PhD Theses – Computer Science

Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Biran Hadas 2024 Zohar Yakhini, Yael Mandel-Gutfreun, Abstracts Statistical Methods for Analyzing RNA Sequencing Data: Structures, MicroRNA Activity and Point Mutations
Francos Roee Mordechai 2024 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Topics in Multi-A(ge)nt Teamwork
Pismenny Boris 2024 Dan Tsafrir, Adam Morrison, Abstracts Alleviating Memory and CPU Bottlenecks in Hundred Gigabit Networking
Gliner Vadim 2024 Assaf Schuster, Yael Yaniv, Abstracts 12-Lead ECG Classification using Deep Learning Methods
Katzelnick Dor 2024 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Approximation Algorithms for Graph Clustering
Mizrahi Avraham 2024 Ori Rottenstreich Abstracts Coding Schemes for Blockchain Systems
Weiss Tomer 2024 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Deep Learning Approaches for Inverse Problems in Computational Imaging and Chemistry
Levy Alona 2024 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Deep Learning and Statistical Methods for Analyzing Data from Digital Pathology and Molecular Measurements
Rozenberg Eyal 2024 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Reduced-Supervision and Ab-Initio Machine Learning Approaches with Applications to Quantum Physics and Medicine
Kolobov Victor Itzhak 2024 Yuval Ishai Abstracts Homomorphic Secret Sharing and Information-Theoretic Cryptography
Feldman Yuri 2023 Vadim Indelman Abstracts Semantic Perception under Uncertainty with Viewpoint-Dependent Models
Kawar Bahjat 2023 Michael Elad Abstracts Diffusion Models in Image Restoration
Yehuda Gal 2023 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Connections between Machine Learning and Theory of Computer Science
Rabinovich Dmitry 2023 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Geometric Sorting of Simple Agents on Grid Environments with Applications to Autonomous Traffic Management
Cohen Shir 2023 Idit Keidar Abstracts Distributed Services Under Attack
Slossberg Ron 2023 Ron Kimmel Abstracts On Synthesis and Reconstruction of Human Facial Photometry and Corresponding Geometry
Vaksman Gregory 2023 Michael Elad Abstracts Modren Learning Technics for Image and Video Denoising via Patch Matching
Kaplan Avi 2023 Yuval Filmus, Yuval Ishai, Abstracts Computational Complexity under Communication Constraints
Amir Michael 2023 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Multi A(ge)nt Systems on Graphs
Haddad-Zaknoon Catherine 2023 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Learning Subclasses of Junta from Membership Queries
Harris Dor 2023 Dan Raz Abstracts On the Orchestration of Advanced Cellular Networks
Abu Sini Maria 2023 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts The Reconstruction Model and Shortmers-based DNA Synthesis
Weiss Gail 2023 Eran Yahav, Yoav Goldberg, Abstracts Neural Sequence Models: A Formal Lens
Yaniv Idan 2023 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Improving the Performance and Evaluation Methodology of Virtual Memory Systems
Shahout Ayoub Rana 2023 Roy Friedman Abstracts Sketching Streaming Data: Efficient Methods for Processing Massive Data
Sheffi Gal 2023 Erez Petrank Abstracts Reliable Concurrent Computing
Marcovich Sagi 2023 Eitan Yaakobi, Tuvi Etzion, Abstracts Substrings Constraints and Reconstruction of Sequences
Naori David 2023 Dan Raz Abstracts New Models and Improved Bounds for Online Optimization Problems
Rosenberg Aviv Avraham 2023 Alexander Bronstein, Yael Yaniv, Abstracts Statistical Methods and Machine Learning for Medical and Biological Applications
Sivan Hadar 2023 Assaf Schuster, Moshe Gabal, Abstracts Efficient First and Second Order Methods for Function Monitoring and Optimization
Ben-Shachar Gil 2023 Gill Barequet Abstracts Extremal Properties of Polyominoes
Fairstein Yaron 2022 Joseph Naor, Dan Raz, Abstracts Dynamicity and Multi-Commodity in Networks
Talmon Ohad 2022 Joseph Naor Abstracts Improved Bounds for Online Aggregation and Caching
Golts Alona 2022 Michael Elad Abstracts Deep Energy: Task Driven Training of Deep Neural Networks
Boyarski Amit 2022 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Geometry In Numerical Algorithms
Rosin Guy Daniel 2022 Kira Radinsky, Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Incorporating Time into Word Representations
Hakimi Ido 2022 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Distributed Deep Neural Networks
Singer Uriel 2022 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Temporal Graph Embedding with Fairness
Stern Alon 2022 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Methods for Inferring Compartmentalized Fluxes and Concentrations in Mammalian Cells
Eytan Ohad 2022 Roy Friedman Abstracts Access Patterns and Caching Algorithms
Leitersdorf Dean 2022 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Fast Distributed Algorithms via Sparsity Awareness
Yohananov Lev 2022 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Codes Over Graphs
Dovrat David 2022 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts An Automata Theory Method for the Analysis of Unicycle Pursuit Problems
Perle Stav 2022 Eli Biham Abstracts Mathematical Techniques for Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
Chrisnata Johan 2022 Han Mao Kiah, Tuvi Etzion, Abstracts Sequences and their Applications
Schwartz Idan 2022 Tamir Hazan, Alexander Schwing, Abstracts Cognitive Models in Deep Learning
Liss Rotem 2021 Tal Mor Abstracts Security of Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
Hong Tao 2021 Irad Yavneh, Michael Zibulevsky, Abstracts Numerical Optimization and Multigrid Computational Methods with Applications
Alon Uri 2021 Eran Yahav Abstracts Machine Learning for Programming Language Processing
Simon Dror 2021 Michael Elad Abstracts Generative Models: Affecting Current Practice with Traditional Methods
Rothenberg Bat-Chen 2021 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Formal Automated Program Repair
Golany Tomer 2021 Shachar Itzhaky, Kira Radinsky, Abstracts Deep Generative Models for ECG Classification
Noonan John 2021 Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, Abstracts Indoor Exploration with a Robotic Vehicle using a Single Camera and a Floorplan
Korenberg)Friedman( Michal-Evgenia 2021 Erez Petrank Abstracts Concurrent Data-Structures for Non-Volatile Memory
Frenkel Hadar 2021 Orna Grumberg, Sarai Sheinvald, Abstracts Automata over Infinite Data Domains:Learnability and Applications in Program Verification and Repair
Moraney Jalil 2021 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Resource-Constrained Monitoring
Adas Dolev 2021 Roy Friedman Abstracts Concurrent Sketches and their Applications
Baskin Chaim 2021 Alexander Bronstein, Avi Mendelson, Abstracts Designing Deep Neural Networks for Efficient and Robust Inference
Markuze Alex 2021 Dan Tsafrir, Adam Morrison, Abstracts Characterizing, Exploiting, Detecting and Preventing DMA Attacks in the Presence of an IOMMU
Anavy Leon 2021 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Synthetic DNA Libraries and their Applications in Data Storage and Biological Assays
Kulik Ariel 2021 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Submodular Maximization with Assignment Constraints and Parameterized Approximations
Lagziel Shoval 2021 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Computational Inference of Cancer Metabolic Alterations for Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Nordon Galia 2021 Benny Kimelfeld, Kira Radinsky, Abstracts Leveraging Multiple Drug Modalities for Drug Repurposing
Carmeli Nofar 2021 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts The Power of Implicit Acyclicity in the Enumeration Complexity of Database Queries
Riabzev Michael 2020 Yuval Ishai Abstracts Computation Verification for Noobs
David Moshe Yaniv 2020 Eran Yahav Abstracts Similarity in Binary Executables
Livshits Ester 2020 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts The Complexity of Database Inconsistency Measures
Uziel Guy 2020 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Leveraging Mechine Learning Algorithms in Online Portfolio Selection
Sosin Boris 2020 Gershon Elber Abstracts Symbolic Algorithms for Synthesis of Freeform Spline- based Geometry
Kravi Elad 2020 Benny Kimelfeld, Yaron Kanza, Abstracts Understanding the Context of Microactions on the Web
Dory Michal 2020 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Distributed Network Design
Funaro Liran 2020 Assaf Schuster, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehud, Abstracts Market Driven Multi-Resource Allocation
Rodin Daniil 2020 Gershon Elber Abstracts Multidimensional Multimodal Content-Oriented Presentations
Katz Omer 2019 Eran Yahav Abstracts Statistical Approaches to Reverse Engineering
Ezuz Danielle 2019 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Non Isometric Shape Correspondence
Vitkin Edward 2019 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Computational Aspects of Metabolic Processes: Modeling, Analysis and Applications
Geva Amir 2019 Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, Abstracts Sensory Routines for Indoor Autonomous Quad-Copter
Kolchinskyy Ilya 2019 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Lazy Evaluation Methods for Complex Event Processing
Kutiel Gilad 2019 Roy Schwartz, Dror Rawitz, Abstracts Approximation Algorithms for Submodular Maximization and Network Design Problems
Ezair Ben 2019 Gershon Elber Abstracts Advanced Geometric Methods in Machining and Additive Manufacturing
Peterfreund Liat 2019 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts The Complexity of Relational Queries over Extractions from Text
Kviatkovsky Igor 2019 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Person Identification From Contextual Motion
Geifman Yonatan 2019 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Uncertainty Estimation and its Applications in Deep Neural Networks
Dar Yehuda 2019 Alfred Bruckstein, Michael Elad, Abstracts New Methods for Signal Compression and Their Relations to Restoration Problems
Peleg Hila 2019 Eran Yahav Abstracts Program Synthesis for Programmers
Massarwa Fady 2019 Gershon Elber Abstracts Trivariate volumes – Algorithms and Applications
Pai Gautam 2019 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Learning for Numerical Geometry
Yankelevsky Yael 2019 Michael Elad Abstracts Sparsity-Based Processing of Graph Structured Data
Raviv Maya 2018 Hagit Attiya, Adam Morrison, Abstracts Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Concurrent Search Trees
Shtern Alon 2018 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Shape Correspondence using Spectral Methods and Deep Learning
Sulam Jeremias 2018 Michael Elad Abstracts From Local to Global Sparse Modeling
Ahn Eunyong 2018 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Characterization of Cellular Metabolism throughout the Cell Cycle in Cancer: An Integrated Experimental- Computational Approach
Omari Adi 2018 Eran Yahav, Sharon Shoham-Buchbind, Abstracts Scalable Data Extraction via Program Synthesis
Gilad Eran 2018 Yoav Etsion Abstracts Parallel Execution using Memory Versioning and Renaming
Lazerson Arnon 2018 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Efficient Monitoring of Distributed Data Streams
Kassner Yaron 2018 Roy Friedman Abstracts Frugal Counting
Lalouche Gal 2018 Joseph Gil Abstracts The Consistency, Independence and Validity of Software Complexity Metrics
Shalah Mira 2018 Gill Barequet Abstracts Formulae and Growth Rates of Animals on Cubical and Triangular Lattices
Ben Bassat Ran 2018 Roy Friedman Abstracts Big Data Methods for Efficient Network Monitoring
Abasi Hassan 2018 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Exact Learning of Monotone Functions from Membership Queries
Sela Matan 2018 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Shape Synthesis and Analysis by Deformable Models
Horovitz Michal 2018 Eitan Yaakobi, Tuvi Etzion, Abstracts Coding Schemes for Non-Volatile Memories
Yaniv Jonathan 2017 Joseph Naor Abstracts Job Scheduling Mechanisms for Cloud Computing
Weissbrod Omer 2017 Dan Geiger, Rosset Saharon, Abstracts Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Genetic Case Control Studies
Paz Ami 2017 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Distributed Distance Computation and Related Topics
Kaplan Yohay 2017 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Multi-Variate Abstractions of Algebraic Geometry Codes, with Applications
Sosnovich Adi 2017 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Network Protocols Using Methods of Formal Verification
Sebban Partush Nimrod 2017 Eran Yahav Abstracts Differential Program Analysis
Raviv Netanel 2017 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Subspace Codes and Distributed Storage Codes
Gabel Moshe 2017 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Communication-Efficient Algorithms for Distributed Stream Mining
Bentov Iddo 2017 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Bitcoin and Secure Computation with Money
Drachsler Cohen Dana 2017 Eran Yahav Abstracts Exact Programming by Examples
Azencot Omri 2017 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Operator Representations in Geometry Processing
Voloshin Ariella 2017 Shmuel Zaks, Hadas Shachnai, Abstracts Flexible Resource Allocation for Network Problems
Sainz David 2017 Roy Friedman Abstracts Efficient Information Transfer Leveraging Wireless D2D Communication
Meshman Yuri 2017 Eran Yahav Abstracts Extrapolation and Synthesis for Relaxed Memory Models
Schwartzman Gregory 2017 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Algorithms for Environments with Uncertainty
Yehezkel Aviv 2017 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Generalizations of the Cardinality Estimation Problem and Applications to Computer Networks
Papyan Vardan 2017 Michael Elad Abstracts Global Versus Local Modeling of Signals
Libov Alexander 2016 Roy Friedman Abstracts Efficient Content Delivery in P2P Networks
Weiss Mor 2016 Yuval Ishai Abstracts Secure Computation and Probabilistic Checking
Tamir Gal 2016 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Algorithms for Combinatorial Reoptimization
Shnaiderman Lila 2016 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Parallelism in Querying and Storage for Large XML and Graph Databases
Albagli-Kim Sivan 2016 Hadas Shachnai, Tamir Tamar, Abstracts Flexible Resource Allocation for Networks and Clouds
Tepper Naama 2016 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Computational Methods for Metabolic Network Analysis of Metabolite Levels and Flux
Moran Shay 2016 Amir Yehudayoff, Amir Shpilka, Abstracts Generalization and Simplification in Machine Learning
Genkin Daniel 2016 Yuval Ishai, Eran Tromer, Abstracts Secure Computation in Hostile Environments
Verner Uri 2016 Assaf Schuster, Avi Mendelson, Abstracts Processing Real-time Data Streams on GPU-based Systems
Meller Yael 2016 Orna Grumberg, Karen Yorav, Abstracts Model Checking Techniques for Behavioral UML Models
Cohen Nachshon 2016 Erez Petrank Abstracts Memory Management: From Theory to Practice
Ophir Boaz 2016 Michael Elad Abstracts Multi Scale Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation of Images
Sharov Artyom 2016 Ronny Roth Abstracts Coding for New Applications in Storage Media
Braginsky Anastasia 2015 Erez Petrank Abstracts Multi-Threaded Coordination Methods for Constructing Non-Blocking Data Structures
Disenfeld Cynthia 2015 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Compositional Verification of Events and Responses
Hans Sandeep 2015 Hagit Attiya, Noam Rinetskey, Abstracts A Programming Language Approach to Transactional Memory Consistency
Zehavi Meirav 2015 Ron Pinter, Hadas Shachnai, Abstracts Algorithms for Parameterized Graph Problems with Applications to Biological Network Queries
Einziger Gil 2015 Roy Friedman Abstracts Approximate Compact Data Structures and Applications
Carmeli Yaniv 2015 Eli Biham Abstracts On Bugs and Ciphers: New Techniques in Cryptanalysis
Goldhirsh Yonatan 2015 Eldar Fischer Abstracts Algorithms for Property Testing and Related Problems
Turek Javier S. 2015 Irad Yavneh, Michael Elad, Abstracts Topics in Sparse Representation Modeling and Applications
Talyansky Roman 2015 Alon Itai Abstracts Sample Complexity of Training Markov Chains
Cohen Meir 2015 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Observing the Observers: Social Context Analysis Using Computer Vision
Chen Shahar 2015 Joseph Naor, Niv Buchbinder, Abstracts Online Learning and Competitive Analysis: a Unified Approach
Timnat Shahar 2015 Erez Petrank Abstracts Practical Parallel Data Structures
Dubrovina Karni Anastasia 2015 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Geometric Algorithms for Image and Surface Analysis
Adler Amir 2014 Michael Elad, Yacov Hel-Or, Abstracts Applications of Sparse and Redundant Representations to Subspace Clustering and Signal Modeling
Kanizo Josef Hai 2014 Isaac Keslassy, David Hay, Abstracts Fast Decisions in High-Speed Networking Devices
Vizel Yakir 2014 Orna Grumberg Abstracts SAT-Based Model Checking Using Interpolation and IC3
Treister Eran 2014 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Aggregation-based Adaptive Algebraic Multigrid for Sparse Linear Systems
Avigdor-Elgrabli Noa 2014 Yuval Rabani, Amir Shpilka, Abstracts New Algorithms for the Reordering Buffer Management Problem
Amit Nadav 2014 Assaf Schuster, Dan Tsafrir, Abstracts Alleviating Virtualization Bottlenecks
Buzaglo Sarit 2014 Tuvi Etzion, Eitan Yaakobi, Abstracts Algebraic and Geometric Problems for Non-Volatile Memory
Nahir Amir 2014 Dan Raz, Ariel Orda, Abstracts Design and Management of Complex Distributed Systems: Optimization and Game-Theoretic Perspectives
Glazer Assaf 2014 Shaul Markovitch, Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Learning Methods for Modeling High-Dimensional Distributions
Ron-Zewi Noga 2014 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Additivie Combinatorics Methods in Computational Complexity
Poranne Roi 2014 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Topics in Shape Optimization and Exploration
Leibovich Limor 2014 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Statistical Assessment of Enrichment in Ranked Lists – Algorithms and Applications in Motif Search
Rosman Guy 2014 Ron Kimmel Abstracts On Natural Parametrizations of Motion and Structure Manifolds
Haramaty Elad 2014 Amir Shpilka Abstracts Polynomial Testing and Related Questions
Giryes Raja 2014 Michael Elad Abstracts Sparsity Models for Signals: Theory and Applications
Agmon Ben-Yehuda Orna 2013 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Efficient, Non-Cooperative Sharing of Computing Resources
Levin Roy 2013 Yaron Kanza Abstracts Geospatial Route Search
Levi Zohar 2013 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Techinques for Manipulating Volumetric and Polyhedral 3D Datasets
Radinsky Kira 2013 Shaul Markovitch, Nir Ailon, Abstracts Learning to Predict the Future Using Web Knowledge and Dynamics
Wiener Yair 2013 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Theoretical Foundations of Selective Prediction
Feldman Moran 2013 Joseph Naor Abstracts Maximization Problems with Submodular Objective Functions
Grebla Guy 2013 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Scheduling Algorithms for OFDMA Broadband Wireless Networks
Lavee Gal 2013 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Understanding Events in Video
Begleiter Ron 2013 Nir Ailon, Ran El-Yaniv, Abstracts Theory and Practice of Active Learning
Shalem Mirit 2013 Yaron Kanza, Ziv Bar-Yossef, Abstracts Combined Search over Heterogeneous Repositories
Lenz Keren 2013 Joseph Gil Abstracts Internal and External Mechanisms for Extending Programming Languages
Elor Yotam 2013 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Mathematical Analysis of Emergent Behavior in Multi- Agent Systems
Steinfeld Israel 2013 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Data Analysis in Studies Combining Multiple High-Throughput Measurement Technologies
Ronen Royi 2012 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Models and Methods for Advanced Web Applications and Social Network Automation
Viderman Michael 2012 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Towards Lower Bounds on Locally Testable Codes
Raviv Dan 2012 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Invariant Metrics for Non-Rigid Shapes
Karnin Zohar 2012 Amir Shpilka Abstracts Derandomization of Algebraic and Geometric Problems in Theoretical Computer Science
Levin Anna 2012 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Mobility Management Schemes for Improving TCP Performance in the Next Generation Wireless Networks
Kotek Tomer 2012 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Definability of Combinatorial Functions
Yadgar Gala 2012 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Multilevel Cache Management Based on Application Hints
Schwartz Roy 2012 Joseph Naor Abstracts Labelings and Partitions of Graphs
Paskin-Cherniavsky Anat 2012 Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Abstracts Secure Computation with Minimal Interaction
Salman Tamer 2012 Yoram Baram Abstracts Quantum Neural Computation and Associative Memory
Rozenberg Eyal 2012 Eldar Fischer Abstracts Lower Bounds and Structural Results in Property Testing of Dense Combinatorial Structures
Shtok Joseph 2012 Michael Elad, Michael Zibulevsky, Abstracts Adaptive Reconstruction Algorithms in Computed Tomography
Volkovich Ilya 2012 Amir Shpilka Abstracts Polynomial Identity Testing and its Relation to some Algebraic Problems
Rubinstein Ron 2012 Michael Elad Abstracts Analysis and Synthesis Sparse Modeling Methods in Image Processing
Sagy Guy 2012 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Geometric Methods for Analyzing and Monitoring Large Distributed Data
Kogan Alex 2012 Roy Friedman Abstracts Utilizing Multiple Radio Interfaces in Wireless Networks
Maman Itay 2012 Joseph Gil Abstracts Formal Patterns in Java Programs
Osherovich Eliyahu 2012 Irad Yavneh, Michael Zibulevsky, Abstracts Numerical Methods for Phase Retrieval
Mazzawi Hanna 2011 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Reconstructing Graphs Using Edge Counting Queries
Aleksandrowicz Gadi 2011 Gill Barequet Abstracts Enumeration of Lattice Animals
Ben-Zvi Ido 2011 Yoram Moses Abstracts Causality, Knowledge and Coordination in Distributed Systems
Vaxman Amir 2011 Gill Barequet Abstracts General Techniques for Interpolation, Reconstruction and Morphing of Polyhedral Surfaces
Tamir Levy 2011 Ami Litman Abstracts On Merging Networks
Silberstein Natalia 2011 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Coding Theory and Projective Spaces
Averbouch Ilia 2011 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Completeness and Universality Properties of Graph Invariants and Graph Polynomials
Friedman Arie 2011 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Katz Emilia 2011 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Analysis and Detection of Interactions among Aspects
Chen Rafael 2011 Eli Biham Abstracts New Techniques for Cryptanalysis of Cryptographic Hash Functions
Hillel Eshcar 2011 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Concurrent Data Structures: Methodologies and Inherent Limitations
Aizikowitz Tamar 2011 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Synchronized Alternating Pushdown Automata
Protter Matan 2011 Michael Elad Abstracts Processing Images Sequences without Motion Estimation
Raskin Leonid 2010 Michael Lindenbaum, Mhchael Rudzesky, Abstracts Dimensionality Reduction for 3D Articulated Body Tracking and Human Action Analysis
Gordon Noam 2010 Alfred Bruckstein, Israel Wagner, Abstracts Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Multi-Agent Robotics
Silberstein Mark 2010 Dan Geiger, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts A Distributed System for Genetic Linkage Analysis
Sandler Roman 2010 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Segmentation Analysis
Weber Ofir 2010 Gershon Elber, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Hybrid Methods for Interactive Shape Manipulation
Holtzman Gazit Michal 2010 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Multi Level Methods for Data Completion
Censor Hillel Keren 2010 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Probabilistic Methods in Distributed Computing
Bercovici Sivan 2010 Dan Geiger Abstracts Mapping by Admixture Linkage Disequilibrium: New Criteria and Algorithms
Yadgar Avraham 2010 Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts New Approaches to Model Checking and to 3-Valued Abstraction and Refinement
Altshuler Yaniv 2010 Alfred Bruckstein, Israel Wagner, Abstracts Multi Agents Robotics in Dynamic Environments
Kapchits Boris 2010 Reuven Cohen Abstracts On the Optimization of Wake-Up Frequencies in Sensor Networks
Shoham Buchbinder Sharon 2009 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Abstraction-Refinement and Modularity in Mu-Calculus Model Checking
Landau Alexander 2009 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Efficient Schemes for Estimating the Number of Affected Nodes in Very Large Networks
Sharon Itai 2010 Oded Beja, Ron Pinter, Abstracts Computational Methods for Metagenomic Analysis
Pechyony Dmitry 2009 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Theory and Practice of Transductive Learning
Shagin Konstantin 2009 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Execution of Monolithic Java Programs on Large Non-Dedicated Collections of Commodity Workstations
Frishman Yaniv 2009 Ayellet Tal Abstracts Graph Drawing Algorithms in Information Visualization
Engelberg Roee 2009 Joseph Naor Abstracts Stability in Multi-Agent Environments and Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Graph Problems
Gronau Ilan 2009 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees from Noisy Metrics
Tan Tony 2009 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Pebble Automata for Data Languages: Separation, Decidability and Undecidability
Ben-Chen Mirela 2009 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Discrete Geometric Algorithms for Mesh Processing
Mishali Oren 2010 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Using Aspects to Support the Software Process
Kliot Gabriel 2009 Roy Friedman Abstracts Probabilistic Middleware Services in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Begelman Grigory 2009 Ehud Rivlin, Michael Zibulevsky, Abstracts Processing and Interpretation of Biological Microscopical Images
Blayvas Ilya 2009 Ron Kimmel, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts On Accuracy Analysis of 3D Scanners, Binarization, and Machine Learning
Tal Ido 2009 Ronny Roth, Tuvi Etzion, Abstracts Coding and Bounds for Two-Dimensional Constraints
Katzir Liran 2008 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Scheduling Algorithms for Efficient Delivery of Synchronous Traffic in Wireless Access Networks
Cohen Rami 2008 Dan Raz Abstracts Internet Topology: From the Discovery Process to the Real Picture
Barkol Omer 2008 Yuval Ishai, Ronny Roth, Abstracts Locally Decodable Codes and Their Applications
Esmeir Saher 2008 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Anytime Algorithms for Learning Anytime Classifiers
Sharfman Izchak 2009 Assaf Schuster Abstracts A Geometric Approach to Detecting Global Properties over Distributed Data
Yahalom Orly 2008 Eldar Fischer Abstracts Topics in Property Testing over Massively Parameterized Models
Nakibly Gavriel 2008 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Traffic Engineering in IP and MPLS Networks
Kravtsov Valentin 2009 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Service-Based Resource Brokering for Grid-Based Applications
Lerner Ronen 2008 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Constrained Pose and Motion Estimation
Rokhlenko Oleg 2008 Ron Pinter Abstracts Algorithms for Labeled Graph Matching with Applications to Systems Biology
Drabkin Vadim 2008 Roy Friedman Abstracts Dependable Communication Protocols in Ad-Hoc Networks
Leichter Ido 2008 Ehud Rivlin, Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Visual Tracking in a General Context via Tracker Combination and Low-Level Cues
Hanniel Iddo 2008 Gershon Elber Abstracts Robust Arrangements and Voronoi Diagrams of Free-form Curves and Surfaces
Amzallag David 2008 Joseph Naor, Dan Raz, Abstracts Approximation Algorithms For Optimization Problems in Future Cellular Networks
Zemach Tamar 2008 Marius Ungarish Abstracts Simulations of Non-Homogeneous Flow Fields Subject to Rotation and Gravity Effects
Matsliah Arie 2008 Eldar Fischer Abstracts Property Testing and Combinatorial Approximation
Artishchev-Zapolotsk Maria 2008 Yefim Dinitz, Shimon Even (Deceased), Ami Litman, Abstracts Compact Layouts for Some Interconnection Networks
Ben Avi Gilad 2008 Yoad Winter Abstracts Types and Meanings in Intensionality, Selection and Quantifier Scope
Bogomjakov Alexander 2008 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts GPU-Assisted Geometry Processing for Novel View Synthesis from Depth Video
Buchbinder Niv 2008 Joseph Naor Abstracts Designing Competitive Online Algorithms via a Primal-Dual Approach
Scalosub Gabriel 2007 Joseph Naor, Dan Raz, Adi Rosen, Abstracts Routing and Scheduling Problems in Data Networks
Koren Yair 2007 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Multiscale Methods for Image Processing
Bronstein Michael 2007 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Isometry-Invariant Surface Matching: Numerical Algorithms and Applications
Hay David 2007 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Competitive Evaluation of Switch Architectures
Bronstein Alexander 2007 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Objects: Embedding Problems
Wexler Ydo 2007 Dan Geiger Abstracts Variational Approximations for Probabilistic Graphical Models
Lipson Doron 2007 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Computational Aspects of DNA Copy Number Measurement
Skachek Vitaly 2007 Ronny Roth Abstracts Low-Density Parity-Check Codes: Constructions and Bounds
Zohar Ron 2007 Dan Geiger Abstracts Flow Conservation Group Tracking
Nir Tal 2007 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Topics in Motion Analysis
Moran Shiri 2007 Ami Litman Abstracts Rate Based Sequences and Smooth Scheduling
Cohen Tal 2007 Joseph Gil Abstracts Applying Aspect-Oriented Software Development to Middleware Frameworks
Gontmakher Alex 2007 Assaf Schuster Abstracts An Architecture and Programming Model for Extremely Fine Grain Parallelization
Avraham Tamar 2007 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Visual Attention Processes based on Stochastic Models: Algrorithms and Bounds
Applebaum Benny 2007 Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Abstracts Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time
Kenigsberg Dan 2007 Tal Mor Abstracts Classicality and Quantumness in Quantum Information Processing
Paz Harel 2006 Erez Petrank, Hillel Kolodner, Abstracts Efficient Memory Management for Servers
Ackerman Eyal 2006 Gill Barequet, Ron Pinter, Abstracts Counting Problems for Geometric Structures: Rectangulations, Floorplans, and Quasi-Planar Graphs
Melamed Roie 2006 Idit Keidar Abstracts Scalable Services for Dynamic Wide-Area Environments
Ben-Zaken Zilberstei Chaya 2006 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Spotting Regulatory Elements by Micro-Arrays
Spira Alon 2006 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Geometric Image Evolution on Parametric Surfaces
Schein Sagi 2006 Gershon Elber Abstracts Trivariate Functions in Solid Modeling, Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics
Hadad Erez 2006 Roy Friedman Abstracts Architectures for Fault-Tolerant Middleware Services
Gabrilovich Evgeniy 2006 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Feature Generation for Textual Information Retrieval Using World Knowledge
Halevy Shirley 2006 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Topics in Property-Testing
Dunkelman Orr 2006 Eli Biham Abstracts Techniques for Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
Swidan Firas 2006 Ron Pinter Abstracts Comparative Genomics: from Accurate Mapping to Sorting by Weighted Reversals and Repeat-Annotated Phylogenies
Aharon Michal 2006 Michael Elad Abstracts Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation of Signals
Barkan Elad Pinhas 2006 Eli Biham Abstracts Cryptanalysis of Ciphers and Protocols
Salom Mordohay 2006 Shmuel Zaks Abstracts Optimal Design Problems for Optical Networks
Soldea Octavian 2006 Ehud Rivlin, Gershon Elber, Abstracts Functional Reasoning in Image Understanding
Finkelstein Lev 2005 Shaul Markovitch, Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Offline Scheduling of Anytime Algorithms
Nossenson Ronit 2005 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Stochastic Models for Web Servers
Greenspan Gideon Dov 2005 Dan Geiger Abstracts A Bayesian Network Model of Haplotype Block Variation: Inference and Application
Sazbon Didi 2005 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Sensory Based Navigation Motivated by Biological Systems
Yeger-Lotem Esti 2005 Ron Pinter, Hanah Margalit, Abstracts Computational Analysis of Integrated Networks of Transcription Regulation and Protein-Protein Interactions
Chuzhoy Julia 2004 Joseph Naor Abstracts Hardness of Approximation and New Approximability Classes
Karni Zachi 2004 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts 3D Mesh Processing Using Spectral Methods
Schwartz Moshe 2004 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Tilings, Anticodes, and Multidimensional Coding
Snir Sagi 2004 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Computational Issues in Phylogenetic Reconstruction: Analytic Maximum Likelihood Solutions, and Convex Recoloring
Heyman Tamir 2004 Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Distributed Symbolic Model Checking
Zibin Yoav 2004 Joseph Gil Abstracts Efficient Algorithms for the Runtime Environment of Object Oriented Languages
Fishelson Ma'ayan 2004 Dan Geiger Abstracts Efficient Genetic Linkage Computations for General Pedigrees
Rusakov Dmitry 2004 Dan Geiger Abstracts Bayesian Networks: Model Selection and Applications
Berengolts Alexander 2004 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Quantitative Approach for Characterizing the Difficulties of Visual Tasks
Wolff Ran 2004 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Data Mining in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Goldenberg Roman 2003 Ehud Rivlin, Ron Kimmel, Abstracts Motion Based Recognition
Resmerita Stefan 2003 Michael Heymann, Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts A Multi-Agent Approach to Control of Multi-Robotic Systems
Surazhsky Vitaly 2003 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Morphing Piecewise Linear Shapes Using Convex Representations
Lempel Ronny 2003 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Link Structure Analysis and Query Result Caching in Web Search Engines
Freund Ari 2003 Joseph Naor Abstracts On-Line and Off-Line Approximation Algorithms for Various Resource Allocation and Scheduling Problems and for the Multiway Cut Problem
Zlochin Mark 2003 Yoram Baram Abstracts Adaptive Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Inference
Glusman Marcelo 2003 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Mechanizing Proofs of Computation Equivalence
Rawitz Dror 2003 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Combinatorial and LP-Based Methods for Designing Approximation Algorithms
Sihman Marcelo 2003 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Language and Proof Support for Superimpositions and Aspects
Agbaria Adnan 2002 Roy Friedman Abstracts Reliability in High Performance Distributed Computing Systems
Felstaine Eyal 2002 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Scalable Routing in Hierarchical ATM Networks
Vitenberg Roman 2002 Roy Friedman Abstracts Internet Wide Caching of Distributed Objects
Bustan Doron 2002 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Equivalence-Based Reductions and Checking for Preorders
Becker Ann 2002 Dan Geiger Abstracts Inference Algorithms with Application to Genetic Analysis
Ruckenstein Gitit 2002 Ronny Roth Abstracts Error Decoding Strategies for Algebraic Codes
Konopnicki David 2001 Oded Shmueli Abstracts The Taming of the Web: Querying, Integration and Advanced E-Commerce Applications
Moss Anna 2001 Joseph Naor, Yuval Rabani, Abstracts High Profit for Low Cost: Approximation Algorithms in Mode-Weighted Graphs
Fouren Arie 2001 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Adaptive Wait-Free Algorithms for Asynchronous Shared- Memory Systems
Eiron Nadav 2001 Shai Ben-David Abstracts Computational Learning in Models for Noisy Environments
Gilboa Niv 2001 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Topics in Private Information Retrieval
Tamir Tamar 2001 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Class-Constrained Resource Allocation Problems
Nelken Ran 2001 Nissim Francez Abstracts Questions, Time and Natural Language Interfaces to Temporal Databases
Eilam Tamar 2000 Shlomo Moran, Shmuel Zaks, Abstracts Cost versus Quality: Tradeoffs in Communication Networks
Kupershtok Ahron 2000 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts Some Improved Layouts for Interconnection Networks
Yorav Karen 2000 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Automatic Verification
Lorenz David 1999 Joseph Gil Abstracts Compilation of Source Code into Object-Oriented Patterns
Ishai Yuval 2000 Hugo Krawczyk, Eyal Kushilevitz, Abstracts Private Computation and Correlated Randomness
Ravve Elena 1999 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Decomposition of Databases with Translation Schemes
Wagner Israel 1999 Alfred Bruckstein, Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Ant Robotics: Search, Exploration and Covering in Multi-a(Ge)Nt Systems
Itzkovitz Ayal 1999 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Distributed Shared Memory: Bridging the Granularity Gap
Carmel David 1998 Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Model-Based Learning of Interaction Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems
Rotics Udi 1999 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Efficient Algorithms for Generally Intractable Graph Problems Restricted to Specific Classes of Graphs
Ben-Dor Amir 1998 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Constructing Radiation Hybrid Maps of the Human Genome
Zosin Leonid 1998 Joseph Naor Abstracts Relaxed Multi-Commodity Flow and Its Application to the Design of Approximation Algorithms
Minkov Eli 1998 Marius Ungarish Abstracts A Numerical Study of the Flow Around Particles in Rotating Fluid
Kamon Yshay 1998 Ehud Rivlin, Elon Rimon, Abstracts Locally Optimal Sensor Based Robot Navigation
Fayman Jeffrey 1998 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Reliable, Robust and Effective Active Vision
Sudarsky Oded 1998 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Dynamic Scene Occlusion Culling
Wintner Shalom 1997 Nissim Francez Abstracts An Abstract Machine for Unification Grammars with Applications to an HPSG Grammar for Hebrew
Amir Arnon 1997 Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts A Quantitative Approach to Perceptual Grouping in Computer Vision
Dichterman Eli 1996 Shay Ben David Abstracts Learning with Restricted Focus of Attention
Rappoport Lihu 1997 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Lock-Free Implementations in the Asynchronous Shared-Memory Model
Hollander Yona 1996 Alon Itai Abstracts Search Algorithms for Cache Memory
Gerstel Ornan 1996 Adrian Segall, Shmuel Zaks, Abstracts Virtual Path Design in ATM Networks
Rachman Ophir 1996 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Decision Problems for Implementing Distributed Snapshots
Beimel Amos 1996 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Secure Schemes for Secret Sharing and Key Distribution
Kupferman-Bernholtz Orna 1995 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Model Checking for Branching-Time Temporal Logics
Even Guy 1995 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Design of VLSI Circuits Using Retiming
Petrank Erez 1995 Oded Goldreich Abstracts Knowledge Complexity versus Computational Complexity and the Hardness of Approximations
Bittan Sara 1995 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Lower Bounds on the Sizes of Constant Weight Error Correcting Codes
Sharon Oran 1994 Adrian Segall Abstracts Protocols for Spatial and Slot Reuse in Bus Networks
Shabtay Lior 1994 Adrian Segall Abstracts Memory Efficient Network Synchronization Techniques
Goldin Lea 1994 Daniel Berry Abstracts An Environment for Aiding Requirements Analysts in Requirements Elicitation for Large Software Systems
Friedman Roy 1994 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Consistency Conditions for Distributed Shared Memories
Shifroni Eyal 1993 Uzi Ornan, Abstracts Flexible User Modeling in Inter Active Guidence System
Pnueli Yachin 1993 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Halftone Methods: Beyond Grid Based Methods
Schwarz Avner 1992 Daniel Berry, Edna Shaviv, Abstracts Representing and Solving the Automated Bvilding Design (Abd)
Dolev Shlomo 1992 Shlomo Moran, Amos Israel, Abstracts Self Stabilization of Dynamic Systems
Weill Anne 1994 Moshe Israeli (Deceased) Abstracts Low-Communication Algorithms for the Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Message-Passing Machines
Herzberg Amir 1991 Oded Goldreich, Adrian Segall, Abstracts Communication Networks in the Presence of Faults
Fix Limor 1992 Nissim Francez Abstracts Semantics Drinen Decompositions for the Verification of
Sergio Raysbaum 1991 Abstracts On the Performance of Distributed Networks Controlled by a
Cohen Reuven 1991 Adrian Segall Abstracts Distributed Protocols for the Mac Loyer of Ring Networus
Shachnai Hadas 1991 Alon Itai, Abstracts Keeping Linear Self Organizing Lists Under Counter Schemes
Biran Ofer 1991 Shmuel Zaks, Shlomo Moran, Abstracts Distributed Tasks in the Presence of Fail-Stop Failures
Dagan Ido 1993 Uzi Ornan, Alon Itai, Abstracts Multilingual Comparison: Automatic Resolution of Ambiguitie
Sagiv Shmuel 1991 Michael Rodeh, Nissim Francez, Abstracts Circular Attribute Grammars and Their Application to Data
Krawczxk Hugo 1990 Oded Goldreich Abstracts Pseudorandomness and Compuiati Onal Difficulty
Kushilevitz Eyal 1991 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Privacy in Distributed Systems
Benedek Gyuri 1989 Alon Itai Abstracts Learnability of Concept Classes by Sampling
Wolfstahl Yaron 1989 Shlomo Moran, Shlomit Pinter, Abstracts Algorithms for Graph Embedding and Covering
Raysbaum Sergio 1991 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts On the Performance of Distributed Networks Controlled by a
Maarek Yoelle 1989 Daniel Berry Abstracts Vsing Structural Information for Managing Very Large
Taubenfeld Gadi 1988 Shlomo Moran, Shmuel Katz, Abstracts An Axiomatic Approach for Proving Impossibility Results in
Matsliach Gabriel 1991 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Design and Evaluation of Storage Stractures for Modern
Bshouty Nader 1989 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Bounds on Multiplicative Complexity of Sets of Bilinear Form