PhD Theses – Physics

Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Patsyk Anatoly 2024 Mordechai Segev, Uri Sivan, Abstracts Branched Flow of Light
Florshaim Yanay 2024 Yoav Sagi Abstracts Tunneling and Spatial Adiabatic Passage in Microtraps with few Fermionic Atoms
Rozner Mor 2024 Hagai Perets Abstracts Dynamics of Planets, Stars & Compact Objects
Wang Haiqin 2024 Xinpeng Xu, Yariv Kafri, Abstracts Theory of Living Matter Physics: Mechanical Aspects of Cell-Matrix Interactions
Maroudas-Sacks Yonit 2024 Kinneret Keren, Erez Braun, Abstracts The Role of Nematic Actin Organization and the Influence of Mechanical Constraints on Morphogenesis in Hydra Regeneration
Diringer Asaf Avraham 2024 Shay Hacohen Gourgy Abstracts Fast and Efficient Control of Bosonic Qubits with Circuit-QED
Nazzal Belal 2024 Shlomo S Razamat Abstracts Surface Defects in 4d SQFTs and Integrable Models
Bairey Eyal 2023 Netanel Lindner Abstracts Scalable Learning of Local Quantum Many-Body Dynamics
Raveh Yael 2023 Hagai Perets Abstracts Dynamical Origins of Gravitational Wave Sources
Obstbaum Tal 2023 Uri Sivan Abstracts Specific Adsorption of Alkali Cations Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy and Charge Regulation
Rotstein Boris 2023 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Some Physical Aspects of Non-Equilibrium Radiation
Ginat Yonadav Barry 2023 Vincent Desjacques, Hagai Perets, Abstracts Gravitational Waves and Non-Linear Phenomena in in Gravitational Astrophysics
Katzir Barak Ariel 2023 Netanel Lindner Abstracts Fractional Topological Superconductivity on Quantum Hall Edges
Shani-Zerbib Lital 2023 Kinneret Keren, Erez Braun, Abstracts The Relation between Body Axis Polarity and Mechanical Processes in Morphogenesis during Hydra Regeneration
Almoalem Avior 2022 Amit Kanigel Abstracts Unconventional Superconductivity and the Electronic Structure of the Candidate Chiral Superconductor 4HB-TaS2
Nikiforov Daniel 2022 Eitan Ehrenfreund Abstracts Magnetic Field Effects on Electrical and Optical Properties of Organic Semiconductors
Ness Gal 2022 Yoav Sagi Abstracts From One to Many: Quantum Dynamics and Intractions of a Single Atom Coupled to Many Degrees of Freedom
Jarach Yaron 2022 Amit Kanigel, Netanel Lindner, Abstracts Toward Advanced Photodetectors: Exploring Long-Ranged Proximity Effect in Bi2-xSbxTe3/Fe1-xSe Bilayers and an Electrically Induced Phase Transition in 1T-TaS2
Ben Dor Ydan 2022 Yariv Kafri Abstracts The Interplay between Spatial Structures and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics
Sharabi Yonatan 2022 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Photonic Time Crystals
Lerner Gavriel 2022 Oren Cohen Abstracts New Symmetries of Light and New Selection Rules in High Harmonic Generation
Weiss Yaniv 2022 Yael Shadmi Abstracts Collider Probes of the Standard Model via Effective Field Theory and On-Shell Methods
Peniakov Giora 2022 David Gershoni Abstracts Multi-Photon Entangled States from Semiconductor Quantum Dots- From Fundamental Research to Application
Dikopoltsev Alexander 2022 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Shaping Light in Space and Time,in Ordered and Disordered Systems: from Topological Insulator VCSEL Arrays and Localization beyond the Spectral Extent of the Disorder to…
Cao Yang 2022 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Interaction of Ultra-Short High-Power Microwaves with Plasma
Rahin Roi 2022 Ehud Behar Abstracts High Energy Astrophysics from the Lab to the Telescope
Lustig Eran 2022 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Topological Photonics in Synthetic Dimensions
Don Yaroslav 2021 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Topological Properties of Aperiodic Tilings and Fractals
Kalnitsky Vladimir 2021 Netanel Lindner Abstracts Vortex Core Structure and Hall Effect in d-wave Superconductors
Gissis Itay 2021 Ehud Behar Abstracts X-Ray Absorption of Cold Gas: Simulating Astrophysical Absorption in the Laboratory
Sela Orr 2021 Shlomo S Razamat Abstracts IR Symmetry Enhancement and Dualities in 4d and 3d Quantum Field Theories
Ierushalmi Niv 2021 Kinneret Keren Abstracts Dynamics and Instabilities in Confined Contractile Actin Networks
Sabag Evyatar 2021 Shlomo S Razamat Abstracts Relations between 6d and 4d SCFTs
Rososhek Alexander 2021 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Extreme States of Matter Generated by Underwater Electrical Explosions of a Single Wire and Wire Arrays
Khamis Hadeel 2021 Ariel Kaplan Abstracts A Single Molecule Study of Protein-DNA Interactions
Avraham Eran 2020 Oren Bergman Abstracts Non-Perturbative Aspects of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Siman Tov Meytal 2021 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Generation of High-Frequency Electron Beam Space Charge Self-Oscillations
Harari Gal 2020 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Topological Insulator Lasers
Yagil Alon 2020 Michael Reznikov, Ophir Auslaender, Abstracts Magnetic Imaging of Skyrmions in Thin Films
Danzig Almog 2020 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts The Effective Surface Shear Modulus of Solid Gallium near Surface Melting
Zenati Yossef 2020 Hagai Perets Abstracts Mechanisms for Thermonuclear Stellar Explosions and the Origin of Type Ia Supernovae
Afik Yoav 2020 Yoram Rozen Abstracts Search for Dark Matter Production and b->sll Anomalies with the Atlas Detector
Cohen Jonathan 2020 Yoram Rozen, Gad Eilam (Deceased), Shaouly Bar Shalom, Abstracts Probing New Physics in Higgs and Leptonic Systems at the LHC
Ginzburg Dimitry 2020 Vincent Desjacques Abstracts Shot Noise in Galaxy Clustering: Halo Model Approach and its Cosmological Implications
Neufeld Ofer 2020 Oren Cohen Abstracts Symmetry and Chirality in High Harmonic Generation and Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Livshits Anton 2020 Erez Braun, Kinneret Keren, Abstracts Structural Organization and Body-Axis Polarity in Regeneration of Fused Hydra Tissues
Shkedrov Constantine 2020 Yoav Sagi Abstracts High-Sensitivity rf and Raman Spectroscopy of a Quantum Degenerate Fermi Gas
Esin Iliya 2020 Netanel Lindner Abstracts Inducing Non-Equilibrium Phases of Matter in Semiconductors using Time-Periodic Fields
Shiber Sagiv 2019 Noam Soker Abstracts The Role of Energetic Jets in Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
Reichental Israel 2019 Daniel Podolsky Abstracts Thermalization in Open Quantum Systems
Cogan Dan 2019 David Gershoni Abstracts Towards Realization of One and Two Dimensional Photonic Cluster States
Kapon Itzik 2019 Amit Keren Abstracts Searching for 2D Superconductivity in La2-xSrxCuO4 Single Crystals
Caspi Dikla 2019 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Structure Based State Recovery of Quantum Light and Open Quantum Systems
Ovdat Omrie 2019 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Scale and Parity Symmetry Breaking in Graphene: Universality, Discrete Scale Invariance and Vacuum Charge
Bordo Eliyahu 2019 Oren Cohen Abstracts Bi-Elliptical High-Harmonic Spectroscopy
Grishin Evgeni 2020 Hagai Perets Abstracts Dynamical and Dissipative Processes in Few Body Systems: Applications to Multiple Stars and Exoplanets
Levanon Naveh 2019 Noam Soker Abstracts Evolution, Merging and Explosion of Degenerate Stars as Type Ia Supernovae
Bakman Alexandra 2019 Nimrod Moiseyev Abstracts The Impact of Periodicity and its Breaking on Wavepacket Dynamics
Peretz Uria 2019 Ehud Behar Abstracts The Environment of Active Galactic Nuclei in X-rays
Yanuka David 2018 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Generation of Strong Converging Shock Waves by Underwater Electrical Explosion of a Wire Array
Kuchuk Kfir 2019 Uri Sivan Abstracts DNA Hydration and Structure Revealed by High Resolution FM-AFM
Alus Or 2018 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Statistical Description of Hamiltonian Mixed Phase Space Systems
Sabach Efrat 2018 Noam Soker Abstracts Mass Transfer in Stellar Binary Systems Resulting in Peculiar Objects
Mutzafi Maor 2018 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Sparsity-Based Recovery of Lost Optical Information and Quantum Wave Functions Shaping
Ribak Amit 2019 Amit Kanigel Abstracts Multiple Ground States of the Transition-Metal Dichalchogenide TaS2
Kreiserman Roman 2018 Ariel Kaplan Abstracts A New Method to Measure Close Range Forces and Membrane Fusion using Dual Trap Optical Tweezers
Khait Ilia 2018 Assa Auerbach Abstracts Dynamical Response Functions of Strongly Interacting Models
Nikola Nikolai 2018 Yariv Kafri, Dov Levine, Abstracts Forces in Active Systems
Yacobi Lee 2018 Ehud Behar Abstracts Gamma-Ray Detector Development and Gamma-Ray Bursts Studies
Schlesinger Itai 2018 Uri Sivan Abstracts Water Structure Near Surfaces Studied by High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
Malik Garbi Maya 2018 Kinneret Keren Abstracts Scaling Behaviors in Steady-State Contractile Actomyosin Network Flow
Martiskainen Hanna 2018 Nimrod Moiseyev Abstracts Photo Induced Dynamics in the Low Frequency Regime
Kachman Tal 2018 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased), Jeremy England, Abstracts Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Random Systems
Gozani Eitan 2018 Yoram Rozen Abstracts A Search for Dark Matter using the ATLAS Detector
Shaverin Evgeny 2018 Amos Yarom Abstracts Quantum Anomalies in Thermal Field Theories
Brod Elad 2018 Uri Sivan Abstracts Protein Manipulation by Electrical Ion Injectores
Scaly Ori 2018 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Investigation of Internal Friction Mechanisms in hcp 4He Solid using a Torsional Oscillator
Rinott Shahar 2018 Amit Kanigel Abstracts Tuning Across the BCS-BEC Crossover in Superconducting Fe(1+y)Se(x)Te(1-x): An Angle-Resolved Photoemission Study
Levi Adam 2018 Amos Ori Abstracts Semiclassical Stress-Energy Tensor Computation and Black Holes Evaporation
Wolff Gil 2017 Dov Levine Abstracts The Statistical Mechanics of Deterministic Disorder
Herzig Sheinfux Hanan 2017 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Anderson Localization – to the Subwavelength Limit and Beyond
Shafir Guy 2018 Yakov Krasik, Amnon Fisher, Abstracts The Interaction of High Power, Sub Nanosecond Microwave Beam with Plasma
Gitelman Dor 2017 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Physical Properties of Self-Similar Systems- applications to Fractals and Quasiperiodic Tilings
Aharon Danor 2017 Hagai Perets Abstracts Stellar Dynamics near Massive Black Holes in Nuclear Star Clusters
Lahav Oren 2017 Oren Cohen Abstracts Nonlinear Optics with Pulse-Train Beams
Schwartz Ido 2017 David Gershoni Abstracts Characterization of the Dark Exciton and its Uses in Quantum Optics
Michaely Erez 2017 Hagai Perets Abstracts Triple Stellar Dynamics and Evolution and Topics in Astrophysics
Kfir Ofer 2017 Oren Cohen Abstracts Circularly Polarized High-Order Harmonic Generation of Bi-Circular Lasers
Bekenstein Rivka 2017 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Electromagnetic Waves in Nonlocal Nonlinear Systems and in Curved Space
Asban Shahaf 2017 Daniel Podolsky, Saar Rahav, Abstracts Interacting Stochastic Pumps
Negri Ori 2017 Michael Reznikov Abstracts Noise in Normal Metal-High Temperature Superconductor Junctions
Gilkis Avishai 2017 Noam Soker Abstracts Intermittent Accretion disk Production in Core Collapse Supernovae
Devir Wolfman Ayeleth 2017 Eitan Ehrenfreund Abstracts Magnetic Field Effects in Pi-Conjugated Organic Opto-Electronic Devices
Eilon Ehud 2017 Amos Ori Abstracts Investigation of the Gravitational Shock Wave Inside Charged Black Holes
London Paz 2017 David Gershoni Abstracts Coherent Interactions of Spins and Photons in the Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond
Schmidgall Emma 2016 David Gershoni Abstracts Quantum Optics with the Quantum-Dot-Confined Dark Exciton
Antonov Oleg 2016 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Underwater Electrical Wire Array Explosion and Shock Wave Generation in Water
Geller Michael 2016 Gad Eilam (Deceased), Shaouly Bar Shalom, Abstracts Higgs Physics, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Extended Quark Sector at the LHC
Levy Eli 2016 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Topological Properties of Quasiperiodic Chains: Structural and Spectral Analysis
Shafer Daniel 2016 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Investigation of Converging Strong Shock Waves in Different Geometries
Veksler Hagar 2016 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Simple Models for Interacting Bosons
Lumer Yaakov 2016 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Photonic Systems with Unconventional Symmetries
Goren Tal 2016 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Study of the Dynamics of Quantum Vacuum Using Ramsey Interference
Shpielberg Ohad 2016 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Electric Networks, Energy Forms and the Additivity Principle
Mikulizky Ziv 2016 Adi Nusser Abstracts The Kinematics of the Local Group
Khachatryan Bagrat 2016 Eitan Ehrenfreund Abstracts Spin Related Magnetic Field Effects in Organic Semiconductor Devices
Teneh Nimrod 2016 Michael Reznikov Abstracts Spin-Droplet State of an Interacting 2D Electron System
Zaberchik Moran 2016 Michael Reznikov Abstracts Magnetic Field-Induced Surface Potential in High Temperature Superconductors
Naamneh Muntaser 2016 Amit Kanigel Abstracts ARPES Measurements in the Presence of Electrical Current in Cuprates
Sidorenko Pavel 2016 Oren Cohen Abstracts Aspects in Pulse Generation, Imaging and Pulse Characterization in Ultrafast Optics
Roitgrund Aviad 2016 Gad Eilam (Deceased), Shaouly Bar Shalom, Abstracts The Left-Right Symmetric Model as an Extension of the Standard Model: Implications for the LHC
Zafrir Gabi 2016 Oren Bergman Abstracts Studying 5D CFT's Using String Theory Methods
Hillel Shlomi 2016 Noam Soker Abstracts Dynamics of Clumps in the Intracluster Medium
Plotnik Yonatan 2016 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Eigenmodes of Complex Optical Structures and Topological Photonics
Kirzhner Tal 2015 Gad Koren Abstracts Coherence-Length and Energy-Gap Scales in Cuprate and Topological Superconductors with a Pseudogap
Kopeliansky Revital 2015 Shlomit Tarem Abstracts Search for Charged Long-Lived Particles with the ATLAS Detector in pp Collisions at s=8TeV
Papish Oded 2015 Noam Soker Abstracts Expel of Gravitationally Bound Mass by Fast Jets from Compact Objects
Palacio Jorge 2015 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Theoretical Investigation of Hollow Cathode Plasma Physics
Portman Danny 2015 Noam Soker Abstracts Interaction of Supernova Ejecta with Asymmetrical Circumstellar Matter
Hexner Daniel 2015 Dov Levine Abstracts Spatial Organization in Periodically Driven Systems
Kalaev Dima 2015 Ilan Riess, Avner Rothschild, Abstracts Properties of Solid State Devices Based on Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductors
Be'ery Ilan 2015 Amiram Ron, Amnon Fruchtman, Amnon Fisher, Abstracts Active Feedback Stabilization of Magnetically Confined Plasma
Meitav Nizan 2015 Erez Ribak Abstracts High Resolution Imaging through Random Phase Aberrations
Baskin Alexei 2015 Ari Laor Abstracts Some Constraints on the Physical Properties of the Broad Absorption Line and the Broad Emission Line Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei
Beilin Leonid 2015 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Nanosecond Timescale Plasma Formation in Pressurized Gases in the Presence of High-Intensity Electromagnetic Field
Gazit Snir 2014 Daniel Podolsky Abstracts Dynamics near Quantum Criticality in Two Space Dimensions
Queller Tal 2014 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Investigation of Plasma in Pulsed High-Current Electron Sources and High-Power Microwave Devices
Dori Liora 2014 Amos Ori Abstracts Evaporation of 2-Dimensional Black Holes
Shapira Nadav 2014 Ophir Auslaender Abstracts The Properties of Individual Superconducting Vortices Pinned on Twin Boundaries
Tenenbaum Katan Yaniv David 2014 Daniel Podolsky Abstracts Dynamics in Low-Dimensions: Floquet Topological Insulators, the Higgs Mode and other Tales
Schwartz Eyal 2014 Erez Ribak Abstracts Astronomical Observations of Remote Planets
Greenfield Elad 2014 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Aspects of Light-Fluid Interactions
Labin Amichai Moshe 2014 Erez Ribak, Ido Perlman, Abstracts Optical Analysis of Retinal Glial Cells and their Effect on Vision
Galon Iftah 2014 Yael Shadmi Abstracts Physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider
Kaminer Ido 2014 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Light in Complex Settings
Drachuck Gil 2014 Amit Keren Abstracts Experimental Investigation of the Mechanism for High Temperature Superconductivity Using Single Crystals of CLBLCO
Yatom Shurik 2014 Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Yakov Krasik, Abstracts Nanosecond Discharge in Dense Gas
Fischer Ran 2014 David Gershoni, Amiram Ron, Abstracts Room Temperature Nuclear Polarization Enhancement in Bulk Diamond
Leviant Tom 2014 Amit Keren Abstracts Energy Bursts from the Fe8 Molecular Magnet during Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization Process
Berman Rotem Sara 2014 Joseph Avron, Alexander Leshansky, Abstracts Swimming and Alignment in Low-Reynolds-Number Medium
Preezant Yulia 2014 Elisha Cohen Abstracts The Interaction of Fermi-Edge Polaritons and Exciton- Polaritons in a Modulation Doped Microcavity
Bunin Guy 2013 Yariv Kafri Abstracts Fluctuations away from Equilibrium
Stern Jonathan 2013 Ari Laor Abstracts The Emission Properties of Type 1 Low Redshift AGN
Dishon Matan 2013 Uri Sivan Abstracts Ion-Specific Effects on Interactions in Aqueous Solutions
Levi Liad 2013 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Wave Transport in Interacting and Disordered Systems
Shechtman Yoav 2013 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Aspects of Sparsity-Based Reconstruction of Optical Information
Bolker Asaf 2013 Rafael Kalish, Cecile Saguy, Abstracts Measurement of Quantization Effects in Low Dimensional Diamond Systems
Lahoud Elias 2013 Amit Kanigel Abstracts Emergence of a Novel Metallic State in a Disordered 2D Mott Insulator
Zohar Ohad 2013 Uri Sivan Abstracts Some aspects of the Interaction between Charged Surfaces and Ions in Spatially Confined Geometrics
Gad Raanan 2012 Amiram Ron, Amnon Fisher, Abstracts Magnetically Induced Transparency in Classical Magnetized Plasma
Beha-Harpaz Silvia 2012 Yoram Rozen Abstracts Top Quark Mass Measurement via Leptons Correlation and Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in the Hadronic Tau Final State
Keselman Ariel 2012 Adi Nusser Abstracts Towards a Better Paradigm of Galaxy Formation
Benny Yael 2012 David Gershoni Abstracts Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Many Carriers' States in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Elhanati Yuval 2012 Erez Braun, Naama Brenner, Abstracts Variability and Environment-Mediated Interactions in Populations of Microorganisms
Vekselman Vladislav 2012 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Plasma Sources for Pulsed High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam Generation
Eyal Anna 2012 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Macroscopic Mobility of Solid 4He above 1k
Stolovicki Elad 2012 Erez Braun, Naama Brenner, Abstracts Evolvability of Gene Regulation: From Single Cells to Populations
Lubashevsky Yuval 2012 Amit Kanigel Abstracts Studies of the Supercoducting Gap in Zn Substituted Cuprates
Fedotov Gefen Alexander 2012 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Underwater Electrical Wire Explosion and Shock Wave Generation in Water
Uzdin Raam 2012 Nimrod Moiseyev Abstracts The Effects of Non-Hermitian Degeneracies on Light and Matter Interactions
Holczer Tomer 2012 Ehud Behar Abstracts Ubiquitous Thermal Instability in Active Galactic Nuclei Outflows
Barak Assaf 2012 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics in Optics
Kajomovitz Enrique 2012 Shlomit Tarem Abstracts Search for Heavy Long-Lived Particles in ATLAS
Weinstein Yossi 2012 Tal Mor, Ady Mann, Abstracts Algorithmic Cooling of Spins
Meiron Yohai 2012 Ari Laor Abstracts The Stellar Kinematic Signature of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
Kodriano Yaron 2012 David Gershoni Abstracts Optical Control of Single Spins in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Sheftman Daniel 2012 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Electrical Conductivity and Equations of State Metals at Extreme Conditions and Fast Processes
Kashi Amit 2011 Noam Soker Abstracts The Periastron Passage of the Binary Star Eta Carinae
Baskin Ilya 2011 Elisha Cohen, Boris Ashkinadze, Abstracts Optical and Microwave Study of Non-Equilibrium Electron; Hole and Exciton States in GaAs Based Quantum Heterostructures
Golubchik Daniel 2011 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Magneto-Optical Measurements of Spontaneous Creation of Flux during a Rapid Phase Transition in Superconductors
Ludwin Doron Moshe 2011 Amos Ori, Larry Horowitz, Abstracts Applications of Manifestly Covariant Quantum Theory In Bohm-Aharonov Theory and General Relativity
Bressler Shikma 2011 Shlomit Tarem Abstracts Searching for a Heavy Long-lived Charged Particles with the ATLAS detector in PP Collisions at sqrt(S)=7TeV
Shaffir Eran 2011 Ilan Riess Abstracts Process of De-Wetting and Beading of Gold Films on Single Crystals Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ)
Alfassi Barak 2011 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Optics in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media and in Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures
Levanony Dana 2011 Amos Ori Abstracts Closed Time-Like Curves and Other Problems in General Relativity
Amit Eran 2011 Amit Keren Abstracts Investigating the Mechanism of High Temperature Superconductivity by Oxygen Isotope Substitution
Bahat-Treidel Omri 2011 Mordechai Segev Abstracts K-Space Singularities in Nonlinear Wave Systems
Poem-Kalogerakis Eilon 2011 Eitan Ehrenfreund, David Gershoni, Abstracts Radiative Cascades and Coherent Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Yarmolich Dmitry 2010 Yakov Krasik Abstracts Experimental and Theotetical Research of Passive and Active Pulsed Plasma Cathodes
Myers Zacharia 2010 Adi Nusser Abstracts Searching for Dark Matter in and beyond our Evolving Galaxy
Gurevich Evgeni 2011 Boris Shapiro Abstracts Effect of Correlations in Random Potential on the Phenomenon of Localization
Hadas Yoav 2010 Yakov Krasik, Itzik Schnitzer, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Plasma Characterization of Pulsed High-Power Diodes
Peleg Or 2010 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Linear and Nonlinear Optics in Complex Structures
Firstenberg Ofer 2010 Amiram Ron, Nir Davidson, Abstracts Spatial Phenomena and Atomic Motion in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Medium
Sheinman Michael 2010 Yariv Kafri Abstracts Search and Recognition in Biological Systems
Bar-Lev Yevgeny 2010 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Anderson Localization in Some Nonlinear Systems
Lindner Netanel 2010 Assa Auerbach Abstracts Transport of Interacting Bosons on 2D Lattices
Friedlander Tamar 2010 Erez Braun, Naama Brenner, Abstracts Protein Distributions and Their Role in Cell Population Functionality
Shpilman Ze'ev 2010 Alon Hoffman, Joan Adler, Irina Gouzman, Abstracts Interaction of polycrystalline CVD Diamond Thin Films with Atomic Oxygen
Manela Ofer 2009 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics and Effects in Periodic Optical Systems
Rutman Jeremy 2010 Ilan Riess Abstracts Investigation of Cathode Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Carmon Yuval 2009 Erez Ribak Abstracts Wave Front Detection of Human Ocular Aberrations
Sternberg Assaf 2009 Noam Soker Abstracts Inflating Radio Bubbles in the Cores of Galaxy Clusters
Gil Yotam 2009 Ilan Riess, Yoed Tsur, Abstracts Current-Voltage Relations and Point Defect Distribution in Mixed-Ionic-Electronic-Conductors
Gan Lahav 2009 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Field Emission from Conductive Diamond Surfaces
Shafir Oren 2009 Amit Keren Abstracts Investigating the Influence of Nuclear Fluctuations on Magnetic Quantum Tunneling
Akashi Muhammad 2008 Noam Soker, Ehud Behar, Abstracts X-Ray Emission from Colliding Winds in Planetary Nebulae
Gabbay Alon 2009 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Fermi Edge Polaritons in a Modulation Doped Quantum Well Embedded in a Microcavity: The Effect of a Two- Dimensional Electron Gas
Kalev Amir 2008 Ady Mann, Michael Revzen, Abstracts Local Hidden Variables Underpinning of Entanglement and Teleportation
Tokarev Iya 2009 Adi Nusser Abstracts Applications of General Relativity in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Freedman Barak 2008 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Wave Interactions in Periodic and Quasiperiodic Systems
Berlatzky Yoav 2008 Nimrod Moiseyev, Shmuel Fishman (Deceased), Abstracts Scattering from Non-Continuous 2D Potentials: Theory and Applications
Barak Ronen 2008 Jacob Ben-Aryeh Abstracts Quantum Optics Tomography – Interferometry and Photon Statistics
Ofer Oren 2008 Amit Keren Abstracts The Impact of Perturbations on Frustrated Magnets
Schwartz Tal 2008 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics and Effects in Optical Systems
Surujon Ze'ev 2008 Yael Shadmi, Yuval Grossman, Abstracts Phenomenology beyond the Standard Model
Gero Aharon 2008 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Cooperative Effects in the Multiple Scattering of Photons by Atomic Gases
Gleser Liron 2008 Adi Nusser Abstracts Reionization from the Dark Ages until the Present
Ofer Rinat 2008 Amit Keren Abstracts Underdoped Cuprates: Detection of Charge Inhomogeneity and the Transition to Magnetic Order
Shuker Moshe 2008 Amiram Ron, Nir Davidson, Abstracts Decay Processes in EIT Medium
Nordon Raanan 2008 Ehud Behar Abstracts Coronal X-Ray Flares on Active Stars
Marderfeld Ilia 2008 David Gershoni, Eitan Ehrenfreund, Abstracts Subpicosecond Dynamics of Photoexcitations in Semiconductor Quantum Structures
Shwartz Sharon 2008 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Optics in CdZnTe:V
Akopian Nikolay 2008 David Gershoni, Eitan Ehrenfreund, Abstracts Correlated and Entangled Pairs of Single Photons from Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Levy Shahar 2008 Jeff Steinhauer Abstracts Measurement of the A.C. Josephson Effect in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Rotschild Carmel 2008 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Solitons in Non-Local Nonlinear Media
Vander Roman 2008 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging
Katz Andrey 2008 Yael Shadmi Abstracts Aspects of Field Theory in Extra-Dimensions, Supersymmetry Breaking and Deconstruction
Gershon Gal 2007 Michael Reznikov Abstracts An Experimental Study of the High Order Cumulants of Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Systems
Pelleg Oshri 2007 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Investigation of Excitations in BCC 4He Solid Using Neutron Scattering
Shay Menachem 2007 Stephen Lipson, Emil Polturak (Deceased), Abstracts Raman Scattering from Superfluid and Solid Helium
Assaf Ohad 2007 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Intensity Correlations in the Multiple Scattering of Light by Cold Atomic Gases
Razamat Shlomo 2007 Oren Bergman Abstracts Topics in String Theory: Closed String Tachyons and Gauge/Gravity Duality
Grinenko Alon 2007 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts Underwater Electrical Wire Explosion
Panikashvili Natalia 2007 Shlomit Tarem, Neal Homer, Abstracts Measurement of the lambda/b Lifetime with the D/phi Detector Development of an Algoritm for Selection of J/psi Particles at the Second Level Trigger of The ATLAS Detector. A Study…
Ran Boaz 2006 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Phase Shift Microscopy
Sorkin Anastasia 2006 Joan Adler, Rafael Kalish, Abstracts Computer Simulation of the Nucleation of Diamond from Liquid Carbon under Extreme Pressures
Sorkin Viacheslav 2006 Joan Adler, Emil Polturak (Deceased), Abstracts Computer Simulations of Excitations of a Quantum Solid and of The Melting Transition at High Pressure
Shokef Yair 2006 Dov Levine Abstracts Thermodynamic Analogies in Granular Materials
Nemirovsky Aleksandra 2006 Giora Shaviv, Oded Regev, Abstracts Internal Dynamics of Accretion Disks
Scudo Petra 2006 Joseph Avron, Asher Peres (Deceased), Abstracts Quantum Information and Reference Frames
Seiden Gabriel 2006 Stephen Lipson, Marius Ungarish, Abstracts Banding of Suspended Particles in a Rotating Horizontal Tube
Lifshitz Ronen 2006 Shlomit Tarem, Daniel Schulte, Abstracts Beam Dynamics Research for the CLIC/CTF3 Study and Development and Finalization of the Front End Control Application for ATLAS TGC-DCS
Desjacques Vincent 2006 Adi Nusser Abstracts Correlations of Gas and Dark Matter from High-Redshift Measurements of the LYA Forest
Bartal Guy 2006 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Waves in Periodic Photonic Structures
Maniv Ariel 2005 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Measurements of Spontaneous Magnetic Flux Generated during a Rapid Thermal Quench of a Superconductor
Chirko Konstantin 2005 Yakov Krasik, Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Abstracts High Power Electron Beam Generation from Ferroelectric Plasma Sources
Rosenstock Zvi 2005 Ilan Riess Abstracts Point Defect Distribution and the Electrical Transport Properties in Thin Films of Cu2O under Chemical and Electical Potential Gradients
Rahav Saar 2004 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Billiards in Atom Optics
Landsman Hagar-Yael 2004 Yoram Rozen Abstracts A Measurement of Rb at LEP2 Energies
Gemintern Alexander 2004 Gad Eilam (Deceased) Abstracts Constraints on "New Physics" Parameters from Current and Future Experiments
Roichman Yael 2004 Dov Levine Abstracts Force Distribution in Static Granular Piles
Qarry Angie 2004 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Electron-Polariton Scattering in Semiconductor Microcavities
Mizrahi Udi 2004 Eitan Ehrenfreund, David Gershoni, Abstracts Time Resolved Correlation Spectroscopy of Single Photons from Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Rosenthal Eran 2004 Amos Ori Abstracts The Self Force in Curved Spacetime
Shkedy Lior 2004 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Magneto-Transport Investigation of Anisotropic Properties in the ab plane of YBCO Films and Junctions
Carmon Tal 2004 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Nonlinear Optics and Solitons
Chuzhoy Leonid 2004 Adi Nusser Abstracts Non-linear Processes in Structure Formation
Klich Israel 2004 Ady Mann Abstracts Quantum Fields under the Influence of External Conditions
Bar-David Aharon 2004 Isak Gertner, Baruch Rosner, Abstracts Investigation of the Structure, Dissociaction Energy and Mean Lifetime of Diatomic Molecular Ions
Krokhmal Alexander 2004 Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Yakov Krasik, Abstracts Investigation of Gas Discharge Plasma Cathodes for High-Power Electron Beam Generation
Cohen Oren 2004 Mordechai Segev Abstracts Optical Spatial Solitons
Harel Amnon 2004 Yoram Rozen Abstracts A Measurement of the Inclusive Branching Ratio of Neutral D Mesons to Phi Mesons
Keren Kinneret 2003 Erez Braun, Uri Sivan, Abstracts Self-Assembly of Molecular-Scale Electronics by Genetic Recombination
Langof Lidia 2003 Eitan Ehrenfreund, Efrat Lifshitz, Abstracts Magneto-Optical Studies of III-V Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Kanigel Amit 2003 Amit Keren Abstracts Interplay between Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Cuprates
Klecner Michael 2003 Amiram Ron Abstracts Quantum Decoherence in Gaseous Environment
Raz Shaul 2003 Ilan Riess Abstracts Mixed Ionic Electronic Conduction in Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Nemirovsky Ron 2003 Amiram Ron Abstracts Pinch Collapse of Plasma in a Capillary: The Dynamical Effect of Neutral Atoms
Prus Oleg 2003 Uri Sivan, Michael Reznikov, Abstracts An Experimental Study of the Thermodynamics of Strongly Correlated Two-Dimensional Fermions
Leizerson Ilya 2003 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Pattern Formation in Wetting-Dewetting Phenomena
Koenigsfeld Noam 2003 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Field Emission from Diamond, Carbon Layers and Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors
Terno Daniel 2003 Asher Peres (Deceased) Abstracts Quantum Information and Relativity Theory
Zoubi Hashem 2003 Amiram Ron, Meir Orenstein, Abstracts Dissipations in Coupled Quantum Systems
Altman Ehud 2002 Assa Auerbach Abstracts Effective Hamiltonians for Cuprate Bosonic Atoms
Regelman Vadim 2002 David Gershoni Abstracts Near Field Optical Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Kenis Alexander 2002 Nimrod Moiseyev, Meir Orenstein, Ady Mann, Abstracts Design of Optical Devices by Means of Quantum Mechanical Approaches and Computational Methods
Ramon Guy 2002 Ady Mann, Elisha Cohen, Abstracts Polariton-Electron Scattering in Microcavities with Embedded Quantum Wells
Berkowicz Eyal 2002 David Gershoni, Gad Bahir, Abstracts Optical Properties of Nitride Quantum Structures
Gangardt Dimitry 2002 Eric Akkermans, Shmuel Fishman (Deceased), Abstracts Effects of Interactions in Mesoscopic Systems
Lublinsky Michael 2002 Boris Blok, Eugin Levin, Abstracts Nonperturbative QCD Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Magidson Valentin 2002 Robert Beserman Abstracts Fano-Type Interference in the Raman Spectrum of Photo- Excited Silicon
Hashibon Adham 2002 Joan Adler, Stephen Lipson, Wayne D. Kaplan, Abstracts Atomistic Study of Structural Correlations at a Model Solid/Liquid-Metal Interface
Salman Zaher 2002 Amit Keren Abstracts A mu-SR and NMR Study of Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetization in High Spin Molecules
Markovich Tuvy 2002 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Inelastic Neutron Scattering from bcc 4He
Ultchin Yigal 2001 Oded Regev Abstracts Models of Diamagnetic Interaction in T Tauri Accretion Disks Variability
Cohen Netta 2001 Erez Braun Abstracts The Development of Spontaneous Beating Activity in Cultured Heart Cells: From Cells to Networks
Nachlieli Hila 2001 Dov Levine Abstracts Description of Granular Flow
Strakhov Evgeny 2001 Joseph Avron Abstracts Application of Methods from Kahler Geometry to Quantum Mechanics
Epshtein Olga 2001 Eitan Ehrenfreund, Yoav Eichen, Abstracts Modulation Spectroscopy of Transient Photogenerated Species in Conjugated Polymers
Levy Moshe 2001 Robert Beserman Abstracts Intersubband Transitions in Semiconductor Bragg Confining Structures
Dunaevsky Alexander 2001 Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased), Yakov Krasik, Abstracts Investigation of Plasma Cathodes for Generation of High Power Electron Beams
Yaish Yuval 2001 Uri Sivan Abstracts Magneto-Transport and Thermodynamic Properties of a Two Dimensional Hole Layer
Rapaport Ronen 2001 Elisha Cohen, Arza Ron, Abstracts Electron-Polariton Interaction in Semiconductor Microcavities
Reznik Alla 2001 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Conductivity and Structural Properties of Diamond and CVD Diamond Films in Relation to the Presence of Defects
Saada David 2000 Rafael Kalish, Joan Adler, Abstracts Computational Study of Defects and Hydrogen in Diamond, and their Annealing
Nazimov Anna 2000 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Interacting Spatially Separated Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Gases
Elgart Alexander 2000 Joseph Avron Abstracts Adiabatic Theorems and Their Applications
Zoabi Abid Essam 2000 Oded Regev Abstracts Magnetic Fields in Cooling Flow Clusters
Maurer Ron 2000 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Spectroscopy and Calculations of Magnetoexcitons in Semiconductor Quantum-Wells
Soen Yoav 2000 Erez Braun Abstracts On the Spontaneous Beating of Self-Assembled Heart-Cell Networks at Different Levels of Organization
Ben-Kish Amit 2000 Amiram Ron, Abstracts Capillary Discharge Pumped Soft X-Ray Laser
Shtrichman Itay 2000 David Gershoni, Eitan Ehrenfreund, Abstracts Dynamics of Charge Carriers and Excitons in Semiconductor Quantum Structures, Probed by Time-Resolved Photoinduced Intersubband Absorption
Carmi Raz 2000 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Measurements of Spontaneous Magnetic Flux in Superconductors
Harel Roey 2000 Elisha Cohen, Arza Ron, Abstracts Coherent Far Infrared Radiation Emission and Cavity Polariton Linewidth Narrowing in Semiconductor Microcavities
Havilio Moshe 2000 Assa Auerbach Abstracts Variational Wave Function for High Tc Cuprates
Barack Leor 2000 Amos Ori Abstracts Perturbations of Rotating Black Holes
Dekel Erez 2000 David Gershoni, Eitan Ehrenfreund, Abstracts Optical Studies of Many Body Interactions in Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Bouhnik Jean-Paul 1999 Isak Gertner, Baruch Rosner, Abstracts Study of the Structure, the Mean Lifetimes and the Dissociation Energies of Metastable Molecular Ions Containing Noble Gas Atoms
Burko Lior.m 1999 Amos Ori Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics of Spherical Black Holes
Eshed Wasserman Anat 1999 Robert Beserman Abstracts Micro-Raman Characterization of Sige Layers Grown on Patterned Substrates
Sheffer Dan 1999 Dov Ingman, Uri Oppenheim (Deceased), Abstracts The Use of Thermodynamic Quantities to Improve Multispectral Recognition
Ilouz Igal 1999 Eliezer Finkman, Elisha Cohen, Abstracts Coupled 2D Electron and Hole Gases Spatially Separated in Type II GaAs/AlAs Superlattices
Nesher Ofer 1999 Gad Koren Abstracts Studies of Oxygen Deficient Josephson Junctions Made of High Temperature Superconductors
Gekhtman Dmitry 1998 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Charged and Neutral Exciton Spectroscopy in Photoexcited Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Berent Inon 1998 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Influence of Crystal Defects on Plastic Flow In Solid Helium
Krausz Nurit 1998 Michael Marinov (Deceased) Abstracts Quantum Dynamics on Non-Compact Group Manifolds
Gov Nir 1998 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Characterization of Superfluidity of 4He
Braslavsky Ido 1998 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Imaging of the Temperature Field around a Dendritic Crystal
Oiknine Schlesinger Joelle 1998 Eitan Ehrenfreund, David Gershoni, Abstracts Electric Field Effects on Intersubband Transitions in Semiconductor Multi Quantum Wells
Eyal Alon 1998 Moshe Eizenberg, Robert Beserman, Abstracts Ti Metallization of Sigec Epitaxial Layers Grown on Si (001)
Brif Constantin 1998 Ady Mann Abstracts Generalized Coherent States and their Applications in Quantum Optics
Lipson Michal 1998 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Coupled Exciton-Photon Modes in Semiconductor Optical Microcavities
Tsur Yoed 1998 Ilan Riess Abstracts Properties of Doped Non-Stoichiometric Ionic Crystals, With Application to Cu2O
Katz Matityahu 1997 David Gershoni Abstracts Optical Studies of Cleaved Edge Overgrown Quantum Structures
Finkelstein Yuval 1997 Dan Fekete, Emil Zolotoyabko (Deceased), Abstracts Strained Quantum Wells on (111) Substrate
Bendayan Michael 1997 Robert Beserman Abstracts Influence of Doping on the Raman Scattering of Quantum Wells Structures
Gilor Joseph 1997 Dan Fekete, Robert Beserman, Abstracts The Physics of Strained AlInGaAs on GaAs Heterostructures for Laser Application
Ben-Horin Yochai 1997 Michael Marinov (Deceased) Abstracts Some Non-Perturbative Aspects of Non-Abelian Gauge Field Theory
Mor Tal 1997 Eli Biham, Asher Peres (Deceased), Abstracts Quantum Memory in Quantum Cryptography
Manassen Amnon 1997 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Elementary Excitations of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Mixed Type I – Type II Quantum Wells
Kozhevnikov Michael 1997 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Microwave and Optical Study of Electron and Hole Gases In Bulk Gaas and Related Quantum Structures
Buchinsky Oded 1997 Dan Fekete, Gad Eisenstein, Abstracts Semiconductor Lasers for High Speed Modulation
Narevlclus Romanas 1997 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Some Properties of the Magnetic Response of Mesoscopic Quantum Systems
Reisin Carina 1997 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Flux Dynamics and Pattern Formation of Flux Penetration into Type-I Superconductors
Freiman Willie 1997 Robert Beserman Abstracts Titanium Metallization of Si/Ge Alloys and Superlattices
Granite Daniel Lee 1997 Shlomo Dado Abstracts Measurement of the Cross Section of Multi-Jet Events from cc And bb at the Z Pole in the OPAL Detector
Ben-Dor Baruch 1997 Giora Shaviv, Abstracts Atmospheric Scattering Effect on Spatial Resolution Of Imaging Systems
Roth Yehuda 1996 Eric Akkermans Abstracts Induced Currents in Thin Samples
Segev Bilha 1996 Michael Marinov (Deceased) Abstracts Classically Forbidden Processes in Quantum Theory
Bortman Dafna 1996 Amiram Ron Abstracts Nonlinear Interaction of Radiation with Matter
Duer Reuven 1996 David Gershoni Abstracts Time Resolved Intersubband Photoinduced Absorption in Semiconductor Quantum Structures
Brenner Naama 1996 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts High-Frequency Excitation of Quantum Nonlinear Systems
Bar Shalom Shaouly 1996 Gad Eilam (Deceased) Abstracts CP Violation and Heavy Quark Physics
Jann Albert 1996 Jacob Ben-Aryeh Abstracts Quantum Noise Reduction in Optical Systems
Shaviv Nir 1996 Arnon Dar Abstracts The Origin of Gamma Ray Bursts
Levin Orit 1995 Asher Peres (Deceased) Abstracts Quantum Phenomena in the Presence of Gravitation
Shapira Shye 1996 Uri Sivan Abstracts Thermodynamic Properties of a Strongly Interacting Fermion Layer
Zahler Mordechay 1995 Elisha Cohen, Yosef Salzman, Abstracts Elementary Excitations in Semiconductor Bragg Confining Structures
Kostianovsky Shimon 1995 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Dendritic Growth of Crystals
Shuster Israel 1995 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Magnetic Relaxation of 3He-4He Mixture Crystals
Kupershmidt Yefim 1995 Amiram Ron Abstracts Single Particle Analysis of in-Plasma/in-Vacuum Ponderomotive Force Wiggler And of Ion-Channel Laser
Guvari Asaf 1995 Jacob Katriel, Ady Mann, Abstracts Symmetry Methods in the Study of Quantum Hall Effect And Many Body Systems
Danovich Tatiana 1995 Emanuel Levitan (Deceased), Joshua Zak (Deceased), Abstracts Thermodynamic Characterization of an Image by a Physical 2-D Ising Model
Batkilin Eduard 1995 Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased) Abstracts Electron Spectral Functions in Strongly Correlated Systems: 3D-Metals and their Compounds
Cohen Yoel 1995 Ilan Riess Abstracts Preparation and Characterization of Thin Films of Oxynitrides Containing Nb and Ba Or La
Manor Ran 1995 Oren Brafman (Deceased) Abstracts Raman Study of Phonons in Disordered Systems and Their Role in Quantum Structures
Agam Oded 1995 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Non-Universal Properties of Chaotic Systems
Silverman Amihai 1995 Rafael Kalish, Joan Adler, Abstracts Study of the Structure and Dynamical Properties of Tetrahedrally Bonded Ternary Alloys
Porat Ofer 1994 Ilan Riess Abstracts Point Defects and Electrical Transport Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Cu2O
Cohen Donita 1994 Jacob Ben-Aryeh Abstracts Interaction of Non Classical Light with Matter
Rave Amir 1994 Boris Shapiro Abstracts Orbital Magnetic Response of Disordered Conductors
Arbel Daniel 1994 Joshua Felsteiner (Deceased) Abstracts Cathode Sheath Instability in a Low-Pressure Hollow-Cathode Discharge
Pnini Reuven 1994 Boris Shapiro Abstracts Long Range Intensity Correlations in Absorbing Random Media
Last Yoram 1994 Joseph Avron Abstracts Conductance and Spectral Properties
Gareini Yuval 1994 Elisha Cohen, Arza Ron, Abstracts Photoinduced Intersubband Transitions Due to Electrons Holes and Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells
Cohen David 1994 Emil Polturak (Deceased) Abstracts Properties and Development of High Temperature Josephson Junctions
Idan Irit 1994 Giora Shaviv Abstracts The Effect of Illumination on Accretion Discs
Frommer Aviv 1994 Elisha Cohen, Arza Ron, Abstracts The Dynamics and Spin Relaxation of Excitons In GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells
Ben Michael Rephael 1994 Dan Fekete Abstracts The Influence of Strain and the Structure of the Active Layer of Semiconductor Lasers on Lasing Characteristics
Aharoni Efraim 1994 Gad Koren Abstracts All YBa2-Cu3-O7 Josephson Edge Junctions and Squids
Cohen Doron 1993 Shmuel Fishman (Deceased) Abstracts Effects of the Environment on Localization in Systems That are Classically Chaotic
Cohen Hagai 1993 Mordechai Folman (Deceased), Tsofar Maniv, Abstracts Electron Spectroscopy of Semiconductin Van Der Waals Crysta
Pistener Shlomo 1993 Giora Shaviv Abstracts Supernova NLTE Model Atmospheres
Bar-Moshe David 1993 Michael Marinov (Deceased) Abstracts Geometric Quantization on Kaehlerian Systems
Godon Patrick 1993 Giora Shaviv Abstracts Investigation of the Boundary Layer Problem By the Spectral Methods
Pnueli Ayelet 1993 Joseph Avron Abstracts Adiabatic Charge Transport on Two Dimensional Surfaces
Feinberg Joshua 1993 Moshe Moshe Abstracts Non Perturbative Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
Swirski Yoram 1992 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Investigation of Solid He3-He4 Miytures Using Nmr Imaging
Ali Abed 1992 Lucien Ben-Guigui Abstracts The Elastic Properties of Liquid Crystals
Hudis Effim 1992 Uri Oppenheim (Deceased) Abstracts Millimeter Waves Atmospheric Transmittance
Moriya Netzer 1992 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Radialon Damage Annealing in Cl Ompovnd Semicondvctors
Peleg Yoav 1992 Ady Mann Abstracts Superspace Quantum Gravity and the Cosmological Singularity
Portnoy Daniel 1991 Giora Shaviv Abstracts Ram Pressure Stripping from Elliptical Galaxies
Dankner Yair 1992 Eliezer Finkman, Elisha Cohen, Abstracts Optical Gain in Superlattices
Safadi Rafi 1991 Ilan Riess Abstracts Electrical Properties of the Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conduct
Brener Igal 1991 Arza Ron, Elisha Cohen, Abstracts Dephasing and Decay Processes of Eycitons in Semiconductor
Coter Florin 1991 Eitan Ehrenfreund Abstracts Photo Excitations of the Conducting Polymers Polyacetylene
Oz Yaron 1991 Gad Eilam (Deceased) Abstracts Quantization and Topology of Anomalous Gauge and Gravitatio
Comedi Reuven-David 1990 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Study of Structure and Dynamics of Pseudobinary Semiconduct
Masalah Taha 1990 Jan Genossar (Deceased) Abstracts Coexistence of Metastable Magnetic States in Iron Rnd
Sela Ilan 1990 Robert Beserman Abstracts Characterization of Crystal Alloys and Superlattices Using
Zur Boaz 1990 Joseph Avron Abstracts Chlculations of Quantum Adiabatic Charge Transport in Nets
Huttner Bruno 1990 Jacob Ben-Aryeh Abstracts Non Classical Light in Quantum Optics
Raz Eli 1990 Stephen Lipson Abstracts Characteristics of Crystalling Dendritic Growth in Solution
Fried Amram 1989 Elisha Cohen Abstracts Intrinsic Excitons in Gaasxp1 -X Crystals
Adel Michael 1989 Rafael Kalish Abstracts Charged Particle Irradiation Effects in Amorphus Hydrogena
Neumann Michal 1989 Uri Oppenheim (Deceased), Stephen Lipson, Abstracts Theoretical Physics
Nkum Robert 1989 Raoul Weil (Deceased) Abstracts Ferroelectricity in Zinc Cadmium Telluride
Abdulhalim Ibrahim 1988 Robert Beserman, Raoul Weil (Deceased), Abstracts Cw Lager Induced Structural Changes in the Amorphous State