuli in VR on Episodic Memory
Shasha Sharf Hagit 2020 Tali Tal Abstracts Learning About Environmental and Economic Socio-Scientific Issue – The Case of Exporting Natural Gas from Israel
Shekh Abed Aziz 2020 Aharon Gero, Orit Hazzan, Abstracts Systems Thinking and Abstract Thinking among High-School Students Executing Projects Combining Hardware and Software
Edry Mercedes 2020 Yehudit Dori, Irit Sasson, Abstracts High School Students' Apprenticeship Research: Scientific Dispositions, Mentor-Student Interactions, and STEM Career Choice
Topaz Michal 2020 Tali Tal Abstracts Bioinspiration at the zoo: Inspiring Lifelong Science and Environmental Learning
Usher Maya 2019 Miriam Barak Abstracts Innovation in a Project-Based Engineering Course: Comparing Between Face-to-Face and Online Learners
Lavi Rea 2019 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Investigating 21st Century Skills in STEM Higher Education
Morad Sigal 2019 Miriam Barak, Noa Ragonis, Abstracts Perceptions and Characteristics of Innovative Thinking Among Pre-Service Teachers in the Scientific and Humanistic Fields
Shwartz Gabriella 2019 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Becoming a Science Teacher: Why and How?
Ariav Lee 2019 Tali Tal, Gabriela Goldschmidt, Abstracts Shared Mental Models and ZPD in Teaching and Learning Architecture
Farraj Nehai 2019 Miriam Reiner Abstracts The Role of Upper Alpha Oscillations in Mental Rotation of Cubic-Shapes and Molecular Structures
Sharon Aviv Jonathan 2019 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts An Outsiders' View and an Insiders' View: Expressions of Science Literacy on Online Q&A Platforms
Asakle Shadi 2019 Miriam Barak Abstracts The SOCIAL Model: Promoting Scientific Thinking and Motivation to Learn Science among Druze Students in Middle School
Dallashe Sameer 2019 Tali Tal Abstracts Educational Activity in a Medical Simulation-Based Learning Environment: Characteristics and Learning Outcomes
Gamer Sergei 2019 Igor Verner, Avraham Shtub, Abstracts Spatial Learning and Insight into Robotics through Practice in Programming and Operating Robotic Systems
Shauli Sofia 2018 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts Engagement with Science Among Parents of Hearing Impaired Children: Characteristics and Affordances
Golumbic Yaela 2018 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Barak Fishbain, Abstracts Public Participation in Air Quality Research: Theory and Practice
Bennet Rotem 2018 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Virtual Re-Embodied Cognition: Bodily-Cognitive Dynamics under Illusory Virtual Embodiments Embodiments
Bordo Nadia 2018 Uri Leron (Deceased), Orit Hazzan, Abstracts The Power of Intuition Traps in Teaching and Learning of Probabilistic Thinking
Shahar Amikam Sigalit 2018 Orit Hazzan Abstracts A Paradoxical Organizational Pattern of Reduction and Expansion: The Case of Israeli Training Personnel' Personnel's Perception of the traininig-Organization
Swirski Hani 2018 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts Why Can't I Fly? Common Interests in Science Questions as a Resource to Promote Student Voice in Science Education
Dahan Anat 2017 Miriam Reiner Abstracts In Search of Motor Biomarkers for Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
Lachmy Royi 2017 Boris Koichu Abstracts Developing and Using Productive Mathematical Ideas in Online Collaborative Problem Solving
Rakedzon Tzipora 2017 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts Teaching and Assessing STEM Graduate Students' Academic and Popular Science Writing
Levy Keren 2017 Tali Tal, Yael Kali, Abstracts Teachers as Designers: Promoting Technology- Supported Outdoor Inquiry Teaching
Hess Green Rachel 2017 Orit Hazzan, Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim, Abstracts Interactions between Learning, Identity and Community Expressed in a Mathematical Camp for Gifted Students
Marmur Ofer 2017 Boris Koichu Abstracts Undergraduate Student Learning during Calculus Tutorials: Key Memorable Events
Green Gizell 2017 Miriam Barak Abstracts A Model for Social Constructivist Online Education in Ethics of Research for Science and Engineering Graduate Students
Watted Abeer 2017 Miriam Barak Abstracts Project-Based MOOC in Nanotechnology and Nanosensors: Examining Motivation to Learn and Knowledge
Refaeli Mishkin Hagit 2016 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Motivation and Gender Factors Affecting Career Choice of Engineers and Students
Klineshtern Michal 2016 Abraham Berman, Boris Koichu, Abstracts Problem Posing and Choosing Problems by High School and University Mathematics Teachers
Levenberg Ariella 2016 Miriam Barak Abstracts Flexible Thinking in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments: From Theory to Practice
Dan Alex 2016 Miriam Reiner Abstracts The Role of Immersive Virtual Reality in Learning of a Spatial-Motor task: A comparsion between EEG Indices of Cognitive Load during Learning with 2D and Stereo…
Rosen Amit 2017 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Differences between Incremental and Insight Problems Solving: Unaware Hints, Restructuring and EEG Measures
Palatnik Alik 2016 Boris Koichu Abstracts Middle-School Students Learning through Long-Term Mathematical Research Projects
Lavie-Alon Nirit 2016 Tali Tal Abstracts Field Trips in Nature: Guiding, Learning and Learning Outcomes
Widder Mirela 2016 Abraham Berman, Boris Koichu, Abstracts Hiding in Plane View: Visual Perception of Two-Dimensional Representations in Teaching Spatial Geometry
Even-Zahav Anat 2016 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Strategic Analysis of Educational Systems: Risk Management of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education in Israel
Polishuk Alex 2015 Igor Verner Abstracts Development and Investigation of Student-Robot Interactions as Learning Activities in the Museum of Science and Technology
Laslo Esther 2015 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari Abstracts Bioethics on the Israeli Media: A Case Study of Public Engagement in Science
Revzin Leonid 2015 Igor Verner, Nitza Barnea, Abstracts Adaptive and personalized Learning in the High School Chemistry Automated Laboratory – A Multi-Case Study
Mara'e Haj Nareman 2014 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Self-Regulated Learning in Programmable Robots-Based Environment
Liraz Zvi 2015 Orit Hazzan Abstracts The Organizational Culture of an Educational Innovation: The Case of a Project-Based Learning School
Mintz Keren 2014 Tali Tal Abstracts Integrating Sustainability Issues in Undergraduate Courses: Teaching Practices and Learning Outcomes
Peled Einat 2014 Tali Tal Abstracts Environmental Education in Elementary School in Israel: Program Characteristics, Teachers Views and Students Environmental Literacy
Ovadya Tikva 2014 Boris Koichu Abstracts Fostering Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematically "Weak" Female High School Students
Kahana Ora 2014 Tali Tal Abstracts High School Science Majors' Views of the Nature of Science
Cuperman Dan 2014 Igor Verner Abstracts Fostering Analogical Thinking and Integration of Science and Technology Studies through Practice in Building and Exploring Robotic Models of Natural Phenomena
Peleg Ran 2014 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Abraham Berman, Abstracts Science Plays in Elementary Science Education
Trotskovsky Elena 2013 Shlomo Waks, Orit Hazzan, Abstracts Engineering Thinking: Disciplinary Insights and Pedagogical Applications
Atrash Eman 2013 Boris Koichu Abstracts Teaching Linear Algebra: Pedagogical Practices of Experienced Lecturers
Harari Zahi 2014 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Management of Training and Development Projects as Organizational Change Projects: The Case of Software Development Managers` Training and Development in the Israel
Massarwe Khayriah 2013 Igor Verner, Daoud Bshouty, Abstracts Learning Geometry through Inquiry into Cultural Contexts
Tsaushu Masha 2013 Tali Tal, Shimon Gepstein, Abstracts Reforming Teaching of an Introductory Biology Cours and its Impact on Learning – a Ripple Effect
Alouche Amira 2013 Yehudit Dori Abstracts The Effect of Reading Scientific Articles and Online Forums on Biomedical Engineering Students' Learning Outcomes
Nave Rachel 2013 Yehudit Dori, Rakefet Ackerman, Abstracts Faculty Development Program and Online Forums: Self-Learning and Self-Assessment of Medical- Educators
Segal Ruti 2013 Boris Koichu, Orit Zaslavsky, Abstracts Characterizing the Knowledge and Teaching of Mathematics Teacher Educators
Kontorovich Igor 2013 Boris Koichu Abstracts How do Experts Pose Problems for Mathematics Competitions?
Snyder Yaakov Y. 2013 Yale Herer, Michael Moore (Deceased), Abstracts Flexible Scheduling Paradigm: A New Middle and High School Model
Hussein-Farraj Rania 2013 Yehudit Dori, Miriam Barak, Abstracts Distance Education: Science and Engineering Students' Learning Outcomes
Sagy Ornit 2012 Dan Zilberstein, Yael Kali, Abstracts Designing a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment to Encourage an Internal-Value-Based Culture of Learning in Higher Education
Joubran Fadeel 2012 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Contribution of Haptic Feedback to Learning of Motor- Cognitive Skills in a Virtual Environment
Zelig Dafna 2012 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Adoption of Innovation from the Business Sector to Secondary Educational Organizations
Dolev Lea 2012 Boris Koichu, Orit Zaslavsky, Abstracts Considerations in the Design of Learning Tasks for Teachers: The Case of Classification of Mathematical Items
Hilsenrat Marcos 2012 Miriam Reiner Abstracts The Effect of Unaware Haptic Perception on Changes in Manual Responses and Cognition Behavior
Hagay Galit 2012 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Abraham Berman, Abstracts Listening to the Students Voice: Incorporating Students Interests into the Formal Biology Curriculum
Raveh Irina-Ira 2012 Orit Zaslavsky, Boris Koichu, Irit Peled, Abstracts Teachers' Knowledge of the Interconnections between the Elementary Algorithms of the Four Basic Arithmetic Operations and their Underlying Mathematical Principles
Be'eri Avital 2012 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Learning Processes in Solving Authentic Problems
Shir-Barak Nofar 2011 Yehudit Dori, Haim Berkenstadt, Abstracts Simulation-Based Training and Learning for Instructors and Medical and Nursing Students – Models Perceptions and Assessment of Clinical Skills
Biton Yaniv 2011 Boris Koichu Abstracts Incorporating Peer Assessment in Pre-Academic Mathematics Study
Katz Efim 2011 Boris Koichu, Abraham Berman, Abstracts Development of Aesthetic Sense in Solving Mathematical Problems
Nutov Liora 2011 Orit Hazzan Abstracts What is between Maslow and Schein? Organizational Engagement Model as an Expression of Culture, Needs and Management: The Case of Role Design of…
Buchbinder Orly 2011 Uri Leron (Deceased), Orit Zaslavsky, Abstracts The role of Examples in Establishing the Validity of Universal and Existential Mathematical Statements
Amit Batya 2011 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada, Abraham Berman, Abstracts Interweaving Contemporary Mathematics in High-School Teaching
Fischer-Shachor Dana 2010 Yehudit Dori, Miriam Carmi, Abstracts Higher Order Thinking Skills of Young Gifted Students: Gender, Schooling, Equalization, and Parenting Aspects
Avargil Shirly 2011 Yehudit Dori, Orit Herscovitz, Abstracts Metacognition, Chemical Understanding, and Multiple Representations in Teaching and Learning a Context-Based Module
Morag Orly 2010 Tali Tal Abstracts Educational Activity in Nature Parks and Archeology Sites in Israel: Patterns, Perceptions and Learning in Nature
Edri Yael 2010 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts Integrating Values Education with Mathematics Education in the High School Level
Koral-Kordova Sigal 2010 Shlomo Waks, Mordechai Frank, Abstracts The T Shape Dilemma (Depth against Width) in Education of Industrial Engineering and Management and its Reflection in the Students Team Project
Mari'e Roayat 2010 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Pedagogical Factors as Bridging Means between Theory and Practice in Teaching Science and Technology Subjects
Abramovich Anat 2010 Tali Tal Abstracts The Environmental Workshop- Bridging Environmental Sciences and Environmental Education
Dangur Vered 2010 Yehudit Dori, Uri Peskin, Abstracts Visualizations and Interdisciplinary Applications in Learning the Study Unit: Chemistry – From "The Hole" to "The Whole": From the Nano- Scale to Microelectronics
Shamir Inbal Tamar 2009 Yael Kali Abstracts Supporting Teachers in Applying Socio-Constructivist Online Instruction: A Systemic Intervention Model
Hochberg Nurit 2009 Tali Tal Abstracts Daily Science Workshops at The Youth Science Centers: Characteristics, Expectations and Gender Differences
Furman-Shaharabani Yael 2009 Tali Tal Abstracts A Matter of Time:The long Term Effects of Extended Professional Development programs for Science Teachers
Hans Meytal 2009 Yael Kali, Yoav Yair, Abstracts Learning Processes and Spatial Ability Development with Regards to the Phases of the Moon: The Effect of a Web-Based Module
Lifshits Rachel 2009 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts The Rationality Debate: Applications to Statistics Education
Lavie Orna 2009 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Students' Generated Examples in Mathematics: The Need, the Process and the Outcome
Ronen Fuhrmann Tamar 2009 Yael Kali Abstracts Design Knowledge Acquisition Processes of Graduate Students Who Learn to Design Educational Technologies
Bamberger Yael 2008 Yehudit Dori, Tali Tal, Abstracts The Nature of Learning in Free-Choice Environment at Science and Nature Centers in Israel
Tanhum-Zodik Iris 2009 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Instructional Examples in Mathematics: Teachers' Modes of Use and Learning Opportunities
Abed Abir 2008 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Bilingual Learning Culture in a Computerized Chemistry Laboratory Environment and Its Effect on Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills
Anton Caesar 2008 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Cognitive Preferences of 11th Grade Biology Students and their Concrete, Transitional and Formal Operational Stages
Kaberman Zvia 2008 Yehudit Dori Abstracts National Assessment of Thinking Skills in the Chemistry Computerized lnquiry Laboratories and Molecular Modelling Environment
Levin-Peled Rachel 2008 Yael Kali, Yehudit Dori, Abstracts Learning and Assessment in Web-Based Environments: Design Principles for Hybrid Courses in Higher Education
Danay Rakefet 2008 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts An Inquiry of Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Students who Study the Unit "Treasures of the Sea" within "Science and Technology for All"
Miedijensky Shirley 2008 Abraham Berman, Tali Tal, Abstracts Embedded Assessment in Pull-Out Programs for the Gifted: Effects on Higher Order Thinking Skills
Alkaher Iris 2008 Tali Tal Abstracts Socio-Environmental Projects to Promote Environmental Involvement in a Multicultural Society
Saar Liora 2008 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Reading, Understanding and Analyzing Adapted Scientific Articles: Integrating Metacognitive Skills and Chemistry Understanding Levels
Meerbaum-Salant Orni 2008 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Pedagogical Aspects of Mentoring High School Software Projects
Sela Hagit 2008 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Aspects of Peer Groups' Coping with Tasks that Lead to Mathematical Contradictions
Weisselberg Edith 2008 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Visual, Textual and Quantitative Representations Embedded in Learning and Assessment of Energy and Dynamics in Chemical Processes
Korchnoy Evgeny 2007 Igor Verner Abstracts Characteristics of Learning Computer-Controlled Mechanisms by Pupils and Students in the Technion Laboratory Environment
Decalo Moshe 2007 Michael Moore (Deceased) Abstracts The Influence of Implementing Assessment Standards on Evaluation of Learning Achievements in "Switching and Digital systems"
Sasson Irit 2007 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Case-based Computerized Experiments and their Effect on Visualization Skills and Chemistry Understanding of High-school Students
Yakov Gila 2006 Gideon Alroy (Deceased), Michael Moore (Deceased), Abstracts Ethical Aspects of Health Care of the Old Oncology Patient
Mador Gadi 2007 Yehudit Dori, Amitaii Ziv, Abstracts Embedded Assessment in Medical Model-Based Learning Environment
Arnon Shmuel 2006 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Regional Knowledge-Building ICT Education Community
Aroshas Shmuel )Shuki( 2006 Abraham Berman, Igor Verner, Abstracts Teaching Calculus with Applications as an Approach to Enhancing Students' Understanding, Achievements and Motivation
Bershadsky Irina 2006 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Learning the Concept of Locus through Problem Solving in a Dynamic Geometry Environment
Sakhnini Victoria 2006 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Problem Solving in Computer Science by High School Students: Definition, Implementation and Use of Abstract Data Types
Merdler Moti 2006 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Characteristics of Creativity and System Thinking in Practical Engineering Students' Final Project Work
Meirovich Adaya 2006 Michael Moore (Deceased), Avi Rotshild, Rosalie Ber (Deceased), Abstracts Medical Student-Centered Tutoring as a Model for Patient- Centered Medicine
Khalifa Waleed 2006 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Problem Solving in Abstract Data Types by High School Students
Lapidot Tamar 2005 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Computer Science Teachers' Learning during their Everyday Work
Contini-Benjamin Hava 2005 Michael Moore (Deceased), Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada, Abstracts Bridging School Science with Museum Science: Learning about Energy
Gilbuh Elena 2005 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Conceptualization of Visual Representation in GIS The Special Case of Electromagnetism
Dickman Nomy 2005 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Journal Writing as a Vehicle for Reflecting and Enhancing Learning Process of Mathematics Teachers in the Course of Becoming Mathematics Teachers Educators
Botzer Galit 2005 Miriam Reiner Abstracts Construction of Mental Models in Mechanics through Sensory Interaction in a Computerized Environment
Maor Sarah 2005 Igor Verner, Shlomo Waks, Abstracts Mathematical Aspects in Architectural Design in Training Practical Engineers
Dubinsky Yael 2005 Orit Hazzan Abstracts Teaching Software Development Methods
Levy Meira 2004 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Integrative Learning Environment on the Web: Teaching Computer Science in Junior High School
Koychu Boris 2004 Abraham Berman, Michael Moore (Deceased), Abstracts Junior High School Students' Heuristic Behaviours in Mathematical Problem Solving
Wagner-Gershgoren Iris 2004 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts The Development and Validation of an Instrument which Sets Criteria for the Choice and Evaluation of Biology Textbooks
Shir Karni 2004 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Learning a Meta-Mathematical Concept: The Case of a Mathematical Definition
Hadar Irit 2004 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts The Study of Concept Understanding via Abstract Representation: The Case of Object Oriented Design
Azriel Chalom 2003 Shlomo Waks, Michael Moore (Deceased), Abstracts Teacher Training for Science and Technology: The Issue of Balancing in Integrating between the Disciplines
Malek Aliza 2003 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts "Transparent P-Proofs" as a Didactic Tool in Mathematics
Doppelt Yaron 2003 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Characteristics of Science-Technology Learning Environment: Teachers' and Pupils' Perceptions
Katzir Avivit 2002 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Students Coping with Uncertainty Regarding the Truth of Mathematical Claims
Paz Tamar 2003 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Natural Thinking vs. Formal Thinking: The Case of Functional Programming
Barak Miriam 2002 Yehudit Dori, Noam Adir, Abstracts A Model for a Web-Based Community of Chemistry Learners in Higher Education
Sabag Nissim 2002 Shlomo Waks, Gedalyahu Manor, Abstracts Characteristics of Projects Based Learning in Electronics
Peled Yehuda 2002 Yehudit Dori, Gadi Schuster, Abstracts Professional Development of Science-Technology Teachers who Integrate Web-Based Teaching in Their Schools
Khalil Mahmood 2001 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Cognitive and Affective Evaluation of a STS (Science, Technology, Society) Learning Unit on Microorganisms for 9th Grade
Levy Dalit 2001 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Development of Computer-Science Concepts through Classification and Generalization
Mashiah-Eizenberg Michal 2001 Orit Zaslavsky Abstracts Novices and Experts Coping with Control on the Solution of Combinatorial Problems
Lavy Ilana 2000 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Understanding Basic Concepts in Elementary Number Theory: Explorations in an Interactive Computerized Environment
Zaslavsky Tatyana 2000 Michael Moore (Deceased) Abstracts Adolescents' Adjustment, Parental Behavior and Their Relationship in Immigrant Families from Former Soviet Union
Nachshon Michal 2000 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Teaching/Learning in a Thematic Mode "The Biological Effects and Uses of Ionizing Radiation" Case Study and Creativity of 11th Grade Students
Latner Lea 2000 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts High School Graduates' Thinking Processes while Performing Mathematical Tasks which Require Spatial Ability
Rasslan Amal 2000 Abraham Berman Abstracts A Professional Mathematician as a High School Teacher – a Case Study
Reiz Ruth 2000 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada, Abstracts The Impact of Telecommunication on the Community of Mathematics Teachers
Barzilai Abigail 2000 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Teaching Information Skills in Biology with Computers
Aharoni Dan 1999 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Undergraduate Students' Perception of Data Structures
Charir Shlomo 1999 Daniel Hershkowitz, Shmuel Avital (Deceased), Abstracts The Use of Talmudic-Mathematical Problems in Teaching
Underwood Jody Sue 1999 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts Manipulating the Confusion that Occur in Letter Learning by Varying the Order of Presentation and Practice of the Letters
Hazan Yorm 1999 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased), Michael Moore (Deceased), Abstracts A Comparison Between the Facilitative Effects of a General- Purpose and a Domain-Oriented Presentation User Computer Interface on the Ease of Learning of Computer…
Hameiri Mira 1999 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Multidimensional Analysis of Quantitative Problems in Chemistry and Its Implementation in a Studyware
Kollan Michal 1999 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Occupational Aspects of Curriculum Design for High-Tech Manpower
Razer Galante Michal 1999 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts The Automaticity of Handwriting – PDP Approach
Frank Mordechai 1999 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Engineering Systems Thinking – Characteristics and Learning Processes
Kozhevnikov Maria 1999 Shulamith Eckstein (Deceased) Abstracts Students' Use of Imagery in Solving Qualitative Problems in Kinematics
Herscovitz Orit 1999 Yehudit Dori Abstracts Science Teachers in an Era of Reform – towards an Interdisciplinary Case-Based Teaching/Learning
Rosner Shmaryhu 1998 Michael Moore (Deceased) Abstracts Changes in the System of the Israeli Matriculation Exams – the Effect of Assessment Methods on Teaching/Learning Processes
Eshach Haim 1998 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts Case-Based Reasoning in Psychiatric Diagnosis
Tal Revital 1998 Yehudit Dori, Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased), Abstracts Industry-Environment Projects in a Community School – Development of a Model and Its Evaluation
Orgad David Hamutal 1997 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts Reading Comprehension of Mathematical Proofs
Winicki Greisy 1997 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts Beauty in Mathematics: Its Essence, Perception and Enculturation
Barnea Nitza 1996 Yehudit Dori, Menachem Finegold (Deceased), Abstracts Integrating Molecular Modeling in Teaching Chemical Bonding and Structure and Its Effect on Conceptual Change, Spatial Ability and Model Perception
Leikin Roza 1997 Abraham Berman, Orit Zaslavsky, Abstracts Symmetry as a Way of Thought – a Tool for Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers
Shriki Atara 1996 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts Theory of Global and Local Coherence and Applications to Geometry
Welicker Miriam 1996 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Inquiry Learning and Evaluation of High School Students in Performance Tasks on "Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases"
Kuperman Alexander 1996 Abraham Berman, Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada, Abstracts Misconceptions and the Main Sources of Obstacles Connected with Linear Transformations
Penso Sophia 1995 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Subject Matter and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Education
Shama Gilli 1995 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada Abstracts The Concept of Periodicity
Hazzan Orit 1995 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Undergraduate Students Understanding of Concepts in Abstract Algebra
Sigler Berman 1995 Abraham Berman Abstracts Geometric Investigations by High School Students and Undergraduate Preservice Teachers
Levin Isaac 1995 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Instruction Profile of Teachers in Electricity and Electronics Technicians Programs and Its Fitness to Profiles Anchored in Traditions of Teachers Education
Erlich Edna 1993 Michael Moore (Deceased) Abstracts Resistant Factors in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among High Risk Adolescents – Secondary Prevention
Ron Salit 1995 Reuven Lazarowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Learning Evolution in Small Investigative Groups in 11th-12th Grades: Academic Achievement and Classroom Learning Environment
Halamish Yair 1992 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Electronics Teaching
Avital Amiram 1992 Gedalyahu Manor Abstracts Learning, Transfer,Evaluation and Development of Curriculum
Cohen Reuven 1992 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts A Structured Spreadsheet with An Error Diagnostic System
Koch Adina 1991 Shulamith Eckstein (Deceased) Abstracts Development and Investigation of a Strategy for the
Ben Bassat Uri 1991 Azriel Evyatar (Deceased) Abstracts The Use of Qeneralizations in Math Teaching and Its Effect
Gorsky Paul 1990 Menachem Finegold (Deceased) Abstracts Restructuring Pupils Concepts of Force: a Study of a
Pundak David 1990 Menachem Finegold (Deceased) Abstracts A Study of Change in High School Students Conceptual Framew
Leowy Mia 1990 Michael Cwikel Abstracts The Influence of the Cognitive Tmpulsivity of Students and
Eliahou Matsiiah 1988 Shlomo Waks Abstracts Learning Characteristics in Electronics at the Selondary
Zazkis Rina 1989 Uri Leron (Deceased) Abstracts Turtle Geometry and Euclidean Transformation Geometry
Trumper Ricardo 1988 Menachem Finegold (Deceased) Abstracts Diagnosis and Modification of Students Altesrntive Conceptua
Eilam Bilhah 1988 Menachem Finegold (Deceased) Abstracts The Junior High School Reform in Israel: a Case Study of a